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Out-on-the-street Christians don't dress that way, if they did they would likely get just as much flak as Muslims.
Vaya con Dios, OP.
When the one on the right stops chopping heads like it's 1399 I might
Hmmm really makes you think....
respect is a two way street sage.
Can't remember the last time I've seen a priest shout God is great in a heavy populated area then proceed to rip open his robes, exposing an explosive vest strapped around his torso, then detonating the device causing mass casualty. Same goes for a nun
WTF I love Muslims now!
>Their religious robes look mildly similar
>That means they're the same and we should treat the same way!
Leftist logic
>respect people in dresses, wether they are wearing crosses or not
i can see too much of that muslims face
fix and repost
I'd walk around dressed as Frollo if I could tbhf
Respect is earned not given. Nice try OP
Christians aren't killing people over religious beliefs.
Christians don't "honor kill" their children if they get raped.
Christians stopped the practice of "join us or die" a few hundred years ago.
Christians don't stockpile weapons of war in their holy places.
You tried OP, you tried.
theres like 13 nuns left on the earth
and 1 billion muslims
The Christian one is a choice (you're not born a priest or nun, nor is it the norm, nor do you have to stay as one) - the muslim one is shariah law and even if you point out it's not the real law remember honour killings against women are a real thing and apostasy is punishable by death.
But yeah false equivalence is always a sound argument.
Fuck you all religious people are nut jobs unworthy of life
muslim will kill you eventually
shoot them before giving them respect
Put some blood on the muslims clothes, this isn't accurate
I know christians and they don't dress like this
1) Most nuns no longer wear habits 2) the numbers of nuns in the world is tiny compared to the number of Muslim women 3) Christians aren't forcing their religion on Muslims, but vice-versa 4) nuns aren't committing terror attacks 5) there is no nun costume equivalent of the nikab or burka which covers most or all of the face and freaks people out. Now stop making these moronic threads.
So fucking true. Why do they even use computers? They have no right to technology of man. They should be in the forest raindancing or some shit.
>t. Atheist with the blood of 100 million on his hands
>all religious people are nut jobs unworthy of life
Dante, Bach, Michelangelo, Newton, Milton...?
This is coming from the people who demonize Christianity and deny any evil commited by muslims has anything to do with their fate?
You first
Those aren't Christians, those are Catholics. They THINK they are Christians but they are not. Their beliefs, behavior, and rituals is proof of that.
No, they need to earn my respect with their actions, not dogma.
most the people that created electricity and every component in the computer is probably a white christian male
edgy athiesm is a recent modern phenomena of angry children
And look how little it would take for those four people to be in the same one world religion.
>artistic similarities prove that Mary and Jesus is the same as Isis and Horus
No. By that logic, you'd have to throw out centuries of Protestant-approved Christian iconography depicting Jesus and others with haloes, because the halo was originally symbolic of sun worship.
well tipped my friend
is hate for catholics really strong in usa? and why is that because we pray to a woman?
>baseless claims with no facts or supporting evidence
>foundation of your entire life
>christcuck confirmed
There is no Islamic version of the nun.
Women aren't allowed.
yo word, bitches love celibate dick
Why would I respect two of the most violent religions on earth?
Christianity is only somewhat tolerable because the pagans they conquered ended up influencing the culture somewhat, with holidays like Christmas, among other things.
Islam is even worse, to purge all pagan influence.
Not to mention the destruction that Christianity has done to Aztec and Incan religion (which are very pagan as well).
Both are cancer religions, that can only be cured with extensive chemotherapy.
Nice try curry pits
made me kek
US Protestants (and some in Europe too to be fair) mistakenly think that Catholics worship Mary. That said, I'm a left-footer and even I think there's too much emphasis on her and too little on Jesus in our church.
btw all the edgy fedora tippers probably got autism from the 40 vaccines they took in the name of science as a toddler
>christians have neat holy symbols and white parts that symbolize purity
>muslims just look like necromancers
>not loving mother mary
pls go
>Not to mention the destruction that Christianity has done to Aztec and Incan religion
Yeah, what a shame Aztec priests aren't still ripping out the hearts of thousands of their captives at a time with obsidian blades... those damn intolerant Christians!
Catholics are dominating the US. Most white protestants are just secular pretenders or victims of a televangelist mega church. The down side of no central leadership.
You can love Mary without alleging she is a "co-redemptrix" as I've heard some people say. That shit is flat-out heresy and I think Mary herself would be the first one to say so.
people aren't forced to be nuns
One is voluntary and only worn by religious leaders, one is not.
God, I loved his Songs in Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame
Best Dinsney villain of them all.
>you'd have to throw out centuries of Protestant-approved Christian iconography depicting Jesus and others with haloes, because the halo was originally symbolic of sun worship.
This is also correct. However, my original statement still holds true. Protestants are Catholics V2.0
In the US it's because of how much they infiltrate politics and identify themselves as "Christian" so much. As a result, it makes the rest of us not involved in those political ideologies look really back no thanx to them. People like to use Catholic atrocities to nullify any attempt of condemning Muslim attacks. They use CATHOLIC history against CHRISTIANS. When we point that out though they get mad but that is true.
By Bible standards, mary doesn't have a special position beyond being the mother of Jesus and being one of a few people to go to heaven. She doesn't have a special position in heaven no greater then the Apostles themselves. Adoring her is as meaningless as adoring the Apostles and Paul themselves. They are to honored for their acheivements but beyond that have no special arrangement set up for themselves in heaven.
>Jesus had a halo
>halo means sun worship
>worshipping the son of God
it's like poetry
I'll stop you right there.
