HOH: Jessica
Veto: Jessica
Nominations: Ramses, Josh
Temptation:Jessica has the power to stop one of the next 3 evictions
previously on /bb/
HOH: Jessica
Veto: Jessica
Nominations: Ramses, Josh
Temptation:Jessica has the power to stop one of the next 3 evictions
previously on /bb/
god i cant stand jody
she is so gross and dumb
They played Linkin Park for the houseguests >_______
What the fuck is wrong with Mark?
Ding, fries are done, ding, fries are done
That's terrible
Which one is Jody? From bb14?
I'd consider switching Paul and Josh, but seems alright otherwise.
So I know this isn't a survivor thread but holy shit I just finished heroes vs villains. God damn Russell is the best reality villain ever. It's a shame he's an unlikable turd to juries due to just poor likability but holy fuck he spanked rob and a bunch of other players.
Jessica and Cody should have put up Elena and Raven. That way when the veto happens, they can work together to win and there would be a greater chance that Mark or Matt might get selected and would use the veto. Pull one of them off and place them up against Paul. The second Paul leaves the game. The whole atmosphere will chance.
jason tried to dump water on alex's head and she just punched him in the gut
Cody bout to tell war stories and I gotta run to a meeting :(
>The guy was eating his meal off a frozen Chinese guy's dead chest
Cody is namedropping the marines hard, super beta
cam cutting out cody praising mattis for raven cam
what is your amazing plan for when paul gets picked to play the veto and wins it?
now you have marelena and maven mad at you too
lol is production scared of mattis talk?
Well there is a low chance of that. Paul always has chance to play veto when you try to back door him, doesn't mean you shouldn't try.
Also they had halting hex, basically no repercussions if they didn't win next week HoH. Now would've been the time for a big move.
How can Josh not be an evil retard I agree, he holds grudges for everything and cheats at all the games and Jessica was only defending Mark although he didn't deserve it, that doesn't mean Jessica deserves to be menaced all season long for speaking up. Only evil people think that they need to quell dissent by threats.
Thank God Josh wasn't allowed to go into Jess HoH room he was probably going to do something he'd regret, there is no way he is not an evil pig who wanted to feel her up or something.
Paul at least has a sense of humor and doesn't threaten Cody just understands he is his enemy on a game level but doesn't take it beyond that and neither does Cody. Cody is definitely evil though.
they always cut the feed when they discuss someone who hasnt signed a waiver. this isnt some MSM conspiracy
I love this week since it essentially will beat Cody and Jessica over the head that they can't play nice, will put Mark on a hotspot, and will evict a nobody who would've bent to Paul anyway.
uh no dude, it's obviously scared LIBTARDS
yeah well they are stupid fucks. were you actaully expecting jessica being capable of making a solid move? thats good
Mattis is literally Secretary of Defense now if Cody spoke on some classified intel BB would be in a world of shit.
but hes a big political figure
no reason to cut it out
you cant discuss living people who havnt signed a waiver.
lets say he started talking mad shit about him instead of praise...
is the herpes queen going to use the veto?
that ship sailed 24 hours ago
How can she have herpes if she is a virgin?
LOL. that skank takes more cock in a weekend than joey chesnut at a hot dog eating contest
go back to twitter
dude whats a joke LMAO
fucking neck urself reddit
i thought i was making a joke
sorry facebook
everyone is already gunning for them. Might as well have chaos. There is always a chance it can go wrong but doesn't hurt to plan it.
How is Cody evil? He does everything that needs to be done. He understands that relationships don't last long. Hell Dominique is a prime example, Mark was crying over her but still voted her out. He could have been the only one to vote against and it wouldn't have changed anything. This just shows you his character. Cody understands that everyone here is a rat trying to survive. Hell, they came crawling back to him.
Xmas admits she's getting high off Percocet
I assumed Cody was the good guy.
agreed, cody is a straight shooter. He still has beta tendencies but is trying to kill them. he is /ourguy/ through and through
The City of Chris Cornell is rolling in their grave
>43 posts
>14 IPs
lol nice """"general"""" you have here faggots
cameltoe burgers
If I recall, Russell was good when it came to playing the game itself, but had an awful social game.
he is banned from CBS for life
Why? I know when his nephew or brother (can't remember which) was on Big Brother he headbutted the chef guy, I can understand why that guy would be banned. But I don't recall Russell ever being physical.
I think cause he was a dick to them like Zach Rance was.
Probst and CBS tried their hardest to hand Rob a win with that season. It was bs.
That's pretty dumb. I have no respect for the Hantz family at all though. They're white trash.
willie hantz was kicked off BB too
basically russel said he was going to go to the reunion brandon was banned from and try to fight phillip. the entire family is banned
agree, he should be chaotic good because he does the right thing but without consulting his people. reminder that he successfully cut a deal to protect SEVEN (7!) of his people and all of them threw him under the bus because of it
also russell was leaking spoilers
other anons are correct, but he also heavily spoiled every season he was on
Oh, that's a big no-no. Pretty sure some reality shows will sue you if you leak spoilers.
russells tweets threatening phillip^^
Didn't Raven's brother get arrested for CP?
hm really makes you think....
They're amazing tv. I wish Willie stayed longer
What's he thinking?
what do you mean no?
>he unironically goes on reddit
What's he talking about?
Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of big brother 19.
Expect the unexpected.
>Alex uses uTorrent
He didn't
Who is that?
Daily reminder Dan G was the only good houseguest ever
I kind of want to harass this account but I guess I'll let it go
Him and Matt are beginning to realize Jessica is best girl.
Dan was a fucking gremlin troll in S14.
What makes you say that?
Police reports indicate he was arrested for being involved with soliciting a minor and also for having photos of a minor
What about Dick?
I'm already planning on tranny porn blasting him at some point in the future
Friendly reminder that Grodner is a fat pig
Guy's its just another girl like us
It's probably that girl who does the BB reviews with her mom
What about Rachel Reilly?
Ah. The anti-Cody poster was a girl who used Reddit. Now it makes sense
What did Cody say about women?
Literally nothing. He's one of those guys who respects women unironically
He doesn't disrespect real women. Just fatties and trannies.
Why do redditors and SJWs even bother coming here? Is it because of Trump?
What would that fat faggot have to do with it?
It's honestly boards like Sup Forums that bring normalfags here.
They are butthurt they lost so they come here to cry to the people that beat them. Before the election Sup Forums was over 90% libertarian. Now there are anti Trump redditors in every thread.
Hi Raven's parents.
>people that beat them
>90% libertarian
go back to Sup Forums
You lost, get over it. All your crying will change nothing. Go support BLM and Tumblr ya faggot
Why are chad arms so gigantic?
>90% libertarian
Maybe a year or so before the election started, but ever since the primaries /r/the_donald conservatards have been flooding in.
How could I lose when I didn't even vote? I'm guessing you are a 19 year old child living with your parents who was so excited to vote for meme magic in your first election.
>supporting any politicians
>this projection
You have /r9k/ + Sup Forums written all over you. You are the type of NEET loser that doesn't care or support anything. Get laid son, or atleast find a nice hooker like Jess