What happened to white women? Can we have an honest discussion for once?
What happened to white women? Can we have an honest discussion for once?
Idk but I wish I had more pics of the skank on the right.
Dat ass drives me wild.
I know faggot...
But just wait till it your daughter.
internet porn and God being removed from schools and our lives.
Its called democracy and freedom.
>for once
Yeah, it's like this topic has never been discussed before on Sup Forums
White men became faggots while brown guys like aren't brainwashed by liberalism, feminism and atheism.
God isn't real you fucking retard, stop talking about your imaginary friend.
How can they even compete lads
Mah nigga.
The ass was fat.
Literally nothing. You're just cherry picking
t. In Idaho
Not all white women are degenerate skanks, but thanks to freedom, social media, feminism and rebellion, most of them definitely are. Still..would you rather the other side of the coin? Submissive and awkward with zero social skills?
I would like a happy medium but those are near impossible.
Is she cosplaying as a slav in this picture?
le edgy atheist meme
OP can you believe that people are individuals and that some skanks are not representative of all women of the white race?
they bcame stupid thats what happened
That's not the point.. It didn't have to be real to have made the world better a better place.
true slavs are heel on ground squats
It never goes anywhere tho. No fruitful, meaningful insight is given as to why.
Why are white girls so trashy?
Even better
>awkward with zero social skills
Women 50 years ago (at least middle to upper class ones) had much better social skills, more grace and politeness, and conversation skills than millenial women
I'm pretty sure two of them are guys I know one of them is a guy
white women are using their big butts to oppress us
Movies aren't real yet they are still able to stimulate and manipulate your senses.
internet exposure has every 4/10 thinking they're 8s or 9s
Middle. Mmm....
>Submissive and awkward with zero social skills?
Yes, yes I would. It would be right fucking awkward but I still would.
You just can't fucking win these days.
Society has taught them that their only value is their sexuality while simultaneously teaching them that it is a resource that can be spread as thinly and liberally as necessary to get what they want.
They discovered the world beyond the cucked white male.
They became addicted to it to the point of self-destruction.
Are you from the Mormon part of Idaho?
>having children after Shillary wins
The end of the world is in November. You'd be a fucking moron to have children once America turns into Kazakhstan 2.0
Don't lose hope lads. Quality, virtuous white women are still out there.
darkies = homos
>"I am not defined by my number of partners! Having random hook ups does not say anything about the value I place on sex or relationships!"
Sexual liberation has degraded the value of stable families, the core of western civilization. Moral relativism has wrought a pandering to the lowest common denominator of person. Feelings became more important than reality, being unexceptional still came with praise to these children. It's complicated user, but our culture has been on its way down since the 1960's.
Girls in your pic are low class, uneducated bitches. Low class uneducated people have always acted like trash throughout history.
This is why I no longer call myself an Atheist.
You mad cause you're a cuck.
There's actually some hot fucking based white girls left in idaho. They wear camo and shit.
It's stylish/trendy.
666 bro dont play me like that
>Submissive and awkward with zero social skills
You just described Sup Forums's population irl.
Fuck off
Let you atheist fucks remember Satan does exist.
acting retarded like everyone else isn't a "social skill"
stupid fucking false dilemma
your "happy medium" is just as stupid. there will never be someone slutty for you that you will trust or whatever dumb shit unideal ideal you have flowing through your head.
I knew this shit was coming.
Thus why i said an honest discussion.
Sauce pls, kind sir?
I don't know how to feel about it. The degeneracy it is coupled with is depressing, but without open sexuality I wouldn't be able to realise my sexual needs. I'm not part of society, I don't have a wife/girlfriend to satisfy me.
I know the girl on the right. She used to go to hardcore shows around Detroit when I still lived there. She used to have a Tumblr account called "Buttholevegan" but she deleted it. I do not know her real name. I do not recognize her friends either. She sucked a friend of a friend's cock because he played in a band around here.
Really disgustingo
Abortion, the pill, TV, welfare, decline of religion, drugs more available
Years ago. Meet classy girl on our after high school "spring break " if you like. Made out with her. Call her next day. Rejects me. A bit depressed but get over it pretty quickly I'm no brad pitt.
Decades later I see she's working as a shill for a leftist rag.
Another classy girl I know and really liked, went to the prom with her but got nothing except ice queen induced humiliation, is working for another leftist rag.
These girls are more or less 40 and almost certainly won't have kids and their good classy genes will just die out.
What happened to them? Nothing they're just fucking cunts.
When women are let loose to do as they please, away from the authority of men, they have not come up with a cornucopia of great inventions and discoveries. Instead they have aborted tens of millions of infants, blamed all their problems on men, voted leftists into office, become excessively promiscuous, gotten worthless college degrees and demanded equally worthless make-work jobs, believe that wealth falls like manna from heaven, come to believe marriage is temporary, destroyed children's lives though easy divorce and single parent-hood...and rationalized every bit of it.
>those piercines, tattoos, faces, and whorish behavior
absolutely disgusting
>those asses
muh dik
Only other pic I can find leftover from her Tumblr
then there are really classy qts like this (and she's autistic, too)
kekked hard
This, they are going back to the kitchen.
We're not going to get any real discussion, so here's a bunch of REAL THICC
And with big ass comes thick thighs
Women prefer drinking and fucking huge niggers instead of being forced to slave away in the kitchen and dry heave at the thought of having to fuck her white beta provider.
Brain of social beings evolves in specific manner
>tfw no qt autismo gf
lol, I'd ram my cock up all three of their asses.
If they promote their butts like that, expect a visit from the penis police.
Shutup skank, men are talking
>easiest it's every been to get laid
>there are still hordes of virgins on Sup Forums
kill yourselves
Interesting claim. What's your source?
Nevermind Google has a lot of shit archived. Heres more of her ass
I'm so glad none of you faggots are ever going to reproduce.
> ice queen induced humiliation
what is that, strayan-cunt ??
>>easiest it's every been to get laid
Only for chads. Virginity used to be 4% for 20-25 years olds, now it's around 20%
The top tier guys are getting laid like champs while the rest of us are getting scraps like ugly chicks and fatties.
for a normalshit maybe
And more pics of her ass and pussy. Okay no more.
>the vaginal jew
that shit is ridiculous imma need a bigger cock
dat ass on the right . i'd lick her anus all day erryday
>What happened to white women?
Feminism, secularism, the liberal media, happened.
Her friend on the left's pretty hot.
>now it's around 20%
24% actually
>Still..would you rather the other side of the coin? Submissive and awkward with zero social skills?
Yes, yes, and a third time yes.
Is...is that Applemilk1988 on the far left?
You can fuck easier than ever who cares? I guess you guys are mad about relationships and stupid shit like that, but real men don't care. Just fuck and focus on your job. Why do you think you need a woman to complete you? Do you even talk to women? They're boring as fuck they won't stimulate anything other than your cock.