Still the patreon strip for the next 30 mins!
Becky is parroting what she thinks "sadness" is to quell the rumor that she is a demon
Praise Patreanon
Still the patreon strip for the next 30 mins!
Becky is parroting what she thinks "sadness" is to quell the rumor that she is a demon
Praise Patreanon
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I got two strips for you guys.
first this one, the "end" of chapter 5.
except for those last two panels, this isn't horrible.
And this was the strip that I wanted to include between that drama, but saved it for the end, I guess it's an epilouge of sorts. or something you would see in the after credits of a show.
It's not horrible, but it's not great.
Especially since we haven't really been given a reason to care about Becky other than "I'm homeless, but I don't care!" and "The girl I love didn't love me back! Cry for me!" and "My mom attempted suicide, and I never once directly implied this at any point between now and when I first appeared!"
Or something like that. This comes off as Willis force-feeding the reader a reason to care about Becky.
Ol' Puddinhead is back! She's the new RA for now.
>when Mary wants to study, we have to have an arc about how she's the devil
>when lesbians want to study, it's business as usual
Who the fuck is blue-haired teenage female David Willis?
Wow, nothing.
That's Mandy. She's dating Grace and dyes her hair a lot.