Are you guys prepared for the bankruptcy of Laika Entertainment?
Are you guys prepared for the bankruptcy of Laika Entertainment?
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>Are you guys prepared for the bankruptcy of Laika Entertainment?
How can something go bankrupt when it's wholly funded by shoe money?
What was the budget on it?
doesn't matter, it's all a vanity project by the head of Nike's kid. He just pours money into it bc he likes stop motion movies i guess
The last three films made by Laika were exactly $60 Million so ballpark this one around there.
Well, thanks Nike, that's actually a neat thing to do.
Sure, probably not the most helpful use of money but still made some quality movies.
At least that money is going to providing us with relatively mainstream animated films that typical kiddie Disney schlock.
*aren't typical kiddie, Disney schlock
that's actually really neat, thanks nike
>dad literally owns the biggest shoe company in the world
Yeah, nah.
So you're saying, without memeing, that I can support smaller budget stop-motion movies by buying fucking Nike?
Yes, but a better way to support it might be by buying a ticket to see the movie.
That's kind if roundabout but yes, I guess.
I wish I was rich enough to bankroll animated stuff I wanted.
>Only negative review on RT is some Fedora Tipper that thinks the movie is bad because it's indoctrinating people in irrational beliefs like Shintoism.
I'm going to see it even though the preview screening basically confirm it has the same problem as the Boy and the Beast where once it reaches the 70% mark it completely falls apart storytelling wise.
As long as there aren't any shitty CGI whales it should be fine
I wish more rich people wanted to make animation for fun and/or as an art.
I would think fedora tippers would praise Shintoism.
No, Fedora Tippers shit on every religion they can to show how "enlightened they are"
With the exception of Islam because they're so afraid of getting murdered.
I saw commercial on tv about the making of the film that convinced me to go watch it.
Salma Hayek did that. Unfortunately it was mediocre.
Shows hoe little you know about fedora tippers then.
I have never even heard of this looks interesting
You sound upset.
The dog that went into orbit aboard Sputnik 2 has a film studio?
im actually pretty fucking excited for this movie.
fedora tipping is about attitude, not ideology
If a dog can go to space then a dog can make a studio. In fact less humans have gone to space than made film studios.
*tips fedora*
I would totally bankroll a high quality Judge Dredd animated series.
Only if Karl Urban is voicing Dredd. And then we get in character episode commentary.
That's a shame. It'll look phenomenal, at the very least.
>Forbes named Knight the 15th richest person in the world, with an estimated net worth of US$28.1 billion
He probably makes the 75 million back in half a week or a slow week, senpai
Stallone as Rico?
>I saw commercial on tv about the making of the film
That's what they did with The Boxtrolls cause they knew the story sucked. Why the hell can't they hire some good writers?
Where I live this starts in October, pretty much the same day Trollz and Storks do
who makes this retarded decisions
also Sausage Party doesn't start at all, at least
God damn it, user. Now I'm pissed that this isn't real.
im making all my friends go opening weekend
i just want laika to succeed
It doesn't matter if they succeed. They have that sweet, sweet chinese slave labor shoe money to keep them going.
if they succeed it'll encourage more companies to try more interesting and unconventional ideas
We have a group of 10 ready to see it opening day
That's shitty, it looks pretty great.
Which was her movie?
So they do knock Islam?
The Book of Life?
Did he just give that monkey her first sexual experience by flying bird into her monkey business?
He bird raped her!
>90% so far
I'm guessing it'll settle somewhere in the 80's percentage wise. Glad it seems good.
I hope not. I recently got to go to the Coroline to Kubo exhibit we had at universal studios Hollywood and it was amazing.
Very excited for this film
Stop animation being funded by Nike and Air Jordans... what a time to be alive
And Converse. Nike owns the All Star brand.
The Prophet
>All those face plates
But no toys for this movie that have several faces. Why can't we ever have the nice thing we want.
Because the toy market was crushed by videogames.
It's kinda amazing how these films will never die because they're being produced by a rich kid
On the other hand it's kinda sad that they only exist because of a rich kid
wtf i love Nike now
But seriously really glad that he cares so much.
