This will trigger 90% of Sup Forums
But all statements are true.
This will trigger 90% of Sup Forums
all correct except for Transgender which is a mental issue and requires genuine help
common sense
idc really
>not a Christian nation
>Easter and Christmas are paid national holidays
The only ones I'll give you is:
>Breastfeeding is natural
(but should be done in private)
>Homosexuals deserve human rights.
(but marriage is not a human right)
>Most muslims aren't terrorist
(but such a large number are terrorist/approve of terrorism, that precautions should be taken)
Everything else is questionable or incorrect
>Subjective statements are true.
OP truly is a retarded faggot.
All incorrect other than breastfeeding and fags deserving human rights
>breastfeeding is natural
Yes, and so is defecating. Neither should be done in public in front of other people.
>Climate change is real
Personally, I never researched the matter enough to believe or disbelieve.
>Trump is a terrible choice
And you're a political and economical expert? No. Anyone who says so anyway is a globalist puppet.
>Planned Parenthood
No opinion.
>Breastfeeding is natural
I've never seen any arguments to the contrary.
>Rape is never the victim's fault
Arguable. Don't stick your hand into shark waters and thrash about in the water, expecting not to get bit.
>Homos deserve human rights
Sure, but freedom from discrimination isn't one.
>Transgender are their preferred gender
As in, trying to be it, sure. But they don't magically, "Fairy Godmother helped me" become that gender. And until a sex change, they will never be that gender. And it's arguable whether or not they'd be it even then.
>Most Muslims aren't terrorists
Maybe so, but they should still be eradicated. Islam is a shit faith.
>U.S. isn't a Christian nation
4/10, made me respond with my opinions
all true.
In order
No, why do you have a right to tax me for your lifestyle choices
Every rape is a combination of factors
Who doesn't think this?
No, they kill themselves in huge numbers after surgery
de facto feminism is though
The majority of Mudlims are fundamentalists
Yes it is
eh, about 2 or 3 of those are right, the rest are SJW talking points and only faggots and niggers or their cucks believe them
not proof you stupid faggot
knew it
>Climate change is real.
Sure. Anthropogenic climate change from carbon dioxide specifically that will dramatically change our world? Probably not.
>Trump is a terrible choice.
True, but he's less terrible than Hillary and third party candidates aren't even making the news in this election.
>Planned Parenthood should be funded.
Sure, just remove 2% of their services :^)
>Breastfeeding is natural.
> never the victim's fault.
True since it's literally impossible to occur without two or more people, like many other crimes. But there are still plenty of simple steps to reduce its likelihood that an individual can take other than not being a rapist.
>Homosexuals deserve human rights.
Yes. Although it seems odd that so many of them think marriage is a right, when it isn't.
>Transgender people are their preferred gender.
Patently wrong. People can believe any bullshit but that doesn't make it true.
>Feminism isn't about female superiority.
True. It's about giving them special treatment for being inferior.
>Most Muslims aren't terrorists.
True, but they support them.
>US is not Christian
True, but Christians are the majority of its populace and can vote for any policy that doesn't violate the Constitution.
7/10 quality for a shitpost.
Listen and believe, eh?
>This will trigger 90% of Sup Forums
No, because "triggering" is made up
>But all statements are true.
That's an opinion
Climate change is real
>Yes, but not "global warming." The developing world is not going to use solar panels and wind
>Trump is a terrible choice
Hillary is worse
>Planned Parenthood should be funded
Not an argument - I don't think my tax dollars should fund it
>Breastfeeding is natural.
So is taking a dump but I don't do that in front of you either
>Rape is never the victim's fault
No, but putting yourself in high-risk situations is
If you're implying women never lie about being raped, that's not true
>Homosexuals deserve human rights
Of course. The government shouldn't have anything to do with marriage in the first place
>Transgendered people are their preferred gender.
No, they're their biological gender. Cutting your dick off and taking estrogen don't change your chromosomes.
>Feminism isn't about female superiority.
No shit. Women are the weaker sex in every sense of the word.
>Most muslims aren't terrorists
No, and neither are most Catholics and Protestants, but I wouldn't want to be around either in Belfast in the 1970's
>The United States isn't a Christian nation
It was founded on Christian principles by Christians and Deists in order to enforce our God-given rights as laid out in our Declaration of Independence and our Consitution.
