Why is no one talking about how much of a bomb this is?

Why is no one talking about how much of a bomb this is?

>150m budget + marketing
>64% drop
>Domestic gross 98m
>WW 175m

Word of mouth
It wasn't a horrible movie but easily the weakest of the three and the masses agree and are talking

At least the movie was good, though I'd say it might be the weakest of all three. Really suffered from the loss of the two writers that worked on 1 and 2.

>No Brazil,China,Japan and Germany yet

The weakest of the 3. People built up 'the finale' too much, it could never amount after how great the first two were. But still a very strong trilogy.

RT hyped has died down and people are finally realizing it was meh

>easily the weakest of the three
Really? Damn that's disappointing. Must be pretty mediocre.

For having the word 'war', there wasnt much. The first 10 minutes were hype and laid out the theme of the movie. Then the end, when the 'war' occurs, you find out who really is fighting, and the entire thing is like 10 minutes of nothing. You see missiles launch. Explosions near the base and stuff. But very underwhelming.

But like i said, still a very good trilogy. Just too much hype to make it a strong finish.

I wanted to see the actual war not Great Escape from apeshwitz

The script could have been more tight, but I still found myself genuinely loving the characters and getting emotional at points, especially the end.

Would've been good if apes and humans constantly attacked each other, and there was one final stand.

"Escape of the planet of the apes" is a more appropriate title


I know a lot of people personally who were excited about it, especially Harrelson's character. I went to see it and told everyone I knew to pass. I saw a lot of other people doing the same.

>muh jesus
>muh turn the other cheek when slapped
>muh drink water from your hands
>muh eat seeds from your hands
>literally crucified for all to see
>lead the (((apes))) across the desert
>died for their sins

Opposite for me. I think it's by far the best of the trilogy. It's my favorite major movie from this summer.

maybe we get lucky and they stop making this shitty film, how planet of the apes movies are there already... 10?

Nine since 1968. To be fair, there have been six Spider-Man movies made since 2002.

Great finale to the trilogy, but it's more arthouse film than summer blockbuster flick the trailers made it seems like

I went with my best friend with plans of seeing it with my girl afterwards because I was certain I would love it and want to see it twice.
Walked out, texted her she should skip it and that it wasn't anything special.
Anyone else who asked me about it I told they could watch it but if they skipped it they wouldn't be missing out on much. This

>To be fair, there have been six Spider-Man movies made since 2002.

And seven Iron Man movies since 2008

Uh, no sweety, there have been 3 Iron Man movies.

>le compare every movie with WW
I hate this meme

i have rise at 8 and dawn at 9, they were super pleasant surprises, therefore the third installment was easily my most anticipated film in the last two years. but buy oh boy, did it stink or what...

>god-tier digital apes
>pretty good opening chapter
>great action sequences, especially at the beginning
>woody harrelson
>the actress playing the little girl
>the avalanche looked spectacular

>yes, the apes looked amazing, but eventually it turned into closeup porn, i get it - you're proud of your work, now move on pls
>too much ape melodrama
>basically the entire story was told from the apes' POV minus the minor part of the colonel's exposition
>ridiculously misleading marketing and movie-title
>there was no any war, just two battles for two different bunkers and one commando raid led by the colonel
>except for the de-evolved girl, trust me when i say woody harrelson and his bow 'n' arrow sidekick were literally the only human characters
>the opposing militant faction literally got 10 seconds of screentime before getting avalanched, they all had masks hence were stripped of any personality/humanity whatsoever, they only served as a cannon fodder for mother nature's victory
>the film's prison break part took on for way too long and really killed the movie
>heavy-handed social commentary on jews & nazis, blacks & whites, the whole thing looked like it was written by a jew and a negro

>the little girl doesn't shed a tear for her father but cries a river for a gorilla, i guess the message here is we need to bring down the collective iq of white countries in order to become better half-people, dude just stop caring and go with the stream lmao
>shitty military tactics, the first attack was lolworthy, the soldiers being packed together while attacking uphill, just ridiculous
>the colonel's bunker is literally cornered for an easy invasion from like 3 sides at least
>i'm sure you can think of many more
>the little girl just walks right into the apeshwitz and feeds caesar
>on-the-nose message that says "apes good, humans bad", woody harrelson uses the catholic crossing to silence his army, shaves his head, owns a crucifix etc.

what went wrong, it felt like totally different people made this movie.

