Brit/pol/ - Rule Trott Edition

>Thread Theme (note: arr. Britten)

>May, Putin to form anti-globalist alliance with President Trump

>Norway warns Britain, don't fall for the EFTA meme

>Treasury and City reach consensus, Norway option is still cuckoldry

>Cuckwrangler pledges to keep Labour unelectable for foreseeable future

>Labour election hopes dealt further blow in muslim electoral fraud crackdown

>Quintessentially British moderate muslim: 'killing infidels is just not cricket old beans'

>Syrian economic migrants complain about all the free stuff and lack of war

>900 out of 1,602 unaccompanied migrant children arrested for rape

>Biggins trolls JIDF on live TV, (((producers))) say he'll never work in Hollywood again

Shameless recommended watching shill - (WIP)

Other urls found in this thread:


Friendly reminder that Churchill, despite his flaws, deserves respect from every single one of you

nazi cucks FUCK OFF

Rude, tbqhwy

Nice image lad! Well played.

Anybody else watching the women's hockey? Our team is about 75% white, blonde and blue eyed. It's beautiful to watch.


Yeah I've put it on.

Hockey slags are uni were filthy.

rewd and lewd

Britain will rise again

Can't find the channel on Finnish tv

>unironically hating churchill
is this even a thing

whos watching robot wars?

>no Raj

no it won't


Ask the Finn

Hopefully Laura will do a scene with BLACKED after the olympics

Visiting from Australia atm.

Top kek, it was 26 degrees and the poms were dying from the heat. I'm in the English and Welsh boarder.

I'm enjoying tea breaks though.

>dumped in the post war election




What distinguishes an enigmatic man of mystery adventurer from a weirdo autist in perception?

I kind of want to just do things for the sake of doing them, but since I'm a weirdo autist with self-awareness I'm not sure how one does that in a way that provokes interesting reactions of being ignored instead of just being cringeworthy.

What channel is it on?

There are mirror sites that non-brits can watch but need the channel

did anybody ask you

does anybody give a fuck what you have to say?

Fuck the heat
>Tfw hairy and sweaty arse

I'm watching it on iPlayer.


>I'm enjoying tea breaks though.
Are you working here?

Which is why we lost the empire :/

How about we form a Commonwealth federation together and Rule the Waves again, lad?


They were fucking incredible. Shagged two of them, both blonde, amazing arses and amazing in bed. Plus they loved a good piss up and weren't liberal feminist cucks.

we lost the Empire as soon as the US broke isolation

I respect his personal badass history, but he was a cunt that screwed the British people and the West. A must read for Brit/pol/


Can't help you there lad. Apologies

Pure post-war propaganda chap. Churchill was an alcoholic nonce who sold the Empire down the Swanee in a last ditch attempt to get the yanks on bard for the push back.

If he was half the statesman his legend makes him out to be, then he would have achieved the desired end without sacrificing our centuries old empire, and putting us in American debt for something like 50 odd years.

>says the NatSock

Research Kalergi, Frankfurt School, ADL, SPLC, Barbara Spectre, Noel Ignatiev. [Open]
Seek the truth, resists the Jewish lies and blood treason.

I don't speak Urdu and you don't speak Mandarin

... and I wouldn't change that for the fucking world.

What sort of things lad?

And saying things like
>What distinguishes an enigmatic man of mystery adventurer from a weirdo autist in perception?
is your first mistake.

>being anti destruction of the west is cuckoldry

not quite understanding you there

Hello Mein Führer

How could we have beaten the Germans without the American production lines?

It wasn't Churchills fault, they had us over a barrel.

>might have lost my job for posting anti feminist shit on kikebook
Fuck this gay earth.

I want fuck off to America when Trump wins so I can take the fight to the enemy

This is a wolf.

A link for a HQ translation maybe?
Ethnonationalism is not necessarily National Socialism.

Off to bed. Have what I presume to be the original un-photoshopped version.




socialism literally destroys the economy and Britian is particularly at risk of poor perfoming nationalised industry

why are you NatSocs so ignorant to anything not in a pol infographic?

She'd look great getting pounded desu

The other 25% is white?


We want 90s Sweden without the jews dear boy. It has been proven to work time and time again.