Stop being such a faggot user
Whats with all these shit threads?
Fuck off please
>OK, but CO2 dindu nuffin
>he is not
>OK, common sense should still be applied though
>define human rights, marriage is not a human right though
>Nope, they're mentally unstable people who do not get the help they need
>feminism is about rent-seeking from the government
>OK, we still shouldn't let them anyone into the west
>Yes USA is a Christian based on Calvinism nation
I thought there was going to be something about niggers. There was nothing about niggers.
I am disappointed.
>climate change is real
Yes, it is
>Trump is a terrible choice
That's opinion, not fact.
>planned parenthood should be funded
You're an adult, be responsible for your actions and wear a fucking condom
>breastfeeding is natural
What does this even mean? Of course it's natural, it's how we fed our babies for millions of years, but that's not an argument to whip your breasts out in public. If you're responsible, bring a bottle out into public with you.
>rape, which happens to males and females, is never the victim's fault
Don't generalize rape, every single case has thousands of factors that go into it
>homosexuals derserve human rights
Unless you're mentally ill or have been raised to think that, everyone believes this.
>transgender people are their preferred gender
If they have the corresponding genitals.
>feminism isn't about female superiority
Modern feminism is.
>most muslims aren't terrorists
A staggering amount of Muslims support enforcing Sharia Law in regions that aren't theirs.
>the united states is not a Christian nation.
Except the overwhelming majority of Americans are christians and the country celebrates Christmas and Easter.
>Planned Parenthood should be funded.
So what about when your realize that Planned Parenthood was started by eugenicists, and actually still functions as a eugenics program? It eliminates large numbers of low-IQ breeding from the population. It's practically the only eugenics program we have left.
>Climate change is real
Can't argue with that.
>Trump is a terrible choice
Yeah, but Hillary is worse.
>Planned Parenthood should be funded.
Alright, just that only rape victims and underage people should have abortion
>Breastfeeding is natural
Yes, but people should do it in private. In public, a milk bottle will do.
>Rape is never the victim's fault
>Homos deserve human rights
>Transgender are their preferred gender
If you have penis you are man. If you have pussy you are woman. I consider people "transgenders" when they get a sex change.
>Most Muslims aren't terrorists
True, but desperate times call for desperate measures(like banning muslims that are from ISIS/Daesh controlled countries from entering US/Europe)
>U.S. isn't a Christian nation
>christmas, easter, and pledge of allegiance. 'nuff said.
>Climate change is real
Probably, but not as bad as the media represents it to be
>Planned Parenthood should be funded
If only the funding doesn't go to abortions and other shit
>Breastfeeding is natural
>Rape, which happens to males and femals, is never the victim's fault
Did anybody here say so? No. However, if one dresses in a very provocative manner, it cannot expect complete safety
>Homosexuals deserve human rights
Sure, if it's not adopting
>Transgender people are their preferred gender
If I thought I was a dog, wouldn't mean I'm one. Even if I did operations [if possible] to become one.
>Feminism isn't about female superiority
Modern 3rd wave is, faggot.
>Most muslims aren't terrorists
But most terrorists are muslims. And the majority of muslims want Sharia law. So no.
>US isn't a christian nation
"In God we trust"
>Feminism isn't about female superiority
Then stop acting like it is.
>Most muslims aren't terrorists
>Climate change is real
Yea I believe that, I don't buy the global warming thing is man made tho. I think the climate just changes.
>Trump is a terrible choice
Maybe if you're liberal, he's pretty great if you love america
>Planned Parenthood should be funded
I'd rather see it privatized and our taxes go to something more useful.
I guess, unless the people are both drunk and the next day the girl says rape because she regrets it. That's a good way to fuck up a persons life
Its a mental disorder
>Feminism isn't about superiorty
This new gen or feminism is. It's been taken over by dykes who hate men
>Most Muslims aren't terrorists
Probably but most Muslims believe in sharia law and honor killings. There's a large enough population that taints it.