In theory we will never run out of these glorious Laika movies thanks to dumb nignogs who buy $600 shoes every week in trucks.
God bless you nignogs.
God bless you Nike man,
I want this movie to do good. I really like LAIKA's stop motion and want them to do more. Coraline is actually one of my favorite movies. Kubo comes out in cinemas on October 7th over here, and I guess I will try to go see it.
Though it's a little weird. The hompage is saying In cinemas September 23rd but also Premiere October 7th.
I want LAIKA to do an adaptation of Journey to the West.
I want to Laika to do a full lenght 2D feature, and I want it to be so groundbreaking the big guys will start making them again. "muh 3D" isn't that great, Avatar made these 2b only on the looks.
>Will likely be actual quality
>Will likely be snubbed for Oscar
>Will likely bankrupt Laika
S-so h-hyped...
Read the thread at least.
Laika is owned by 15th richest man on the planet, he is doing it for fun.
Money s irrelevant.
it looks only okay
Good thing is Laika won't go bankrupt, too bad probably nobody will give a single shit about this movie outside Sup Forums and it will only get some popularity once its aired on some relatively big cable channel.
Moana is going to beat it.
Will Sausage Party be nominated?
Kubo deserves nomination,but Zootopia should get the statue, it's topical, fun, thoughtful and on par with Star Wars when it comes to world building.
And I am not even a disney fag, frozen, bh6 , tangled all were dogshit. And their newest marvel/star wars/pixar sequels are mediocre toy sellers.
Not with the orgy it ain't
And it'll be a cold day in hell before they acknowledge an animated stoner comedy
I just saw zootopia the other day, I liked it but I couldn't see the hype behind it, am I missing something?
some normie friends of mine seen the trailer but don't want to watch it because it looks too chinese
You aren't a furry.
I liked the fact they used giant air conditioners to between tundra town/sahara square.
the explanation why nick was such a dick, for like 20 years he had to pretend to be someone he never wanted to be.
The bunny realizing the world is broken and that racism is even inside deep inside her.
> 2 weeks to make 3 seconds of film
better be worth it
well the animation was incredible, and the attention to detail and level of creativity in creating the world is what got a lot of people. story wise the characters were all charming and expressive, a lot of people just genuinely enjoyed watching the movie for the physical performance. theres a lot to love about that movie aside from the comedy or main plot
No, I also think it is extremely overrated.
It was beautiful visually but otherwise really simple and boring.
Do not forget it is poster movie for furries.
Tangled was the last movie from Disney I really enjoyed.
You mean that new Disney Princess movie where the main attraction is heroine's sidekick?
Also consider that Laika has a commercial division in addition to the feature film one, so they get money from that too.
What did he mean by this?
fucking lol
Its totally overrated. The only reason its hyped now is because before it released it wasn't well known for what the hell it was going to be. Only time I even saw an add for it was going into a marvel movie- once.
> Some of the scenes that show Shinto (or Shinto-inspired) rituals concerning deceased elders and the acceptance of mortality are, admittedly, interesting, but I’m not inclined to give a pass to a family film that indoctrinates an irrational belief system just because it’s novel. It’s one thing to say “this is what some people believe”, but another to say, as this film does, “this is the way”.
Fedora tipping atheism, the very rare non-Christian, non-Islam variant. It'll be interesting to see if there's any "that's racist" backlash.
ah yes, the piss poor promotion of this movie, it was treated like side dish before Finding Dory and Moana.
For some it might look like series of scenes where animals badmouth each other with fox behaving like utter faggot, bit it's much more smarter than that.
>With the exception of Islam because they're so afraid of getting murdered.
The creator was a warlord who killed captives and fucked a 9 year old. Also, you're behind a computer, what's there to be afraid of?
>Movie set in a time period where a certain religion is at its highest
>Doesn't expect it to be shown as the normal way of doing things
As someone who fully believe that religion should be looked at with skepticism to some degree, this shit is fucking dumb. It's like seeing a movie set in the south doing the early 1800s, and not expect slavery to be seen as a relatively normal thing.