How the chemical jew ruined my life

—— How the chemical jew ruined my life. ——

>Be me
>Be educated, fit, wide social circle
>Join the military.
>Get a job after military.
>Get a fiancé.
>Life seems to be smiling.
>Start losing my hair.
>Get told the only medication that can help is Finasteride.
>Take finasteride.
>Start becoming grumpy.
>Start growing man boobs.
>Argue with everyone. Even my fiancé.
>Break up. All alone, no friends, no girl.
>Start googling.
>Find out that finasteride stops testosterone production, increases estrogen.
>Literally a drug used by people taking sex change.
>Life ruined. Miserable, fat and am literally now a woman in a mans body.
>Can't even get a boner, feel like a cuck.

Help me, Sup Forums. I'm gonna end it all. The pharmaceutical kikes ruined my life. Let my failure serve as a lesson to everyone considering this drug for treatment of hair loss.

Other urls found in this thread:

should just accept baldness. Shave it clean

Don't blame pills, blame yourself. Take ownership of your failure. Your problem was being so self-conscious about your hair loss that you took medication in the first place. I'm going prematurely bald, and it took me all of three months to not only come to terms with it, but embrace my new aesthetic. Sorry to hear you fucked up your body, but the only way you're going to love life again is not by becoming embittered against some perceived slight: you've got to accept where you are now and start working to change it.

He has a full head of hair now, might as well keep it.

You should've used Google first you idiot (although you have to dig beneath the thousands of shill sites that cover up the search results).

Search for opinions on forums instead. Guys are literally dying from taking that shit for years.

Literal poison to a man's body (Rogaine etc is just as bad).

>thinking you won't get jewed by the chemical jew

>see doc
>get testosterone levels checked
>find they're way too low
>get yourself a prescription for some testosterone
>apply gel daily or get shots weekly
>feel normal again in a month or two

Just do it.

>Starting to take finasterid without researching it.
Retard. That shit drug stalls your hairloss but fucks with your hormon balance and prostate.

The jew didn't ruin your life. You did because you're superficial. It's better to just embrace the bald life. Even more so when we nords almost always thin out because genes.

Hope you atleast have close check up calls with your doc.

>continue taking the drugs
>grow your new hair out
>grow you new boobs too
>feel your muscles wither away as your body fat redistributes to your hips and thighs
>get up the courage to cut off your now useless microdick
>manage to not bleed out
>put on makeup, fake nails, high heels and become your ex-fiance
>fuck strangers until they poz your neghole and die from aids in a heroine induced haze

Do you have nice hair now? I have shit hair... I wish there was something I could do about it. I know everyone just says I should shave it, but I'm also a manlet, I really don't think that short and shaved head makes for a good look. I do work out a lot, so I'm not too worried about man tits.

I took an antidpressant for a couple weeks before quitting cold turkey. If you feel that bad coming off it you shouldn't be on it to begin with.

My hair is thinning and hairline is receding. Anything I can do besides just shave it off?

Sorry I know what anime this is from

Go for that Gimli look bruv

Why didn't you use Minoxidil like a normal fucking person? That shit actually works.

wait it out and the sides might reverse, at least the neurological ones. Trust me, I've been hit harder by a different chemical but I have recovered pretty good. Godspeed.

Life threw you some shit but you gotta solve it out. Leave suicide as a last resort btw, if you decide to throw it all in, why not try and roid up (Inject T), become a beast?

Not worry about it. Women don't notice, only bitchy men do.

Back when my receding hairline started around 17 or so I freaked out and thought I'd be fully bald in a matter of years, as it turns out it's a very gradual process, only a Norwood 2 right now at 22 and it's slowing

considered finasteride early on but didn't want to lose my DHT, I've read that it influences your bone development during puberty, as well as libido and beard growth, and didn't want to fuck with that

kind of glad I didn't reading some of these accounts, probably going to start Nizoral shampoo soon though to see if I can slow the balding process down further and make it out of my 20's with this head of hair


fucking seriously

Accept baldness. There is nothing you can do about that doesn't have side effects that are absolutely not worth it.

hairlosstalk . com has forums, check them out

I've been on propecia foryears...when I stop taking that shit my hair falls out like mad

Shave head, lift weights you giant faggot. christ.

