Why is beeing a whore okay while showing chastity and dignity considered as something bad and extremist in western societies?
Why is beeing a whore okay while showing chastity and dignity considered as something bad and extremist in western...
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cause we are free to do as we please, while youre women are to be executed if their ankles show
because whores provide a useful service
and islam produces suicide bombers and terrorists
You are asking people who accept one extreme (whores) why another extreme (your pic) is strange.
Most people don't have sufficient self-awareness and are basically little better than horny animals.
That's why.
the nigress' attire is vulgur and trashy, yeah, but she is free to dress how she wants in public places, even if it hurts my eyes. The veil however is a sign of oppression to me. No matter how many times some chick with a mustache and a hijab tells you it was their own choice and it empowers them or someshit, it wasnt. It was instilled to them to dress that way from a very young age. They dont know any better. This is not about chastity or dignity you stupid immigrant. It's about having a fifth colonne in your society that disrespects you, the german law, the code of conduct that was laid down by your ancestors. They threaten your very way of life. And you delude yourself and others when you say she's a pure maiden or sumshit. it wasnt her choice so it doesnt fucking matter. At least the black chick is true to her fucking nature of being a harlot.
I always love anti-degeneracy Sup Forums when it comes to this.
Women need to stop being degenerate and acting like sluts, but suddenly you're ok with it when Islam comes into play.
Listen just because Islam thinks something is good doesn't mean it's automatically bad.
theres a difference between wanting our women to voluntarily stop being whores and forcing women to stop being whores through beatings, stonings and murder, you flithy coal burning whore :^)
>It was instilled to them to dress that way from a very young age. They dont know any better
Is this a joke?
That's exactly the same case for most of the sluts walking the streets today.
I can't tell if this is bait or retardation.
Why is the veil necessarily a sign of oppression. You could say the same thing about western attire norms.
If a women dressed like in the pic to the left she would be seen as weird and overly conservative. I also don't think many women enjoy the fact that if they go out with make-up for on day that they are going to get judged.
Western dress codes are just as controlling as those in Muslim countries (with the exception of Iran and Saudi Arabia). With the exception of those two countries you won't really face legal fines for not wearing a hijab, but you will be negatively judged in a social sense.
Kill yourself ahmed you gross faggot shitskin go rape a goat or a little boy you smelly islamic dog
Islam’s real challenge to Western society is not terrorism. With a bit of resolve and common sense we can always defeat this filthy thing, and most Muslims would (in my view) be as happy as us if we did.
No, the challenge comes from Islam’s near-total monopoly on things we used to value quite a bit and then totally gave up – female modesty being one of them. And yes, I know that plenty of other things, much more controversial, come with the package.
Pictures of Egypt’s veiled and covered Doaa Elghobashy, right, competing against bikini-clad Western opponents in the Olympic beach volleyball, are very thought-provoking.
You don’t have to go more than 100 years back to find Western women who would have had much more in common – in attitudes and dress – with Ms Elghobashy than they did with her near-naked rivals.
I often wonder if our society will sicken and tire of its seemingly endless relaxation of rules. Such things have happened before. If it does, the Muslim religion may be very well-positioned to lead the counter-revolution. I don’t want this to happen. I just think it might.
- Peter Hitchens (AKA Morality Man)
wait hold on hold on
so youre comparing degenerate commercials and tv shows that have been marketed to young kids and might have perverted them, with religious indoctrination with special regard to islam where children are sent to religion lessons where they learn to read koran in arabic, learn about apostasy, crimes punishable by death, being taught that you have preserve your virginity or youll never get a man, learn about honor killings etc. are you really comparing a perverted upbringing to a religious indoctrination? ok senpai you do you
Beatings, stonings, and murder are pretty rare outside Saudi America and Iran.
Also the op wasn't defending muslims, so stop strawmanning.
no but the fun fact is that there has never been a known case where some girl was stoned to death by her family or sprinkled with sulfur because she wasnt wearing her mini skirt. the same does not apply for islam were the garment restrictions are really tightly enforced in most areas. If you dress overly conservative as western girl or stray from the fashion guidelines, at worst youll be frowned upon and maybe bullied here and there. Straying from wearing a headscarf in most muslim communities results in straight out expulsion and or death threats and what not. This does not apply to every muslim community and im sure youll find some example where thats not the case
That's a pretty good comparison actually. Are you surprised he's making it or are you being sarcastic.
