When will the bridge-jumping start?
Or do Trumpettes prefer the noose?
When will the bridge-jumping start?
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every single poll is skewed
forgot to add: and now i watch as the republicucks stroll in and scramble to save face
CTR pls
Never. We will talk non stop shit about crooked Hillary until the end of her days.
>Trump gets more viewers than Hillary on every platform including TV
>Trump gets more people attending his rallies than Hillary by an incredibly large margin
>Trump has more followers and hits on social media than any official or unofficial Hillary page
>CNN's ratings have dropped considerably since they started supporting Hillary while Fox New continues to dominate
>Trump protests have almost completely died off since the primary season ended. An attempt Trump protest in Detroit was met with apathy by even those who swore they hated Trump
>Trump signs and supporters are appearing everywhere, including in liberal states, while Hillary supporters are nowhere to be found
>MSM: whoops sorry guys trump is down 10 points in all these states and in general lol :^) independents are only 20% of our polling sorry!
I'm not saying the polls are fake, but the methodology used by all polls is the same. About 46% Democrats, 34% Republicans and only 20% Independent. Breitbart's poll is a disgrace considering that they posted it without a methodology, though I am willing to bet they used similar splits.
When people step into that private voting booth, they finally get to decide between change or the same old shit. It's obvious what most people on the fence will choose.
See Sorry CTR, you can't hide behind rigged polls forever
stormweenies fantasize about "day of the rope" when the only person they'll be hanging is themselves. it's hilarious
You fucking fight harder when you're down. Holy shit this generation is a bunch of fucking pussies. Give up rather than fight harder.
RU, like Russia... looks like a sign from Kek 2bh
ignore the polls they're heavily biased. You got this guys all you need to do is vote when the time comes. Don't fuck this up...
yes, all 2,000 Sup Forumsacks must vote when the time comes
>All Polls are biased
>Even the one breitbart did when claiming all polls are biased so did their own, which showed Clinton winning.
Trump is fucking this up by saying one stupid thing after the other. Hillary is just sitting the fuck back and letting Trump tank worse and worse.
you dumb fuck, they call people and ask what their party identification is, more people say they're democrats than republicans because there are more registered democrats than republicans
>>Trump gets more viewers than Hillary on every platform including TV
> >Trump gets more people attending his rallies than Hillary by an incredibly large margin
> >Trump has more followers and hits on social media than any official or unofficial Hillary page
it's almost like people want to watch a slow-moving trainwreck
no... that can't be
all britpols voted when we needed to. we did it and so can you
>Implying if Hillary wins they won't grab their guns and take out as many liberal looking shits before they're caught and gunned down by police
Better shave that beard and throw away those flannel shirts OP, because if Trump loses it's going to be cuck hunting season come November.
daily reminder that cuckold bernie's rallies far surpassed clinton's... and that did a lot of good for him
Florida Clinton 4 points over trump
>lose a democratic election
>chimp out like a nigger and start killing people
Gee, the media really is right about you losers, aren't they?
not everyone is voting in the polls. everyone will vote on the day.
Don't worry mate, the FBI already has your IP address.
So when is that brexit of yours happening? :D
I live in Minneapolis and when Obama was running, I would say every fourth or fifth car had his name on it as a sticker. I see a Hillary sticker maybe once a week during my commutes. My friends who are more liberal than I am aren't voting for her, they're voting third party or not at all.
I'm not saying the polls are all wrong. I'm just saying it doesn't feel anything like 2008. I'm not sure people are going to come out of the woodwork to vote for her.
>Trump gets more viewers than Hillary on every platform including TV
I bet you think no publicity is bad publicity too, don't you?
>Trump gets more people attending his rallies than Hillary by an incredibly large margin
Hillary only lets in a small amount. Romney also had record setting crowds. Look how that turned out.
>Trump has more followers and hits on social media than any official or unofficial Hillary page
Once again, so did Romney, so did Ron Paul. It means nothing.
>CNN's ratings have dropped considerably since they started supporting Hillary while Fox New continues to dominate
Strange, especially when you consider Fox News has actually been more Pro-Hillary all along than CNN. Reminder they had a Feud with Trump because of Ms. Kelly, or did you forget about that already?
>Trump protests have almost completely died off since the primary season ended. An attempt Trump protest in Detroit was met with apathy by even those who swore they hated Trump
Of course they died off. The protestors were there to stop people from voting during the Primaries. Are you dumb? Is this your first election? People stand outside of conventions and polling places with all kinds of retarded signs to influence your vote. Its always been like that. Also I want a source on the Detroit Protests.
