Will she be a good Marvel Girl?

Will she be a good Marvel Girl?

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/larry fong/


She needs to be BLACKED asap.

Who cares?

Looks like she already has

Larry Fong?





The better question: Are they real?


of course

post her feet

Cucks need to fucking kill themselves asap.

is that an out of focus david o'russell on the right?

Does this mean the DC fans will praise her now? Especially those from sweden and germany??

No, it's Rick Perry.

What about the sexual liberation? BLACKED when?

>Captain SJW Bulldyke Marvel
The premise is already shit.

Just accept it family, white pussy is literally designed for the bbc

What kind of parents would name their daughter after cheese?

That's the look of a woman that just brapped and she knows that you know.

she needs to do more squats to tone up that gluteus maximus and thighs

You guys think she lets him watch if hes a good boy?

>that one faggot who asked her if she went back to white guys

So fucking desperate. And so fucking embarrassing.

Why is based Rocco in the picture? Are they porn awards?


Marvel would make so much more money if this movie was about Kamala Khan. Even Sup Forums knows I'm right. Everyone thinks Carol is boring.

Nah, she's a naughty Marvel girl.

Inhumans are tainted now thanks to Ike "the Kike" and Feige's pissing match.

Feige took away the MCU from Ike and Ike took his pet project away from him (Runaways) which Feige has been planning to do since before Iron Man 1.
We probably won't see any Inhuman legitimized in the MCU until Ike's buried in a barrel as per his will.

what did they mean by this?

They're gross

yeah that was dumb, obviously she will never go back, no white woman would

They fucked later that night

>archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/larry fong/
What the fuck is your obsession with him you acne-riddled fat cunt

fucking dropped. fuck you whoever posted this

they were fucking right there

the instant Tom's arm goes out of view he has three fingers inside her

literally me except i get slapped and girls freak out when i stare at their boobs

you didn't include the best reply to her post. it was something like you just crushed every white bois dreams lmao.

Marvel has the tits and DC has the STICCS

>Marvel shills will defend this

You got shit taste if you think she needs defending.

Her forehead looks really fucking giant. Her face is busted. Looks better than Scarjo, sure. She can't act and isn't pretty. They're not sexualizing her "character" so you can forgettabout her boobs.

she has to be the essential "not sure if hot or not" actress right? She'll look like prime 8/10 material in one movie and utter shit in the next.

Woah! Brie looks like THAT?

looks like my mom desu, can't find her hot at all

At least she has tits unlike Wonder Woman.


Does she look better than JLaw?


>redditor cuck needs to fantasise about her with bbc
like pottery

>Repeating what a nobody told you to say like a parrot.

Why are libcucks so sad.

She posting that on the night of the Dallas shooting btw. That should be included in the screenshot.

Nice trips but
Fuck off, faggot.

>Dindus go out to kill cops and white ppl.
>White girls feels the need to tweet that shit.

So you want to make her look worse?.

Whats the problem, mobile babby? Upset you can be found without a trip?

fat face


You just know.

Fuck this disgusting, big foreheaded liberal cunt

was going to sing my praise about her being a great casting choice (aside from no blue eyes).


She's in your cinematic universe MCUck, you'll be watching when she gets dicked down by BLACKED Panther like the good goy you are


Based Brie.

could be the beginning of the end when marvel starts putting out shit like this.

What's happening here, context?



That's pretty hot, but can you imagine some black cock jizzing all over them? That's even hotter.

nice 5head

Chris Evans is a great cap, yet he is also a horrible liberal subhuman. Brie too shall be a great hero.

It appears to be social interaction between a man and woman, I suppose you are not familiar with this concept

>he stares at her tits
>she notices
>he's handsome so she doesn't mind and instead is flirtatious

No, I mean, why is he looking at her boobs so carelesly, and why she doesn't react like all feminist will do in this kind of situation? Were they a couple at the time that was take it?

>>he's handsome
No, he isn't.

Ask women, he has that handsome white man face that every girl loves.

I AM a woman.
>inb4 tits of GTFO
No, I won't.

all those autism responses

She was smilling because he slapped her ass with his hand

Look closely

>why she doesn't react like all feminist will do in this kind of situation?
Women don't mind if the guy is attractive. Stop being ugly user.

just because you're a girly man doesnt make you a girl
>inb4 dont believe everything you read

Swedes are pretty racist.

Denis Villeneuve, I love him


he was deliberately trolling her and she got a kick out of it

A reminder that Sup Forums is literally the same as Reddit

I can somewhat understand the social and political aspect, but what does economic liberation even mean? Gibs?

Mo money for dem programs*?



She needs to get blacked on camera to demonstrate her commitment to her values - both liberated feminism and pro-color racialism.


>OMG did u swallow? :) u didn't go back did u? :) BIG :):) did you gets HIV please tell me you have HIV

Fuck reddit

White people only say shit like this to get attention

Truly /ourgal/

Reddit has invaded Sup Forums dumb newfag

Thank god for Sup Forums
I look forward to more of your dumb garbage porn being spammed when we praise the lord for another dumb monkey being gunned down by an officer of the law.

Your mom's pretty hot.

I imagine he came in her ass and she farted it out in her hand and licked it all.

real talk though

Short Term 12 made me cry and fall in love with her

>white """""men""""" BTFO

>Economic liberation of black people
Ffs do liberals even know what they are saying?


which cinematic universe has more oscars?