How is this possible that Sony kept her for so long and even gave her Spiderman rights after her embarrassing e-mails that are the only reason she was forced to resign?
That woman is behind major bombs: Reese Witherspoon "How do you know", Johnny Depp's "The Tourist", Adam Sandler "Jack and Jill", Will Smith's "After Earth"and the infamous Ghostbusters sheboot.
Does she have some dirt on Sony?
Amy Pascal was making $12 million/per year at Sony
Some people, usually because of family connections, just manage to fail their way up through life.
>successful woman given multiple chances while making more money that you'll ever see says a woman can't succeed in Hollywood
Gettin' kinda tired of these articles. I bet she's wearing thousand dollar shoes right now.
Sony, while we think of them as a electronics company, is really a insurance company.
Sony wasn't looking at the quality of the movies, just if they made money.
Adam Sandler made them tons of money.
So did the spiderman movies. For example, For all the cost and hype of the new spiderman movie, it on track to gross the same as ASM movies did, which cost a lot less and sony took in a bigger percentage.
Even if she wore a million dollar, she'd still look like a washed out street worker
I am honestly amazed how such an incompetent and disgusting person can lack so little insight that she considers herself some champion fighting a system rigged against her.
In a true meritocracy, Amy Pascal would've been the fuckhole to some studio boss. Not the actual boss. But this isn't a meritocracy. This is a perverse blend of nepotism and rising regressive liberal tendencies putting incompetent people in positions they don't belong.
Getting real tired of seeing women blame men for all their problems, both real and imaginary. What childish creatures.
I really, really, really want some famous woman to come out and say "hey, maybe you didn't fail because you were a woman, maybe the reason you failed is because you fucking suck at what you're trying to do".
Money laundering.
she'd be making a fuck load more if she knew what the fuck she was doing..
why are so many out of touch old haggard cunts getting top CEO tops that make decisions.
>a woman betraying the sisterhood
I'd like to see that happen.
>Amy still being this salty about the shit ghostbusters cash in not making bank
maybe next time they should actually write a script instead of just hiring some friends and hoping they can wing it on the day.
How much do prostitutes normally make?
man, she looks terrible.
Wait when she quit Sony?
It's already happening. Look at all the women in the alt-lite right now.
She comes across as a complete moron, borderline illiterate, in her emails.
Not nearly as much, especially with this look
For one who looks like her? Not much. Usually prostitutes who get that old and ugly retire or become madams managing the actual whores.
>Does she have some dirt on Sony?
Clearly. There's literally no way after the email fiasco she should have stayed around without it.
She knows where the skeletons are.
>people shocked at incompetent people making it to the top
I've worked at several large companies now, it happens allllllllll the time
It's time for people to accept climbing the corporate ladder has never been about being the best man for the job, it's always been about who you know and how many favors you're willing to give, both now and later.
B-but capitalism is supposed to be a meritocracy
Never mind that when the heat got too much for her that when she resigned and set up her own production company. Lynton and Hirai immediately signed a multi-picture deal with her and gave her the companies top film franchise to play with. The fact that Sony didn't sell to CBS when CBS was interested reeks of something going on
Where can I read those emails? Isn't some journalist or at least blogger writing book abou state of Sony?
HOW IS THIS Jew WOMAN STILL LIVING? How has she kept herself safe from the fires of Hell shes personally started?
Corporations as they are today are state creations, as far as the incentives and hurdles one has in front of himself, if eh wishes to create big things and make big money.
With that said, it IS a meritocracy, it's just that they what us goyim think they should be good at is not what corporations look for in them.