I was a fan of the prison break stuff but I love movies like The Great Escape which it was a clear homage to.

WW stands for world wide box office you dummy.

yeah. give us more capeshit instead.

Because it's utter garbage with the length of LotR. Even normies get tired of looking at generic CGI monkeys. This movie has the cinematic value of an average video game cutscene.

Have you not seen planet of the apes? Dr.Zauis constantly sucks the ghost of the law givers dick talking like he's Jesus in heaven

As far as the war part goes, how many humans were even left. I know these movies have all been set in California but this one made it seem like what we saw was pretty much it as far as actual organized military forces go.

>Have you not seen planet of the apes?

People on this board don't watch movies made prior to the 70s.

Tony Stark was in the incredible hulk for fifty seconds, I guess that makes eight Iron Man films...

Never understood this walking out of movies meme, do Americans really do this?

RT needs to use its average score over its % score because of critics becoming sheep who all are afraid to break from the pack. Its retarded to call a critic a stupid son of a bitch because he didn't like Dunkirk like what happened to Jeremy Jahns. Now all critics are afraid to even dislike a movie, its as bad as video game journalism now.

This will end up being a extremely disappointing summer for people because the critic hype was too out of control and the actual quality of the films was just OK to Good.

Like I see a Dunkirk backlash coming and that bombing too but we'll see. My point is only that critics are hyping too many movies and its giving us burnout, if the average score of Apes was say a 7.2 people would have kept expectations in check, same with Spider Man and Dunkirk.

I think he means he texted his gf after the movie was over.

Rise = A New Hope
Dawn = Empire Strikes Back
War = Return of the Jedi

>there was more war in dawn than war

explain this

Dawn > War > Rise.

literally this lmao

basically this

people are tired of movies about African Americans and "da struggle" or whatever

This movie was shit compared to the second one, they focused too much on DUDE AMERICA IS NAZI GERMANY NOW AND THE BAD GUY WANTS TO BUILD A WALL LIKE TRUMP.

I honestly want to find the cuck who suggests this kind of bullshit and beat him with a fucking stick. Who the fuck does he think he fucking is


(((Hollywood))) pls

>Dude war only means gunfire and explosions lmao

The box office would be huge for Brazil

fuck off nerd

They might as well have called it The Great EscAPE

It wasn't a war movie, it was fucking prison break

To be honest I'm shocked that
1. This even became a blockbuster type series
2. The studio had so much faith in the directors and scriptwriters they pretty much just let them tell the story they wanted the way they wanted to. Shit Dawn just began with the apes, almost half an hour of barely any dialogue and it was phenomenal.
3. They gave these movies the budgets they did

This series is the only thing I had to remind me that sometimes Hollywood gets it right.

And I don't know why this has been as not warmly received as the others. I honestly think it's because people were expecting to be blown away completely like they were twice before. I think expectations were really high for it but to me War was no worse than the other two films, and that's a fantastic track record to have. I loved this film series, and it's one of the strongest trilogies I've ever watched and I'm glad I got to watch them all in my lifetime on the big screen.

Yeah I did this But to answer your question, I'm sure some folks have
I personally never have, the closest I've come to doing that was when I watched Ghost Rider 2 and when I watched PotC: DMTnT. The theater was packed and I was sitting next to a black dude who absolutely fucking reeked like dog shit and BO.

>there are """""people""""" watching this dumpster juice
jesus christ

>And I don't know why this has been as not warmly received as the others.
Literally false advertising from a stupid fucking studio.

Dawn had more action and "war" than this, it was actually the slowest paced out of the 3 films and felt more like a 1950's/60's drama epic, which they probably intentionally aimed for.

It's just a shame the marketing is a disservice to the actual film.

make a final installment where humanity genocides the apes and I'll watch it

god am i tired of the whole "hubris before the fall" trope

I get the feeling you are right. If you went into this movie, rightfully expecting from the way it was marketed an out of out action filled war you are going to come out disappointed I'd expect. That may be where a perceived lack of quality comes from especially when compared to Dawn.

I dunno, I loved it though. I've liked all of the films a lot.

UMA DELICIA the movie fucking when?