Try harder, Britcuck.

this is bait right?

pre Olaf Palme Sweden you mean. It was glorious before 1975

Whereabouts on the English/Welsh border lad? In GOAT city of Hereford*

*By GOAT I mean greatest city for Eastern European workers to find work on farms, and for British people to despair at having to live in such a shit city


couldnt give a rats arse about the economic policies the underlying message here is the jews caused this mess

Does that make you the Devil's grandson?

The English are a bunch of poofs.

Plus home of the SAS lad.

Good on you user.

I have a funny feeling that Teresa May won't do anything about this . . . .at least - I hope so anyway.

The feminists (including Jeremy Corbyn) are aresholes.

>as soon as the US broke isolation
We lost it as soon as we voted in a half-American who was too trusting and sympathetic of his maternal side.


Thanks God we defeated the German menace and now Britain is free from the foreign influence!

yes user. vote remain.

>posts pol infographic

it is like pottery

Why don't you look at the facts?

1) Sweden and the UK are different countries (google it)

2) Post war labour attemped to reinvigerate a damaged Britain through socialist policy, they failed miserably and what followed was 4 terms of conservative rule to remove the slums and nationalisation created by Labour

>I don't care about the economy

NatSocs everybody

Whenever it was last white and uncucked. Couldn't give you an exact date.


>the new britons

One of the reasons labour needs to die is becaue of all those cucks.

Honestly felt the need to email the poor bloke. Must be hard to be the only one trying to bring this up and standing on your own agains MPs like pic related

Hope she gets deselected.

It would have been better for the Americans would have come on board without the ludicrous cash reward paid, and I believe they would have- it was everybodies fight.

Churchill visited Washington for I think it was 3 months at one point, in his efforts to try to get Roosevelt to enter the War. Who knows what was said, and what secret 100 year D-notice deals were struck? Whats for certain is that the British did not get the better deal- and that was down to Churchills mega-fail.

the love of money is sinful

Being a Nazi is being anti-patriotic. You cannot be British and a Nazi. Britain is the foundation of modern democracy and freedom. Nazis believe in neither.

>labour is literally the only form of socialism

Yep. I meant that 3/4 are white and blonde and blue eyed.

>I care more about the economy than racial survival

Cuckolds everybody

>tfw Italian and German
>tfw puertorican

fucking ruined.
Can't Nuke The Duke

The SAS are a bunch of fannys desu. Super army soldiers my arse.

Playing devil's advocate here, lad, but what if we did get the better deal?

What if America is a dominion in our Empire (and the cash was a bribe), and our Empire exists in some secrecy - in a secret society like Rhodes claimed?

>Nazis believe in neither.
>all national socialism is literally hitlerite 1930s nazism
I'm a nazi and I believe in both. What now?

And Britain will soon be the foundation of Western Sharia law.

Jewish involvement in recent political and intellectual movements has done far more damage to Western civilisation than any economic factor could have brought about.

Your argument is literally cuckold tier.

I had a thread up earlier about creating a party to do something about the globalism and loss of values that is plaguing the UK but no one responded.

What a hideous bitch

Yes you can. British Empire was very similar to the Greater Germanic Reich.
We are being pozzed by the kosher cucks. Vi måste säkra existensen för vårt folk och en framtid för våra vita barn!

where did I say that?

why is it the tactic of NatSocs to strawman every single time?

the health of a nation is directly intertwined with the economy, to say that you don't care about it, yet feel the right to weigh in on politics, is the height of idiocy and confirms what I already know about NatSocs

You did the right thing thing mate.

He is absolutely spot on and I hope May can see this .. . Like I said, I think she can.

What does irritate me though is brit/pol/ is more interested in wanking over girls in the Olympics and the same tired bullshit about Hitler.

I guess we have to live with that!

>Wake up
>Turn on BBC
>Still shitting on everyone in the Olympics

Non-White countries will never know this feel

>British Empire was very similar to the Greater Germanic Reich.

source: my backside

You are so ignorant on everything you comment on, it explains your world view perfectly

>Unable to enjoy the olympics and have an opinion on political situations

You can't be British and support Jews. Loving a foreign Semitic middle eastern tribe and being a patriot of Albion is incompatible.

Turns out Hitler was and ANGLO after all and led the ARYANS to war in order to secure ARYAN BLOOD for his ANGLO paymasters.

but you should never choose the economy over the people.

if the powers that be offered you a a trillion to kill every brit? would you take it.

I'd like to repost my email at the top of the next thread but i'm scared of all the bullies.

I think we need to be nice to MPs that are actually in it for us.

I also enjoy shitposting about the olympics too though user.