Aztec human sacrifice was not terribly widespread. Although I will admit it is certainly one fault with Aztec religion.
Nonetheless, the Aztec gods are still vastly superior to the Christian god, although it might not be as good as the other pagan religions Christianity destroyed. I see you like picking low hanging fruit, typical Christcuck.
What about Incan religion? Or Norse religion? Or the glorius Greek religion?
Fuck you and your anti-white cancer religion.
women should be forced to dress that way
I give them as much respect as they give atheists.
I agree.
It's sad that faggot whites will eat this up. Meanwhile, in the East
I have never seen a muslim girl this happy.... ok I have never seen a muslim girl laugh at all except so who say they are muslim but dont give a fuck about it and are as degenerate as the sjw
What's stopping you?
>>halo means sun worship
>>worshipping the son of God
You do realize the "son-Sun" homophone thing only works in modern English, right? Not in the languages the Bible was already written in?
>implying that allowing women to dress how they want is a good thing
kys desu senpai
The stench of 68,000,000 murdered people in your wake has something to do with it.
Oh wait what's that? THe left one is for people who have in a " Sound " adult mind made the decision to become a disciple of god. The right one is forced public wear for all people religious or if the country is muslim everyone
thats how you know it was made by a flaming liberal democrat
they were afraid to portray the muslim with dark skin LOL
what a fucking cuck!
No catholic will ever meet Mary, and she's never heard from a single one of them.
>Fuck you and your anti-white cancer religion.
Let me guess, you worship some one-eyed faggot in a hat because it's what glorious Adolf would have wanted? All the Norse LARPing in the world isn't going to make Odin real. Anyway, established Christian churches only became anti-white at the same time as the rest of Western society's institutions (for millennia Christian warriors held the line against shitskins), which strongly suggests that Christianity as such is not the problem.
>68,000,000 murdered people
[citation needed]
>comparing dress for special priestly classes to mandatory dress for everyone
Fucking hell.
No, cunts should be forced to dress how her husband tells her. No one should be able to tell a man how he's allowed to have his wife dress.
Only nuns dress like that.
>Based Tony Jay
Could any one voice compare?
He doesn't have autism
go fuck yourself
You wouldn't believe it, because you're a brainwashed Jesuit mark.
The following quotation is from The Glorious Reformation by S. S. SCHMUCKER, D. D., Discourse in Commemoration of the Glorious Reformation of the Sixteenth Century; delivered before the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of West Pennsylvania, by the Rev. S. S. Schmucker, D.D., Professor of Theology in the Theological Seminary at Gettysburg. Published by Gould and Newman. 1838.
Need I speak to you of the thirty years’ war in Germany, which was mainly instigated by the Jesuits, in order to deprive the Protestants of the right of free religious worship, secured to them by the treaty of Augsburg? Or of the Irish rebellion, of the inhuman butchery of about fifteen millions of Indians in South America, Mexico and Cuba, by the Spanish papists? In short, it is calculated by authentic historians, that papal Rome has shed the blood of sixty-eight millions of the human race in order to establish her unfounded claims to religious dominion (citing Dr. Brownlee’s “Popery an enemy to civil liberty”, p. 105).
>I don't actually believe in anything so I just pretend I'm a follower of whatever sounds cooler.
Unless you ACTUALLY think that there's a flying snake god or Thor behind every thunder clap deep down in your heart than stfu and stop criticizing people who actually believe in religion.
Christianity is the most European religion possible and waa the driving factor behind most of our forefathers accomplishments.
>religious clerics in uniform
>forced dress code
mad mi thun
I shit at both.
The guys on the right are bloody foreigners, who gives a damn as long as they keep to their lands. But catholicism is a plague which must be taken care of
Everybody has autism if they just believe hard enough.
>One set is a priest and a nun
>The other is the "average" muslim
Ok kid
So... are we ignoring that one dedicates their life to the church, taking vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, that remain for life...
And the other is just a believer in the faith?
People would be against catholicism a lot more if every catholic woman had to dress and behave as a nun, which pretty much all muslim women must act like or else fear of violence, death, rape, or being ostracized.
Totally the same!
well that's really shitty to hear that catholics are used to protect muslims, we are natural born enemies, maybe catholicism isn't for everyone, here it proved to be helpful many times
>women have to wear potato bags because i can't control myself
This picture is really firing up my neurons and making me go "HMMMMM"
my son, the answer is clear...
Need I tell you of the Irish Potato Famine? The blights of the British Empire? Manifest Destiny. No good sirs! No!
Might as well be Nelson Mandela trying to shill against capitalism. Hang yourself my man.
Women choose to be nuns, leaving the society they were previously in
Muslim girls did not choose to be born into a Muslim society
Muslim girls who do not obey are beaten or murdered
>Need I speak to you of the thirty years’ war in Germany, which was mainly instigated by the Jesuits, in order to deprive the Protestants of the right of free religious worship, secured to them by the treaty of Augsburg?
The Thirty Years' War was terrible, but both sides were equally to blame and committed massive atrocities.
>Or of the Irish rebellion,
You mean the Irish struggle for independence against British invaders, under whose rule four million Irish people were starved to death while their Protestant lords exported food from the country?
>of the inhuman butchery of about fifteen millions of Indians in South America, Mexico and Cuba, by the Spanish papists?
That number is doubtless vastly inflated, but the priests who accompanied the conquistadors deplored the massacre and slavery of Indians, which was mainly carried out by adventurers who were not religiously observant.
P.S. I've never met a "Jesuit" in my life!