>USA isn't a christian nation
Well the majority of the US is christian so its a majority christian nation
>Climate change is real
Yes, but it won't matter within the next four years
>Planned Parenthood should be funded
No, pay for your own shit
>Breastfeeding is natural
Sure, I personally don't care, but I shouldn't be required to host you in my place of business if I so choose (otherwise, that's called tyranny)
>Homosexuals deserve human rights
>Feminism isn't about female superiority
Not the current shit-covered blend we're all forced to see nowadays
1) Sure, the debate is to what degree human activity has influenced it
2) In the grand scheme of things maybe, but h'es infinitely better than Hilldog
3) Sure, again debate is over funding abortion specifically. I'm personally for it, but mostly because more nignogs get abortions than anyone else.
4) Ok. And...?
5) Ok. And...? (Please note that this statement causes huge conflict in 2 groups, the far left, and Muslims. The far left believe men can't get raped, Muslims blame women for getting raped).
6) Ok. Not what the debate is over, rather it's over forcing churches to violate their religious beliefs and be forced to marry the gays. There are churches that willingly do it, as well as secular options.
7) Ok, just don't legislate stupid shit like "misgendering" I'll say what I damn well please, and fuck your feelings. I expect everyone else to do the same to me.
8) Modern feminism is, and straight out says it, ranging from calls to cull most of the male population to calls to enslave is forcefully, it is 100% about female dominance. Explain to me a situation where feminism is still needed (no wage gap doesn't count, it's been debunked over and over again).
9) No, they just support the terrorists, either explicitly or implicitly.
10) Nope, it was founded on secular ideals, by Christians.
some of them
yes, also kick the kikes out of israel already
>not triggered
>not triggered
>it should be totally rebuilt from the top down
>not triggered
>not triggered
>not triggered
>the whole transgender thing is just a clusterfuck
>third wave feminism is
>not triggered
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness, which stems from confusion of ones gender identity (via societal gender roles). After complete transformation, the dysphoria usually goes away, so there is no longer a mental issue.
Not an argument.
>yes, that isnt the question, the question is whether its manmade or not
>that's just like, your opinion, man
>when it's a real rape, yes. when it was consensual at the time and now the victim is somehow retroactively claiming it a rape, no
>no, they're the gender their chromosomes match
>third wave feminism very much is
>no, they're not, just terrorist supporters and enablers
>it was founded as a protestant nation
The first six are true. The rest are patently false.
where are proofs?????
>Not an argument.
>breastfeeding is natural
>yes but so is taking a dump
Fucking dumb niggers comparing feeding a baby to taking a dump. Go eat Bongolo's asshole dumb gay niggers if it's the same thing to you
I agree about everything except the feminism part. Mainly because I don't know what feminism is.
>climate change is real
>rape is never the victim's fault
>yes it is, if they stayed in their mother's basement like I did my whole life they'd never get raped
Get your autism treated fatasses
>climate change isn't real
>record temperatures year after year
Renewable energy should be prioritized. Get America off the Saudi's fucking brown oil dick fuck those sandniggers
>climate change is real
>Trump is a terrible choice
>Planned Parenthood should be funded
>Breastfeeding is natural
Up until a certain age, after which it isn't
>rape, which happens to males and females, is never the victim's fault
yes, but victim's oftentimes can do a better job preventing it
>homosexuals deserve human rights
>transgender people are their preferred gender
>feminism isn't about female superiority
yes if you're talking about early 1900's feminism, no if you're talking about modern day feminism
>most Muslims aren't terrorists
statistically true, but their rate of terrorism is higher than that of other religions
>oh and United States is not a Christian nation
statistically incorrect. Christianity is the top religion in the United States, although church and state should be seperate
>All Muslims aren't terrorists
Pretty much false. They're all on the same team.
Masturbation is also natural so why cant people jerk off around playgrounds and schools?
>(but should be done in private)
>inb4 muh fee fees
Half truth. Its about male inferiority
Debatable, majority christian population, but not founded on christianity.
