"I don't smoke weed, but I think it should be legalized."
Said no one, EVER.
"I don't smoke weed, but I think it should be legalized."
Said no one, EVER.
Same here
i dont smoke weed but it should be legalized. Why put money in the hands of criminals when it could be contributing to the economy.
yeah, people are selfish, what's your point?
Fuck off, ya statist cunt.
And holy shit these captchas are getting stupid.
I can't believe I'm agreeing with a fucking leaf.
Said everyone, EVER
>this thread
i don't care! BOTH sides are stupid!
haha bet you never encountered somebody like me before!
You made the same pathetic bait thread the other day, OP.
Still laughing at that one.
Who's going to smoke weed when it's illegal? Pretty much everybody who smoked it when it was legal. I. e., miniscule impact on social problems caused by it at enormous cost. The only people who stop because it's illegal are the very ones most likely to be responsible about it and not cause any social problems using it.
Yes, plus it serves medical purposes, and has been shown to dramatically decrease opiate addiction in areas where it is legal. Big Pharma is very much against legal weed for this reason. So ya, it should be legal.
You are fucking stupid. Do some research before posting bull shit threads.
Prove to me that every politician and voter listed in these articles, smoked weed.
I don't smoke weed, but I think it should be legalized.
We should ban it for blacks and let everyone else smoke it. A real "white privilege" for a change.
I don't smoke weed and think it should be legalised. Hopefully it will stop you faggot weed smokers constantly talking about weed.
I'm never wrong.
I've actually said this.
no memeing.
Weed is a non-issue if you ask me. Who really gives a fuck? And who smokes weed anymore besides high school kids and black dudes? Joe Rogen?
>don't drink booze
>fine with booze being legal
>do what you want to your body
not that hard of a concept
>I am 100% straight but I think we should allow gay marriage.
Said no one ever
i fucking hate cuckada man. Our prime minister is like the poster boy for identity politics
I said this. Don't give a fuck about the subject. Freedom is more important that some dopes smoking dope.
That's true as well.
I've never had an interest in smoking weed but I think it should be legalized. I don't plan on hanging out with stoners either since I've got stuff to do.
I'm all for this shit and I don't smoke it.
All drugs should be legalized. Let the retards die of heroin, let the potheads have their "cure for cancer", let me have my psychedelics
Ive got chronic back pain. Cannabis is much better for me than tramadol but guess which one is ok for me to take?
Said every smart person ever.
He's probably lying.
Weed addict here - saying it should be legal. Just because it isn't for me is not to say it shouldn't be legal. It's gonna be smoked anyway.
Every non-user I know is completely against it, so why would it be different on here?
I said that, repeatedly
Use it in moderation you fucking idiots.
If you suck at willpower and can't keep a stash around without being 24/7 baked: get a gram or two just for a night. Cannabis is truly nice every so couple of weeks because it scatters my stress ridden brain from work, school, and life. Some of you Sup Forumsacks need it too... maybe you will calm the fuck down.
>Said no one, EVER.
Except I've heard someone who doesn't smoke weed say that exact phrase. Whoops.
i don't smoke weed, but i recognize that locking people up for nonviolent drug offenses is an obscene waste of society's resources
I've seen this thread every day for the past two weeks
Please fucking kill yourself
No a lot of people say that fag
Can I smoke weed and drive a car the next morning without losing my license?
Weed is less degenerate than both alcohol and cigarettes, i have no clue why Sup Forums hates it, aside from the "weed culture" of hippies and rappers. Don't blame the plant for that bullshit, it ain't the plants fault. Weed is healthier and causes less problems for both the user and the environment than alcohol and cigarettes, and legalizing it would put a large hit into the drug lords and cartels. Building the wall and legalizing weed together would largely damage Mexican drug cartels, and would probably put a large enough hit into the US-Mexican drug trade. Don't be retarded, weed should be legal
No i do not smoke weed
I've heard lots of people say this. I personally think it's degenerate but legalizing it would narrow the market for illegal substances subsequently lowering the income of criminals and gangs.
