Why haven't we returned the rightful soil of Argentina yet England? We need to end colonial dogmatism

Why haven't we returned the rightful soil of Argentina yet England? We need to end colonial dogmatism.

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i still don't undertand why you got it in the first place. goes against the monroe doctrine

You alright Britain?

Go back to nigentina

Look, I also support the return of lands to the original owners regarding oceania, Moaris, aboriginals, have all been victims of our colonial efforts. We need to compensate them, as we do for all victims of western society.

OK spic lover

now fuck off


I agree

I'll take everything you own and your sister and I promise to give it to the oppressed coloured people.

Why would you use hatespeech when I'm just trying to have a reasonable discourse with you?

Don't you understand that the white race will eventually cease to exist? We're better off as a mixed race society.