This movie's depiction of the zombie apocalypse is scarier than any other I've ever seen...
>There should actually be three types of zombies: slower than people, as fast as people, and faster than people.
Usually "fast zombies" means "as fast as people". They run instead of shamble. I don't know if there are really any movies where the zombies are FASTER than people.
I dunno, did Anne Rice write any zombie fiction? She likes improbably fast stuff.
If his jaw falls off, he will have literally no way to relieve the horrible pain.
I do not want to party, and I don't think he does, either.
Poor skele
I wanna say that a couple of them did in that Dawn of the Dead remake. I might be wrong, its been forever since i've seen it.
If we ever had a zombie apocolypse, I pray that its the slow shuffling ones. If it isn't, i'm pretty much pic related.
the theme of that movie is unbeliavably awesome and scary
The runners went at a nromal full running sprint. Not teleporting unrealistically at mach speed
if the first ones to go were the fat people then how come a fattie is being chased by a non fat zombie
>I wanna say that a couple of them did in that Dawn of the Dead remake
I think they were just running. There's none of them that seem like they ever exceed human sprinting speed, bar maybe a few jump scares. The problem is, obviously, they probably won't get winded, they'd keep sprinting until the tendons in their legs gave out.
>missing all of his flesh
>still has eyes
>can move with no muscles
Full skeleton zombies make no sense