yummy fit stronk nordic asses in slow motion
You like nordic asses?
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Brazil bunda > rest
>horse face
>orange skin
Why are Nordics so disgusting
Slav girls are better
Whats up with nordics with tan skin? It honestly looks fucking repulsive
Couldn't agree more
Looks weird as fuck
THIS, THIS, THIS. I love women from all races, countries, backgrounds whatever really, but latina women are fucking goddesses.
They want to look like niggers so they go sunbathing like crazy. No wonder they have one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world despite the lack of sunshine.
Oslo is honorary mediterranean city
Nordics are probably the only people that should never tan in their entire lives. Their skin just turns into a vomit inducing orange-red colour and it looks like they just came out of a sewer all covered in shit. The only people who should stay white.
Mediterraneans don't get skin cancer
White people that can't tann shouldn't be in the sun,They turn red and think they're okay.
It looks particularly bad when they have light blonde hair like in OP
lmao nigga looks like tidus
skin cancer is fun you german ass wipe.
You are still trolling around my little friend from earlier, do you not believe that should should do something productive instead? By all means be welcome to fuck around on Sup Forums, but come on. I left hours ago, and now, when i'm back, you are still around to mess with the Nordic master race!
How about a little walk before bed, just a short one with a peaceful cigarette, as i now you guys smoke and get leukemia as much as we get skin cancer from our bad habits.
I care about you user, go get married to a couple of black tents, go trade some camels or maybe burn some western flags, for god know what reason these days. Just don't trap yourself indoors, alone.
>getting this BTFO
It's ok, even though you guys can't tan you're very good at being white. Just stay white. Thnx for the tips btw.
That i do agree with, but, at least you can easily point out whores, or if your fetish is just that, you can just by a look, decide that a condom is strictly necessary. Which, von unserem got in himmel is, if a girls looks like that description.
>you will never have a qt fighter to domanite you
Er du ok user?
yeah i know, in two months time my ears will hurt, because i'm on of few that is a lot outside, so i will get that April early sun burn. But, bright side is that i will not get fried first day on the beach, i do consider that a pro.
You need to accept the fact that Nordics are subhumans
Dont see a problem with it, maybe you should ask yourself why you find yourself in germany rather than turkey
hehe, jeg stodte på ham tre-fire gange tidligere i dag, hvor han havde de mest halvhjertede forsog på at trolle de verse master race tråde, og fik en diskussion med ham. Som du kan se er den en meget passiv agressiv kamp vi kore. Måske prover vi vores indre kvinder af, for vi går fuld på hormoner, det jo så moderne, og angiveligt ikke spor bosset.
I like you, you seem like a pretty nice friend. Just make sure to put sunscreen on your skin before you go to the beach :)
You do realise, that the real German race, the ones who fought for the purity and faith of all of Europe, lived in Koningsberg, where you by the state of your flag, do not live you sad, traumatized kebab eating soulless fighter, for a cause you by default can no be a part of. antic and modern crusades is over, however successful the Germans was, one statistic is clear, as soon as old Prussia fell away from German hands, there was nothing left but filth.
>he thinks norwegians can't tan kek
you have no idea, factor 30+ is needed. Australians died by the animals, but since our civilized society have got rid of all evil in nature back in the middle ages, we had to develop something to keep is unsafe, first crusading, then was about clay and know the sun it self, praise the lord in the sky! Much like your cousins in arms kill god knows whoever these day, it seriously just seems like they sit down on Wednesday, and roll a dice on who to target, and just do it in lack of personal development or institutional innovation.
Seriously, how bad is life in your neighborhood? i live next door to Sweden, where your brothers in faith is running a 20 year old gang war, that started over a a girl that left a Persian for a Sudan Muslim (guess what they might have had in difference, according to young sluts)
I have gone from being pro-immigration, to just straight up against it. Two things seems clear, we, EU as a whole, can not administrate it, and, all middle-eastern/African refugees are so fucked up, that they cannot function before at least three generations of rehabilitation. I should surely seems like Syria would be an Utopia when the war is over, as i must conclude that all the strong, well behaved and motivated people are still there.
I saw a green-eyed blonde woman who was red, beautiful, but red skin caused me some kind of disgust.She simply is not meant to stay in the sun.
>Seriously how bad is life in your neighborhood?
It's shit. I live right next to somalis that keep doing everything in their power to make my life hell for some reason and they don't ever seem to fuck off. I'm aware that not all black people are like this, just these ones specifically, but I like to vent about them on here it's like therapy for me.
I don't really know how bad the refugee situation is in European countries but you're right, the only ones who leave their country and and go to seek asylum in yours are generally the ones who couldn't make it here in the first place. The majority of your refugees are people who would have to face consequences if they were here, but they enjoy the special status quo that is being given to them by being a refugee, that's why they go there. I sure do hope the war in Syria ends and everybody just goes back to their daily lives instead of this whole refugee mess everywhere. How are refugees personally, have you ever interacted with one of them?
Maybe the green eyed blonde enjoys being red, think about that
I have talked to a lot of refugees, a few, only the young, seemed to "be ok" when considering all the aspects of a person i judge by. I hired one, he's cool, and i do not what a single one to get fucked up if it could be prevented. I've met some eastern European refugees as well, they have been here for a long time, but so have the turks, and they seemed much more integrated and well behaved than the ones we "receive" now.
The blacks we have outside of Copenhage are generally all good to, nice people, but the ones in copenhagen is either illegal imigrants that fucks things up, or people that have been granted asylum because they are gay or something similar, and they appear to get so messed up on liberal cock/pussy usage and their primal tradition and upraising. I have not met a single nice black person in Copenhagen, which in general can be considered refugees. But i have met them outside, in school and in the smaller cities.
We should, the whole EU, close the borders right now, for our own, but also the immigrants best interest.
>The blacks we have outside of Copenhage are generally all good to, nice people, but the ones in copenhagen is either illegal imigrants that fucks things up, or people that have been granted asylum because they are gay or something similar, and they appear to get so messed up on liberal cock/pussy usage and their primal tradition and upraising.
Lol. Here it's the exact same, we kept getting so many illegal immigrants from countries like ethiopia and eritrea (I have no idea why those two countries), I even asked an ethiopian household maid who works here and she admitted herself that all of them come here illegally beccause it's the easiest way and they can't afford a legal visa. It got so bad that saudi and qatar to cut off immigration from these countries for a few months and they sent them back. Now they reopened immigration for them again but they still keep coming in illegally.
Also what are the ages of most of the refugees who come to your country? What do they usually work as?
I just got skin cancer Fritz. Wat do?
No if she was it her natural skin tone she would be perfect
Norway is the land of womens freedom. They couldn't care less what others think about them. They do what they think is nice