It's always struck me as weird how Sup Forums hates mudslimes yet at the same time have an attitude that's exactly the same.
That whole Shaira law thing. That's basicically how Sup Forums wants the world to be.
He does have a point. When you look at the white women who convert one of the top reasons they do is because it allows them to be modest and pursue traditional roles without being ridiculed.
Jewish-controlled Feminist western society and the Muslim world both go to extremes. Another similar situation is how Muslim countries want to put homosexuals to death while Western society wants to normalize the LGBT Bruce Jenner disease thing.
We need something in the middle where women do not dress like scantily clad whores but they also aren't wearing burkas and headscarves.
Fuck off Peter Hitchens. We may have once valued female modesty, but to suggest that slags, whores and mistresses haven't always in existed in dense urban areas is bullshit.
People like sex, we always have because it is hardwired into us. Wanting your wife/gf to hide away from sight of other men isn't a noble stand against modern degeneracy, it reeks of insecurity and inferiority, a fear of someone taking what is yours, and borders on autistic.
kids are impressionable at a young age. the influence of religion and the influence of tv commercials are not nearly the same,Islam lays down strict laws and commandments that one cannot deviate from. It's coercive and the community around it enforces you to stay in line or pay the toll. TV doesnt dictate what you can and cannot do, it just might bring a kid in contact with degenerate culture and instill a degenerate mindset. but thats not a given and it doesnt coerce anyone
There are tons of cases though where little girl and young women commit suicide because they can't meet the beauty standards that the media and western culture is constantly pushing on them.
unhand our black women you white bastards
why is she wearing a gold burka?
What's wrong with the headscarf. I can understand the burqa being excessive, but how is the headscarf any different than wearing a hat.
It's ridiculous and only shows that sandniggers can't control themselves, so they have to wrap their big-nosed hairy women up in sheets.
nice strawman, achmed
so what now? prescribe women with set clothing restrictions? to protect them from society? people who kill themselves over bullying have always existed and as crude as it may sound, if you kill yourself over your looks then that's natural selection for you.
There was a quote from a club-owner once that I read that stuck with me. He'd been in the business since 1930. He said that in the past you could tell the difference between a regular lady and a whore. It was obvious in how they acted and dressed. Today he says it's impossible to tell the difference. They both act the same. They now dress the same.
The truth is being a whore has become much more acceptable. Look at the way an average high school girl dresses. If she wore the same thing in the 40's most men would have assumed she was a prostitute.
>People like sex, we always have because it is hardwired into us. Wanting your wife/gf to hide away from sight of other men isn't a noble stand against modern degeneracy, it reeks of insecurity and inferiority, a fear of someone taking what is yours, and borders on autistic.
We like sex, but we don't rape. I like food, but I try not to be a glutton. You can like sex without being a degenerate. Wanting a wife/gf to avoid other men is stupid. Wanting her to not act like a whore is acceptable.
>we are free to do as we please
>people who kill themselves over bullying have always existed and as crude as it may sound
How do you explain the skyrocketing Body image issues, and depression, and eating disorders, and suicides that have skyrocketed since the introduction of television and modern media.
>w-what's the difference between a (head)scarf and a hat
ok son, welcome in 1st grade elementary school
a headscarf is a scarf that a woman must wrap around her head so she doesnt attract male attention and confines her beaty for the public eye because some old guys in a desert wrote up that she might make her husband jelly.
a hat is a garment that is used for one's appearance and doesnt wrap up the head. it can also be used as protection vs the rain
Being a whore is o.k. if it is voluntary; showing chastity is not o.k. if it is involuntary, as that offends human dignity—and if forced under the threat of physical punishment, it is not even a virtue, just a practical avoidance of pain. (This is why a threat of Hell eliminates all moral behaviour.)
How do you explain women in the west who still choose to wear it even once they are on their own.
Stop strawmanning the issue. I know some women are forced to wear it. Most are fine with it though. Also what would banning it actually accomplish. If the women wanted to wear it now you've alienated her. If she was being forced to wear it now you've just made life worse for her because now she's going to be restricted even more.
Banning headscarves to stop female oppression is like arguing that banning large magazines helps stop gun violence. It doesn't. It's just something people do to make themselves feel as if they have done something.
