>Jewish Hungarian-American business magnate George Soros, whose company files were hacked by the same outfit that in June hacked the DNC computers, was a major contributor to anti-Israel and anti-Zionist causes, as appears from an archive of leaked documents of the DC Leaks website.
DC Leaks Publishes George Soros’ Files Showing Millions Contributed to Anti-Israel Causes
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Uhhhh so who's jewing who here?
Jew jewing Jews in order to be the alpha Jew, I think.
I really like this picture. Can I make a copy?
The reverse double-Jew...
Seldom seen, but always a treat
>a jew hates nationalistic assertiveness
I don't think this is supposed to be surprising
Secular Jews like Soros vs Traditional Jews like Israel.
Jews Jewing other Jews in order to Jew the Jew to become the big Jew.
Soros will die in 2017, no amount of goy blood will prevent this
How do we explain this?
Is he a narcissistic self-hating Jew that would betray his own people for profit?
So is he a hero to Sup Forums?
So he sold out his own?
So Jews sell out their own?
That's brutal, do anything for a shekel.
there are nationalist jews and globalist jews and the latter has no trouble fucking over the former
the common factor is that both groups want to fuck over the goys
It's certainly not the worst thing he's done to other Jews...
(((hacked files)))
I wonder who could be behind these leaks
Could it be people have differing view points regardless of religion?
just because there are a few subversive kikes running around it doesn't mean every jew is like them
what the fuck geroge
>International Jew
>Israel ones
Not the same
Didn't he stop funding of femnazis because they spread into israel?
schizophrenic kike
I thought Hungarians were based?
>Is he a narcissistic self-hating Jew that would betray his own people for profit?
Why not? He did it as a teenager for the Nazis.
For anyone who really pays attention to Soros, he's obviously anti-Israel. This is not to say he's against the existence of Israel as a state, but it is far too nationalist for his liking. His ultimate goal is one-world government.
He helped the nazis, I'm pretty sure he doesn't give a shit about Israel.
Meh, they're all internal israeli opposition groups as far as I can tell.
>just taking for granted some random website calling groups "anti-israel" and not seeing who they actually are
A lot of israeli jews are anti-zionist.
Theres conflict in the jewish community regarding zionists, Soros might be an anti-zionist jew, and might be working to free israel from zionist control? Not sure.
Most are, but not this one.
프록시 호모
Jews even invest and control their enemies, that is not unnatural.
Jews in America have forgotten that they were Jewing to protect themselves from the goyim and have turned into a full-on death cult.
Then why did he pulled the funds from the Femens when they planned a movement in Israel?
look into what zionism is
tldr he wants to turn israel to a multicultral shithole
Remember, Jews play both sides.
anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiments help Jews while they are small
its why the ADL and other Jewish organizations will point to "rising anti-semitism" in Europe and other places and be like "SEE!!!! REMEMBER TEH 6 BILLION"
Soros is merely the fall guy, only he won't actually fall. This "information"only exists as propaganda to discredit a unified jewish cabal, Soros has been built up as this bogeyman when it isn't merely him.
The jews have always been working both sides for profit, notice how "Israeli conservatives" never speak out against multiculturalism in the west, and liberal jews at best pay lip service to Palestine.
Like recently, the jews have been branding the Republicans as the true party for Israel, while distancing themselves from the Democrats in public. None of that is real though, like the news media you're being fed a narrative.
So a billionaire Jew was funding a false-flag against Israel
This is like those kikes that drew swastikas on the jewish cemetery and other assorted types of..
False flag
>False flag
False flag
>False flag
It's an investment, as always.
Spend money to make money.
The holocaust is big business after all.
>he actually thought he could out-Jew the alpha Jews
Holy kek.
israel was created by zionists, and its occupants are traditional jews. that's why 20th century zionists proxy used hitler to push European jews out of europe and used the haavara agreement to push them into bumfuck nowhere sand land. just correcting the record.
wtf i love soros now
>tldr he wants to turn israel to a multicultral shithole
Or maybe he just upset by the fact that all the gentile, uncultured, meat-head russians are turning the country into an oligarchic, militaristic shithole.
Fucking russians aren't even jewish, they should have never have let them in.
Press F to pay respects
I would believe it if not for the fact that he was hesitant before to do such, and actually pulled the funding on femen.
>hacked emails
>this is the only big story
really makes you think....
"Conservative" zionist billionaire on the left, "Liberal" zionist billionaire on the right, and Lindsey Graham in between. There isn't a true left or right wing jew in America, they are not politically aligned. They are only aligned to themselves and each other, but always at the expense of us.
>implying this isn't soros' intention
>implying this isn't a plot to shake conspiracists off his tail
hmm, really made me think.