>blindly take pill for cosmetic reasons without doing any research
>"waaaah side effects are baaaaad I feel for the chemical jeeeewww"

btw needless to say, if you wanna have a shot at this and you value your body versus your hair you must quit immediately.

Just wait and see the nice drugs they have in store for you if you get prostate cancer
> chemical castration with LHRH agonists 6-12 months (or for life)
> prostate removal with permanent ED

>I really don't think that short and shaved head makes for a good look.
u some kind of faggot? make yourself presentable and get on with your life

better die if I get that shit desu

>1 post by this ID.

Second identical thread about male pattern baldness on a politics board in the last 4 hours.

Talk to lawyers, they love cases like this.

>chemical castration

I would immediately take a fully bald head over losing my manhood lmao, a thousand times

guess that shows how much I would ever want to be a woman

i got a drawer full of that shit. been taking it for a year and haven't noticed any side effects (barely any effects to begin with; could be sugar pills for all i know). this thread is fucking with me a bit but i've been a skinnyfat grumpy tired mess since middle school so i'm not too worried.

Drink beer. It helps regrow hair.

We're not in USA burgerboy. We nords can't sue anyone for everything. Also op took a pill with known side effects voluntarily so there is no case.

Dudes have been trying to figure this shit out since Plato's days, senpai. Even back then they figured it had something to do with your nuts, but whether that means general nut health, jerking off less, jerking off more, semen retention, whatever, who the fuck knows.

The golden rules are 1) the more bald you are the closer you should crop your hair. 2) don't be bald and skinny at the same time

Honestly i've been taking finasteride for 2 years now and its done wonders for my hairline. Tbh OP is part of the extreme minority of people that get side affects from fin. ALso coupe it with minoxodil and biotin/saw palmetto and your hair will be better than it is now senpai.

Tranny here.

Finasteride is very rarely used as an anti-androgen for trans people. Some use it along side with their other pills to try and prevent hairloss, but often enough just regular HRT is enough to stop it.

I personally take Cyprotone Acetate. But you're still a fucking moron for not researching the side effects of Propecia.

desu senpai couple minoxodil and fin and they're like a hairloss stopping duo, OP is part of the extreme minority that suffers sides from fin.

Ten months into fin and it definitely fucked with my energy levels for a while there. If it starts to mess with my dick I'm just going to drop that shit.

Shit, in ten years we'll all be getting $200 robotic hair transplants at a mall kiosk anyway.

Thats chemically impossible OP, and funnily enough it actually increases your test levels as it prevents it from being converted into dihydrotestosterone which is what causes baldness.

Take a look at

So oddly enough youve done no research before or after taking it

Sorry, that should have been Cyproterone Acetate. My bad.

By eating unhealthy your body starts to produce estrogen. It can also be produced through other factors, say medicines or products that contains xenoestrogens. Some ways to reverse the process is to eat enough fiber, vitamins (especially B) and exercise.

Well, you're screwed, but you're still alive, right? Society will see you as ugly, but why not go the full way, and become a hideous monster? Half-assing it is for losers! All it takes is applying some acid to your face, and you'll become the talk of the monster mash; you'll be a graveyard smash! People won't look at you with disdain, and contempt, but fear and horror! People will whisper about you, and you'll become the center of attention.


So lesson of the day is don't be a bitch and use drugs to solve a non-issue. Be a man shave your head and don't be a shallow self absorbed faggot obsessed over ones appearance. Did that sum it up op?


Seriously, just go bald. Just keep a nice bald head and you will have 0 problems

but then you have to shave that shit every four days.

fuck it just let it grow and be a man like pic related

I feel like I'm the only person here who's actually benefited from finasteride. OP it sucks that you sufferred side affects from it but for the majority of people that take it , it really works. If you take it with minoxodil + biotin + saw palmetto your hair will be protected from any mean DHT in the future.