80% of the prison population is there for weed
the priZION industrial complex uses these people for slave labor,pays them even less than spics and chinks and does not have to worry about paying to ship the product back to the US
thereby contributing to lowering wages for white middle class workers
to that of turd world subhuman niggers while the kikes profit and laugh all the way to their banks
Said I for example.
Never smoked, never taken any drugs besides alcohol and tobacco, yet I believe that all drugs, even those considered "hard" drugs should be legal.
Jews promote weed all the time.
>that comic
what the fuck?
I say it and I don't care if you don't believe me.
I actually did think this back when I was a lolbertarian cuck
Pretty red-pilled here, as soon as a friend starts smoking weed even occasionally I disassociate and distance myself from them. They're all the same. I don't hate weed, I just hate the people who smoke it. Niggers, liberals, parasites, they're all useless faggots.
However I still think it should be legalized, the extent of which is debatable however. The ridiculously overpriced Jew pills that was just synthetic weed they fed my based af grandfather while he was dying from multiple advanced cancers and heart problems was the only thing out of all the piles of shit they gave him that made a difference, and my whole family could see it too.
Same goes for my paralyzed uncle after an accident while he was on duty (police). The only thing that helped his constant nerve pain was weed.
I strongly support it for the people who need it, not for "muh backpain". Past that I think it wouldn't be a terrible idea to tax it heavily at every level of government and still leave it up to counties and states to determine its legality.
do you post this every day
They will promote Sup Forums for a shekel
That's fine, because I don't.
I don't smoke weed, I never have in my entire life and it should be legal.
>"I don't smoke weed, but I think it should be legalized."
>said our Prime Minister
Keep it illegal you dumbasses
This is our #1 way of jailing niggers you know that right???
I get it. At least the original. I have so many patients that crave opiates for the tiniest thing, or are on a slew of brain pills for their problems. Now there are some people that legitimately need these things. On the other hand I have acquaintances that can't afford the exorbitant cost of mental pharmaceuticals or have problems minor enough that the side effects wouldn't be worth it that self medicate with pot. Will it make you lazy as shit if you smoke it all day every day? Hell yes. But it's one of the best things out there to get one off chronic opiate use and become at least slightly functional.
Jews will do anything for an easy shekel.
>This obvious b8 thread again
>even though its obvious b8, it will still get 200+ replies
Sage goes into all fields.
That's because weed smokers are annoying.
It's been legalized where I live, in Oregon, and people smoke it in public all the time. Shit is annoying to smell when you're walking somewhere.
Shit, if you inhale too much secondhand smoke I wonder if you could fail a drug test. My last job tested for THC and would fire you for it. I dunno what level of milligram they tested for.
Wrong. I want it legalized, regulated and TAXED. More tax out of the chumps (means the rest of us have to pay a little less). And a new legal crop for our own farmers so the profit lands there instead of in Al Qaeda pockets.
only dumb people say that because taxing weed would only provide imaginary fuel for america's bloodthirsty world conquest machinations. unless it was a state thing, and politicians could actually be held accountable for its spending
Never smoked anything in my life, but of course it should be legal.
It's less harmful than alcohol and if one form of recreational drug use is allowed, so should anything else that is less harmful.
I know an autistic Spaniard who advocates compete legalisation of all drugs, but yet is a total straight edge faggot.
I smoke weed and make 280k a year roughly. Am I degenerate?
If you were making that kind of money, you wouldn't be on this board.
Why not? I have shit loads of free time.
Because it encourages Jews to evolve from the tribe and self analyze why Jews are hated and then make the choice to not act those ways. Tribal Jews reject evolved and civil Jews because to be evolved and civil is to play into the will of God and we all know how Jews feel about God.
I don't believe that the government has any business telling adults what they can or cannot put into their own bodies. If you want to be high all the time and let your life, health, and mental wellness go down the shitter then by all means go for it. Just don't expect to get disability or welfare for it.
Muslims are the same