>Trump signs and supporters are appearing everywhere, including in liberal states, while Hillary supporters are nowhere to be found
Being vocal about support or nonvocal doesn't indicate a lack of support. I can scream rape right now and the whole town will come to watch, but it isn't gonna matter if everyone knows I scream rape for no reason.
But polls are representative, you don't need the entire population of a country to take part in a poll to be accurately representative of the country, as long as the poll is taken out correctly.
Hell, even Brexit polls showed a slight lead for Leave over Remain on the day of the vote, and that was the final result
3 years by the looks of it :D
>he supports the collapse of the empire for a few sheckles in his account
Why? Do you not realize you are even more disposable to them than us? Those killed first are traitors and subverts.
Choking on hillary's big black cock
You and I both know Hillary couldn't win legitimately.
I dunno.... on recent form I would suspect blm etc would react violently to a trump win rather then the other way round.
You'll just sulk and blame rigged votes and jewish media conspiracies..... You guys actually get off on feeling sorry for yourselves. Trumps strong point is that he's tapped into the peculiar mixture of self-aggrandizement and self-pity that characterizes American poor-fags.
You are retarded.
They CALL random people, but they will not accept answers from people if it goes out of their established percentages. The entire point of the polls is to be """"scientific"""" so they won't allow something like 74% Democrats 3% Republicans 23% Independents to be published.
Die Clinton rat. Hezbollah ghaaliboun.
you may have convinced yourself of that if you spend most of your time on this echo chamber, but there's a great big country of 330 million people out there that seems to disagree
Or maybe never...
American polling methods have been finely honed over decades...... unlike, for example, the brexit referendum
Just like how the 2012 polls were rigged for Obama.
It's called a silent majority.
Also reminder that the DNC leak proved that they rigged the primaries so he couldnt win. Also that Bernie is no longer a Democrat because of the shady BS going on in the DNC.
The polls showed over and over that Trump was the dream match up for Hilary Clinton during the Republican primary.
Now everyone is shocked that Hilary is going to run away with it?
>6% trust in media(all time low)
>citing polls conducted by media
Try again for more shekels. Independent pollers that perform anonymous polls find that Trump leads.
> he thinks people are paid to shit post on Sup Forums
I'm sure democrats are more likely to target their resources on social media outlets where people might actually vote Democrat (leddit facebook etc)
This "shill" meme is getting old
Reminder that primaries weren't rigged,just the DNC supported Hillary over Bernie. And that the E-mails were all sent AFTER Super Tuesday, where Bernie already lost by a large margin, and victory for him was looking unlikely
The DNC Leak proved they rigged Nevada.
A state with practically no weight. If they had given Nevada to Bernie without "rigging" he still would have lost miserably. Do you not understand how Delegates work?
>Independent Pollers find Trump Leads
Seriously. Wake the hell up. if you want Trump to win, you are gonna need to switch Tactics. This should all really be a wake up call to Sup Forums but for some reason its like talking with 5 year olds who have there fingers in there ears.
Any source on Romney and Ron Paul drawing in bigger crowds than the DNC rallies? Also source on Hillary just letting in a small group of people rather then people not showing up at all?
I think the lack of sources and citations is why people are so quick to scream "SHILL".
>I bet you think no publicity is bad publicity too, don't you?
I guess that's why Jill Stein is running away with this election, because she gets no publicity...
>Hillary only lets in a small amount. Romney also had record setting crowds. Look how that turned out.
I've never heard of a venue that intentionally did not want to fill all seats outside of construction. Also are you forgetting that Obama has always drawn huge crowds? Why the Romney mention when they were both pulling great numbers? my point was that Hillary pulls next to nothing while Trump fills stadiums.
>Once again, so did Romney, so did Ron Paul. It means nothing.
[citation needed]
>Strange, especially when you consider Fox News has actually been more Pro-Hillary all along than CNN. Reminder they had a Feud with Trump because of Ms. Kelly, or did you forget about that already?
Fox was anti-Trump until the primaries were over but they still have a grudge because he ditched their debate.
>Of course they died off. The protestors were there to stop people from voting during the Primaries. Are you dumb? Is this your first election? People stand outside of conventions and polling places with all kinds of retarded signs to influence your vote. Its always been like that. Also I want a source on the Detroit Protests.