In summery, your a nigger
>Climate change is real
Yes, but lot's of local weather phenomenons are attributed to climate change (eg: It snowed last year but it didn't this year, it must be because of climate change)
>Trump is a terrible choice
I agree, but I'm sick of the 24/7 media-blast constantly telling me how bad he is. If he's so bad, then stop giving him so much coverage for every little thing he does
>Planned Parenthood should be funded
Agreed, but not abortions. There are plenty of contraceptive methods that prevent you getting pregnant in the first place, just don't get pregnant in the first place
>Breastfeeding is natural
Sure, but so is jerking off, doesn't mean I want to see it. And if you have to do it in public, at least make a small effort to go to a discrete place to do it
>Rape is never the victims fault
Sure, but if you're black out drunk in a bad neighbourhood and scantily dressed, then what the fuck do you expect
>Homosexuals deserve human rights
Sure, but it's hard to have sympathy for a group that's so in your face about it
>Transgender people are their preferred gender
No they aren't
>Feminism isn't about female superiority
At my university, there is a financial grant that specifically goes to girls, despite the fact that more girls enrol at the university than boys. This is literally the definition of systematic favouritism and is morally wrong
>Most muslims aren't terrorists
True, but it doesn't mean you can't criticise Islam
>The United States is not a Christian nation
Factually untrue. The majority of Americans are Christian
Consider me triggered.
Yes, debatable on whether it;'s dramatically human caused.
Better than Hillary.
Sure, no one is saying otherwise.
Nah, walk down nigger lane with your tits out and it's slightly your fault.
Not their preferred sex.
It is now.
But a minority are, and they are the ones attacking us.
What is it then?
>The US is not a Christian nation
>majority want abortion made illegal
>weed is evil
The US parade's itself as a Christian nation and the people pretend to be Christian so in that respect it is. By actual Christian standards the country (talking about the people) puts their own weird form of Americanized religion. (no abortion, no weed, but also no respect for those who disagree and no regard for separation of church and state)
>formed as a Christian nation
>Bill of Rights
fuck off religious faggots trying to impose religion on me like some muslim fucking sandnigger go to the middle east if you want religion as law
Not all feminismism =/= "male"
why wouldn't anyone on Sup Forums support planned parenthood? abortions=less teen pregnancy=less criminals
you're always going to have stupid porch monkey and white trash whores that get knocked up, at least planned parenthood makes sure they don't effect the rest of society
I agree with most of it in terms of how it's worded but
>Feminism isn't about female superiority
Yes, but it's recently taken a newer meaning in terms of a movement.
>Transgender people are their preferred gender
They might act like it, and dress like it but it doesn't mean they are.
>Trump is a terrible choice
compared to what?
Exactly, abort those mixed race kiddies that no one wants anyway. This is evidence Sup Forums is full of Jews and Muslims
All true except for climate change. Man doesn't have much influence.
>Homosexuals deserve human rights.
Faggots are an abomination. They are fundamentally evil and demonic and have no place in civilised society
>Climate change is real
>Trump is a terrible choice
shitty opinion since your other options are globalist clinton, globalist johnson and commie (((stein)))
>Planned Parenthood should be funded
but by who nigger
>Rape, which happens to males and females, is never the victim's fault
mostly true, burqas definitely don't prevent rapes
>Homosexuals deserve human rights
>Transgender people are their preferred gender
their egos are maybe, but you cannot outright deny their biologically assigned sex
>Feminism isn't about female superiority
you haven't listened to anything a feminist has ever said than, apparently
>Most Muslims aren't terrorists
true but islam is the religion of terror whether you choose to believe this or not
>The US is not Christian
it isn't but you are also a faggot, you faggot
reminder that we wouldn't have gachimuchi if fags didn't exist
>common sense
>Complete transformation
Impossible. Your cells are still building XY DNA no mattee how much you wear panties and take estrogen
Fags are trully repuslive. Lock them all up
>there's no dysphoria because I look like the like a woman as well as feeling like one
also, threading your own post.
>all those non issues
>doesn't even tell you how the banks and wall street is ripping you off
Meh, meh I've learned you simply can't fix stupid.