I just took biotin to make it grow faster during the shed senpai

>not using rogane

you tried to play god now god has fucked you in the ass

how many pills do you take?

That is the most pathetic forum I have ever been on. I still feel ashamed for going on it. Bunch of whiny emasculated pussies crying over their hair.

Shave your fucking head and get jacked, you donuts.

I don't vet you people

Im 25 now my first gray hairs appeared with about 17 now i have a good amount of em on each side of my head and i never considered coloring it or to do anything against it

Just take it it's your body that reacts to your surroundings and general way of life
It's what makes you a human and unique, not only scars can tell storys of your past my friend

Anyways kill your self you trans mongloid no one loves or cares about you

>I'm gonna end it all.
kek, you could just do testosterone replacement therapy. stop being so overdramatic, you big babby

Long, thick hair instills vanity in the owner. Only a bald person can truly let go of narcissism.

Do you remember that TNG episode where Picard was embarrassed about his baldness and let it affect his resolve? Me neither.

He looks like a humongous faggot though

My friend has been shaving his head since he was 25 - had zero negative comments from women back then

At 30 he became bald and you could see that on his head as his scalp had a different color than the rest - every female he was interested in commented on his baldness.

At 32 he got that fake pigmentation tattoo which hides the differences in color - 0 complaints from women he dates or fucks

>40lvl here
i still have 75-80% of hair i used to have when i was 18

i hate both bald and hairy fags equally

Alright, now you could kys. OR ALTERNATIVELY you could man up and become a trap

I just take 1 10,000 mcg pill in the morning with a saw palmetto capsule. If you take it once every day it'll make your hair grow about 40% faster within a month

How about instead of killing yourself like a pussy you just get on hormone therapy to replace your lost testosterone

I've been on topical 5% minoxidil and using saw palmetto shampoo for a month

I've regrown what little hair I've lost with no sides.

Avoid oral stuff like the plague. You're a fucking retard OP, you just stated popping hormone pills with 0 research because someone told you to.

don't stop taking that shit, in fact take more.

get some fucking Estrogen pills from your doc, go full ham and tell him not to skimp out on the good shit or the experimental stuff.

wtf I hate women now

Stop eating pharmas lies.

Research what you put into your body, not just the drugs, but the food too.

Research how it's made, what goes into it, what it used to be used for, etc.

Or else you'll slowly cease to be yourself.

I don't know why pharma is allowed to control society in such a manner, and nobody acknowledges it.

If he's good at poker, tennis or golf, he can play women's only tournaments and clean up.

same dubs, kek commands you become a trap

Drink FUCK LOADS of soy milk and other estrogen mimics, it will enhance what you are trying to do

GET FIT, nobody likes a fat trap or a bear trap

>muh women approval
this is where you fucked up

Jesus I've been reading up on this:

Posted on October 17, 2010 by Dr. Andrew Rynne

"I want to shout this from the rooftops. However, I will shout it into cyberspace instead.

I want the ear of every young man on this planet who may be experiencing testosterone driven male pattern balding. Please listen to me. Do NOT under any circumstances even for one minute consider taking the testosterone-suppressing drug Proscar or Propecia or Finasteride to give it its chemical name for male pattern balding.

Here’s what the manufacturers Merck say on their Patient’s Product Information leaflet about Propecia: “In clinical studies for Propecia, a small number of men experienced certain sexual side effects, such as less desire for sex, difficulty in achieving an erection, decrease in the amount semen produced. Each of these side effects occurred in less than 2% of men and went away in men who stopped taking Propecia because of them.”