>skyrocketed since the introduction of television and modern media.
well like you say, introduction of mass tv and media made people stationary for the biggest portion of the day. field jobs became desk jobs. sugary diets since the 80s because fat was demonized. obesity rates tripled and still rising. of course people feel like shit when theyre 202 pounds+, people were never meant to weigh that much and almost nobodyy did weigh that much up until this period of time in human history.
in short people get fat real easy these days. they are stationary most of the day because of deskjobs and people who work at home. lots of people have internet access throughout the day. get targeted by ads. ads show thin good looking people. of course why not i dont fault them for trying to sell me speedos with some ripped chad as a poster boy. fat has never and will never be normalized as beauty standard, especially not in this time of abundance.
>Pretty rare
Look up what happens in Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, and now Syria.
Haven't even touched central Africa.
This would explain if it wasn't for the fact that many who commit suicide are fit or at-least non-fat women.
You a retard. A culture of slut acceptance among kids and adults is just as effective as religious indoctrination.
There's no difference. They are both socially enforced standards. One being tied with religion is completely irrelevant.
i'm not advocating a ban on headscarfs bob
im just arguing that wearing one doesnt give a girl moral superiorty over a blonde girl in a tank top. She's not more chaste either. thats all subjective.
Ok. It happens, but happening and being the norm are 2 totally different things.
It doesn't, but depending on how revealing the tank top is it would probably cause me to think the headscarf girl is less of a sloot.
well not to sound like a fedora tipper but in a darwinian society, those with inferior looks not reproducing is a net win for the gene pool.
Up is down and down is up. People want to be edgy and controversial, thinking it makes them cool or "more free", but all they're doing is tearing down the standards that keep society prosperous and productive. A moral people will always be superior to people who abandon morals.
This couldn't be more true. Animals, the whole lot of them. Their strict religion can't even keep them disciplined. How worthless is islam?
Looks is a shit way to build a society. Most of civilizations top minds and leader weren't necessarily attractive.
Also this assumes most people committing suicide due to body image issues are unattractive. Which isn't the case.
not adhering to islamic teachings when youre from a islamic background has consequences. islam ties consequences to insubordinance. most tv programs do push a hidden agenda but that agenda and the cultural norms accompanying it are not enforced like in islam. no way
It's almost as if extremes on both sides are fucking moronic.
if you kill yourself over your looks i doubt youre highly intelligent or have a good paying salary to do something about those looks. so i see no loss really.
Yeah yeah yeah, keep fighting those damn radical muslims. I'm sure your sluts in your country will give you a hand-job as a reward.
Not following western standards has consequences as well. At-least with Islam you know they're there. I would argue that the western (((media))) standards are worse because they aren't codified. There's nothing concrete to point to and blame. It's much more subversive.
Because trash bags, as the name suggests, are designed to hold trash, not to be worn in order to appear "chaste".
>Wearing a burqa is a good thing
Are you fucking insane?
>if you kill yourself over your looks i doubt youre highly intelligent
Intelligent, especially super-intelligent IQ>140, individuals are much more likely to commit suicide and suffer from depression.
>good paying salary
Most suicides due to body image issues are usually from higher income individuals.
Did I say that? Show me where I said that.
>It's either x or y
>There's no inbetween
Basially I feel like I dont owe society jack shit. I should be able to do what I like or wear what I like and its no one elses business. I wear pajama pants and sweats and am like 60 pounds overweight. Don't like fat slobs? Suck my dick you cant do shit.
You "tradition" and "culture" faggots cant die out soon enough.Go bitch about it to your Sky daddy and let the priest fuck your kid.
You were implying that Islam is right for making women that shit
No. I said that just because Islam says something is bad doesn't mean they are necessarily wrong.
Islam is correct in valuing female chastity. It might not go about it in the best way, but that isn't a reason then to assume that female chastity is bad.
>Most suicides due to body image issues are usually from higher income individuals.
myeah after they had some botched plastic surgery and botox treatments.
>especially super-intelligent IQ>140
thats like not even a quarter of a procent of the population. hardly significant for population growth and those high iq persons barely take kids as is.
>Why is beeing a whore okay while showing chastity and dignity considered as something bad and extremist in western societies?
>while showing chastity and dignity as something bad and extremist in western societies
>showing chastity and dignity
You're beyond confused, OP.
Pic related is dignified and demure.
Dressing up in a burqa is separatist, isolationist religious shit.
It doesn't keep you modest, it paints you as a giant symbol for an uncompromising religion that refuses to engage or integrate with the rest of society around it.
i wonder how many people in these pictures are still alive
Why do you lie to yourself you bacha bazi child fucker