>No shit
>Fuck off
>No shit
>No, and men can only be raped by other men
>Marriage is not a human right
>Yes it is
>No shit
wtf i hate subway now
in order:
1st and 2nd wave yes, 3rd wave no
technically mostly right, but you still come off as a little faggot. fuck off, abdul.
bait and autism, literally no proof, and bait
I agree with everything but the tranny and the USA not a Christian nation. Also I still don't like Muslims.
true (non-terrorist=/=non-radical)
easiest test of my life
>men can only be raped by other men
being this autistic
quality YLYL, i lost it at "transgender people"
Your country's most famous men fucked women exclusively for procreation because they prefered other men.
>women can rape men too ya know
Except they aren't.
>Climate Change is real
>Trump is a terrible choice
Much better than Yeb! or Rubio
>Planned Parenthood should be funded
>Breastfeeding is natural
and private, who wants to see that shit?
>Rape is never the victim's fault
>Homosexuals deserve human rights
Who's advocating otherwise?
>Transgender people are their preferred gender
Doesn't make it true, that's why they off themselves in such high numbers, and yes it is a mental illness
>Feminism isn't about female superiority
It's too focused on bringing men down rather than bringing women up
>Most Muslims aren't terrorists
Most Muslims silently support them
>The USA isn't a Christian nation
Well we celebrate Christian holidays nationally, and the majority of Americans are and have always been Christians so...
>Climate change is real
Yep. Do I care that it's real? Not particularly.
>Trump is a terrible choice.
Yep. Hillary is also a terrible choice. Welcome to the world of two-party politics.
>Planned parenthood should be funded.
Whether it's planned parenthood or an analogous govt agency yep agreed.
>Breastfeeding is natural.
Yes it is. So is shitting. Personally I dont mind breastfeeding in public but it's a legitimate controversy
>Rape, which happens to males and females, is never the victim's fault.
Depending on your definition of rape, yes it does, but never say never.
>Homosexuals deserve human rights
Assuming you mean *human* homosexuals, then yes of course.
>Transgender people are their preferred gender
Gender is a useless term. I therefore disregard it.
>Feminism isn't about female superiority.
It is for some.
>Most Muslims aren't terrorists
No. But more muslims support the actions of terrorists and/or horrific ideals than really makes most people comfortable.
>Oh, and [the] United States is not a Christian nation.
In the legal sense, the State that is the USA is not christian, no.
In the cultural sense the "nation" of Americans/USAians is predominantly nominally christian, with a large and growing irreligious component.
>But all statements are true
Hold up bucko - most of those are opinions. (1), (4), (9) are the exception.
Not in the way it's peddled to us
Not as long as carry out abortions
Kind of true
Absolutely not
Every one of those statements is an opinion, not a fact. Therefore, according to the principles of moral relativism upon which the left rests, each statement has only validity equal to its opposite, e.g. Climate change is not real is as valid as climate change is real.
>/threading your own post
Why is it that so many post-op trannies still kill themslves, then?
>Climate change is real
No, it has already been confirmed multiple times that the late data is false.
>Trump is a terrible choice
He is not perfect, but has experience and compared to Hillary is immensely better.
>Planned Parenthood should be funded.
So they can keep selling baby parts in black markets? Fuck that. Murder is a crime, fetus are not the mother's property so she can do anything she wants with it.
>Breastfeeding is natural.
No shit Sherlock, when did /pol was against breastfeeding?
>Rape, which happens to males and females, is never the victim's fault.
Asking the victim to behaves in ways to prevent being raped does not mean blaming the victim you massive imbecile.
>Homosexuals deserve human rights.
Ok, does it mean I have to like and encourage homessexuality? Nop.
>Transgender people are their preferred gender.
Great, so make sure to use the designated bathroom.
>Feminism isn't about female superiority.
And it isn't, its about destroing the traditional family and emasculate men. At least third wave feminism, that incorporated marxism values of beliving that family is an opressive social construction.
>Most Muslims aren't terrorists.
So. Fucking. What? Most Germans weren't nazis, most soviets weren't communists, did that make any difference? Nop.
>Oh, and United States is not a Christian nation.
Oh yeah sure, I guess the fact that the USA has the biggest amound of christians in the entire world does not mean shit. Eat a dick.
I see nothing wrong with this.
Add an upstanding citizen, who has violated no laws, shall have the right to own any standard issue weapon, used by military forces. As well as any sidearm, or device used in conjunction with that weapon.