What jumps out at you here is that figure 2%. However, even if you accept this figure as true, and personally I do not accept it, but even if you do, to the uninitiated it might seem like a low figure. But for 2% of men on Proscar to experience serious side effects like erectile dysfunction, loss of libido and reduced volume of semen this is actually a very high and significant figure. Remember you are dealing here with a naturally occurring normal male phenomenon called ‘Male Pattern Baldness’. This is not an illness or a disease. This is a healthy normal occurrence. If in an attempt to “cure” it, you are getting a 2% rate of serious side effects, then that quite frankly is unacceptable.

been on propecia for a little over 1 year now, had a big shed over the last couple of months but it's starting to thicken up now quite noticeably. feels good. no sides either

Gray hairs are related to lack of copper in your diet. They don't necessarily determine whether or not you'll go bald soon.

I pretty much look like this right now, minus the fame and wealth. Egghead and big forehead. Im fucked.

why did you remake this shit thread you double nigger?

same man, it sucks for the minority of people that get sides, but for those who don't its hard to argue with the results



If you want those god mode aesthetics, you gotta work for it

Start going to gey bars and shit, they will help you out even if they are degenerate. And it just helps to know where the gay people in your neighborhood hang out.

33 yr old. i had globular alopecia from ? and ive taken .5 mg of finasteride every day for 6 years. used rogaine too at first for like a year. shit works, bruv. it grew back and the finasteride keeps it from falling out. its still fine hair but i cant see my scalp anymore and have had no side effects. plus its dirt cheap.

I *think* I had a loss of libido the first month or so I started. That's all I really notice. Without that stuff I'd be bald as shit. If I run out for a week or two I shed hair like crazy.

SSRIs nearly ruined me. Fucked with my big head and my little head. FUCK SSRIs

>Taking any medication at all.
>Especially for something that trivial.

So how should one go about not losing their hair?

I've heard of alot of different treatments but don't know what would be effective. I have a streak of baldness in my family and I'm concerned I'll lose mine too.

this is the first time i've seen a leaf contend for fpbp

when i was a kid i had a full head of nice curly hair. it started thinning out in college and i started full out balding soon after. do i miss it? yes. but i also don't mind shaving it close once every week or 2. really comfortable and looks decent now that i've started lifting

Does Minoxidil also fuck with your hormones

my hair started get thinner on the back of my head, not completely bald but i can notice it under a light

will try that, thanks user

Any other poor bastards take accutane?


This board is perhaps gayer than so they are gonna want to know how it worked out just in case they want to transition into nazi traps.


You can still be red pilled even if you took the pink pill.

taking a pill without reading about what it ACTUALLY does online first now days is like buying a house sight unseen. You're gonna have a bad time.

Oh im balding dude
It runs in the familie tho, everyone is bald before they hit the 30

np man, desu you have the better form of baldness. I have a big head/big forehead and it started receding at my temples so I threw in the whole kitchen sink of fin/minoxodil/biotin/palmetto. So far its working great, might get a transplant in the future.

>be a man
>be self concious
>caring about muh hairline

You were low test to begin with.

If you have a properly shaped skull you should just embrace it brother. There is no shame in being as you are. You were made in His image. Don't let yourself be convinced otherwise.

Shouldn't have taken medication for losing hair. That's just normal dude.

I only take some adhd meds when I need to and its cash. I'm sort of in a bad place right now and the doctor recommends Prozac but no way dude. Though its more difficult, I'd rather fucking work it out by excersizing, eating and whatever else.

I am going bald in the front (still have that small patch of hair, you know what I mean) and have long hair. Dubs tells me what I should do with / about it

>that feminine penis

Just try to laugh a little more at uncontrollable things that stress you out.

I know it sounds dumb.

Even if people tell you it's fine, it really isn't. Cut it short.





GET BOOB INPLANTS IF YOU WANT THEM (b/c boobs are just fun, come on now) BUT DON'T SNIP THE DICK OFF.

you can lose the balls if you want, they are mostly dead weight. BUT DON'T CUT OFF YOUR DICK.

you can never get it back and most people who like traps like the effeminate penis anyway.

Last thing:



Not that user, but should it be a buzz cut or can it be a few inches? I'm not as bad as him but my hair is rolling back a bit.

naw its all topical, also finasteride doesn't fuck with everyone this way, just people in the minority like OP