So which are the good Jews?
Just argued about zionism today.
This disprove like everything ive said...
Fuck me..
russians have helped this country greatly
ethyopians/mizrahi/ashkenazi are in constant racial conflict and i haven't even touched on the haredim and arabs
we are divided as fuck
It's still greed. Soros is pushing communism hard
There's no business like shoah business.
>TFW you will never be able to land a haymaker on Soros's soft, shitty face
>jew everyone even yourself
Always see underneath the underneath
>russians have helped this country greatly
fuck off vlad. You're a cancer. Go back to your worthless slavic shithole.
Seriously, you people have no idea how to run a country but you don't have the humility to learn from the superior Ashkenazi culture. You're just meat-heads, and an embarassment.
Fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off
The ones who are ashes in the gas chambers
Nobody has even done so much pushing the world to the right than Soros. He's a crypto-Hungarian.
Too bad Sup Forums will never realize this. He's literally jewing the jews. He's not one of them.
He's making the world hate shitskins, faggots and other degenerates.
He tutored our current goverment, yes, even Orban. He paid his colleges.
He broke the English (((bank)))
He left Hungary 60 years ago, and he speaks the language 10/10 fluently, but can't speak English without accent. His heart is still here.
He's based.
There can only be one jew.
serbian jew double bluff.
Based Sweden.
There's varying types of Jews to be sure, but there's also varying types of cancer
That's like asking which is the good cancer.
And he does not share his power.
> I'm on your side goy, look at these "hacked" documents!
> As seen on jewishpress.com
My final warning to George Soros.
>If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people. Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. Then all Israel will hear and be afraid, and no one among you will do such an evil thing again.
Deuteronomy 13
trip dubs.
also its called controlled opposition.
Like how jewish groups fund the KKK.
This. It's obvious af
Hey best Korea, how is you day going
Why is anyone surprised?
Leftist Jews are true evil and they hate good Jews too. This is why I don't get the anti-Israel sentiment here.
Read the bible. Jews sell their kids for cattle and shekels. They sacrifice their own children too.
>Every fucking day. Every single fucking day when i come home this little faggot just sits there and gives me this stupid look on his face. What should i do about him? Ideas?”
-Benjamin Netanyahu, About George Soros
You haven't understood a thing have you? Soros is a globalist, hence destroying Israel is also on his agenda, And by this definition, he is anti-zionist.
>mfw I've been telling Sup Forums for months that trump is a fucking kike.
>mfw everyone in this thread will say OP is a shill.
Remember guys, Israel is greatest ally, and we give them billions of dollars a year for nothing in return.
Is this what Hatchetman was inferring when he said investigate the Soros leak?
If Soros is objectively shown to be anti-Zionist, that paints Hillary/Kaine in same light.
Game Over.
Is that the meme engine?
/pol goes pro-Zion FTW?!
>anti-Zionist causes
This really got me.
My dad's an old dude. New Deal Democrat. He's always disapproved of Zionists and heartily swears he will vote for Hillary, but cannot explain why.
A few years ago he gave me a book about secret societies and shit. Just went and found it, and the inscription he put says "this explains a lot."
Globalism is actually a massive conspiracy that tons of old people genuinely believe in. We never had their experiences so they'll never admit to it. But hen people say things like "previous generations sold us out," they're not just making a rhetorical flourish. They did sell us out and they're all true believers.
Because Zionist groups buy our politicians so that we can continue to send Israel aid and weapons, and help them antagonize Iran.
I'll admit, Israel is much better than Islamic countries, but the US's alliance is not mutually beneficial.
Inb4 mossad hit squad gives Soros a """""heart attack"""""
what's the book about? title?
The cognitive dissonance on Sup Forums this is causing is absolutely hilarious. It's time to admit there is no shadow organizations of powerful Jews like Soros.
Let it go.
so he's a good guy
>fund the anti-Israel lobby so they still operate
>"See, the anti-Israel lobby is booming! We need more money to defend ourselves"
I thought you guys knew how kikes operated. This is the financial version of a "Whatcha doing rabbi?"
>Nazi collaborator makes his fortune robbing Jews on the way to the death camps.
>Surprising that he is anti-semetic.
You're a fucking idiot. As someone who works with Jews in a Jewish community and wears a maga hat to work everyday, you should hear some of these shits saying trump is gonna make Israel great again.
You mean the vast majority of leftist jews. This is why pol isn't always right. You guys really can't differentiated.
Soviet rape babies.
This goyfag is right! Let's move on and concentrate on the real problem, Freedom loving white men
Jews devoured everyone they can parasite on and now they are jewing themselves.
Nu/pol/ loves Israel