>claims to have best intelligence network in Westeros
>misses the intel on Euryon who just happened to land on Kings Landing with the greatest armada the seven kingdoms have seen
>send Yara and the sneks on their way un-escorted anyway
Claims to have best intelligence network in Westeros
>has no cock
>promise me you will tell me to my face
will he do it?
Didn't the guy who made the mountain into a zombie steal all his little birdies though?
I don't know the show can suck my dick, it's never come to close to the quality of it's first season but I'm still going to watch it REEEE
>trying to apply logic to the plot past season 2
All part of the plan
Yeah what the hell is up with him not knowing about anything?
Did he literally leave ALL his birds behind?
Btw people are asking Conleth Hill why Varys doesn't know about the White Walkers in interviews, and he doesn't have an answer for them.
I thought Varys lost his intel when he fled King's Landing with Tyrion?
Now he's just an advisor with a checkered past of failure. Which continues to be the case.
Pro tip
Yeah it birds don't work when you're on dragonstone and something happens in Kings Landing
>woman greyjoy hanged at the end