First of all, the protestors were never other republicans, they were always democrats.
>Being vocal about support or nonvocal doesn't indicate a lack of support. I can scream rape right now and the whole town will come to watch, but it isn't gonna matter if everyone knows I scream rape for no reason.
You said nothing here.
this. fucking idiots. post in a pro Trump thread instead of getting baited by spam
The country is approximately split 3 c ways between rep dem and ind. The least likely to vote Trump are dems, the second least likely are cuckservatives, and most likely are the independent ls in the middle. Now you know why they weight the polls the way they do.
Holy fuck! Even breitbart thinks trump is fucked
You only posted one source. You need to post more in order to take the high ground here. Also quit generalizing all of Sup Forums, it makes you look like an idiot.
I didn't say Ron Paul drew bigger crowds. I said Romney did. I said him and Romney both drew in huge amounts of Social Media Support, which they did. Check out each of there Facebook pages for more information, I cannot post the links here because spam
Here is the source on the Romney Crowds:
This was covered by multiple sources if you do not trust that one.
I cannot really show you articles on Clinton, as its cherry picking. What you have being shown around the site is Clinton Fundraiser "Rallies" as actual Rallies. Her actual rallies are not drawing in giant crowds, but they are much bigger than Sup Forums acts like they are.
>3,000 attendees
That is small compared to Trump and Bernie. That is really small.
>28 democratics
>28 republicans
>42 independent
Now show me their numbers.
Replace "Trump" with "Sanders" and this is mostly true as well.
Notice Sanders lost.
Why suicide?
The 2nd amendment people will just overthrow the government or perhaps another JFK before she takes office.
>Let's kill her if she wins a democratic election
>running away with this election
Gun nuts don't believe in democracy, and they hate America.
>what is momentum
I take all polls with a grain of salt since millions of people won't vote but will fill out a 2 minute survey.
That being said, I also vote for whoever I feel is the best choice, popular opinion aside.
Ga-ry John-son
*clap clap clapclapclap*
consider my record corrected
>Implying it won't be just as rigged as the primaries
>You believe that because the DNC favoured one candidate over the other, that they also can rig a Presidential Election
Shillary's lead has already dropped from 8 to 6%
Record corrected. Shills on suicide watch after being completely blown the fuck out.
>Rampant corruption isn't a sign of rampant corruption
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
I prefer the noose, but not in the way you think, I thinks.
If the election was held this month he would surely lose. But more speeches like today where he's serious and lays out policies and I think he can swing things around by the first debate.
>everyone i don't like politically is hitler
How were they rigged?
why was the republican primaries not rigged then?
surely jeb would have been easier and more covert to con
>no anime nazis
0/10 would not shoot up an all black church for
My sides split........
The debates between Trump and Hillary will give Trump such a big lead. He would only need to use those for his TV clips. Trump's gonna ask some tough questions and Hillary will probably black out.
>Seriously. Wake the hell up. if you want Trump to win, you are gonna need to switch Tactics. This should all really be a wake up call to Sup Forums but for some reason its like talking with 5 year olds who have there fingers in there ears.
Wow, who would have thought that reasoning with Drumpfkins would be such a difficult task?
Yeah once he embarrasses himself more by calling for his followers to becoming violent and demonstrating a complete ignorance of the world, I'm sure Trump will pull ahead and achieve victory.
>Thinking Trump supporters will commit suicide.
>Not think they will go on a killing spree.
Honestly the best reason to vote trump is so that the people who like him don't riot.
They won't riot. It'll just be a bunch of random shooters like Dylan Hunt. They'll be put down like the rabid dogs they are and then forgotten.
Anyone else feel like this is getting about as nutty as 1968 again? Between BLM and the regressive left, I feel like the unreasoning screech filled anger is getting to hippie levels again.
But instead of a Nixon coming along to calm things the fuck down, we get Trump. This blows ass.
>ya man, the corporations man
Cuck shills going all out
Drumpfkins on suicide watch
t. Jamal
Except we don't get Trump. We get Clinton, who will be slightly worse than Obama (so Sup Forums will spend 8 years whining about how she's going to put us all in FEMA camps "any day now"), and the status quo continues.
Explain this CTR shills
Usually when someone dies, you people just claim they were crisis actors and that it was all a false flag. What makes you think they're really dead in this case?