Almost everyone is now supporting the lgbtqasddfgdfhfh people, and the only ones who fight against it are fucking Christcucks, that only hate it because of fucking religion. Is Western society just dead already?
Is it impossible to stop this now?
Other urls found in this thread:
aww she's cute
> Is it impossible to stop this now?
Islam is the answer my brother.
>implying us Christcucks won't save the world
they will be final solution'd along with the muslims
>the semi retarded youtube manlet actually gets money and lives from making videos
Was social media the biggest mistake of humanity?
There's no such thing as homophobia.
I am glad that this shit will never be a thing in my homecountry.
t. not German
t. not Turkroach either
I wish we'd just nuke ourselves already
>Atheistcuck calling "cuck", the saints of God
Always look on the bright side of life. Once
muslims conquer europe, the cucks/feminists/lgtb would be the first to die and dissapear
hi mudslime
>brainwashing is fine when we do it
I hate this world. The sooner the west falls the better.
That fucking host...
That fucking video...
Those fucking comments...
Why didn't you stand with us when you had the chance? We could've squashed it before it became a problem.
Nice flag.
> secularization of western society beginning with (((enlightenment))) and (((liberalism)))
> leads to wholesale destruction of the west in the matter of two centuries
Why cant atheists see this obvious correlation?
The only solution to this is the return to a traditionalist society and that also includes a desecularization of the public sphere.
I thought this was satire during the first few seconds and then I realized this guy legit believes what he's saying. This world is becoming more of a circus each year
>the only ones who fight against it are fucking Christcucks
>canada distilled
Honestly I wonder if those passages were referring to nowadays, I thought only Revelations would make specific statements about the contemporary days
They get them whilst they are young. The entire "education" program is nothing more than indoctrination camps from Nursery to University. University is the final stage when the final phase is activated i.e the degeneracy protocol to physically do what you've been taught,seen and told about since the age of 3.
The known common words that activate the protocol in those still affected are
>Mixed race
I wouldn't be surprised if a number of people here aged 18-25 just got activated reading it
"He who controls the youth, gains the future"- Adolf Hitler.
the only impossible thing is to make a bed out of sleep
After watching this
The fuck
How can leftists support literal brainwashing of the youth, the little girl probably has no idea what she is fighting for or what implications it has on the long term of civilization and human coalitions
Some prophecies describe the past, others the future, but these passages come from deuteronomy and describe the punishment of those who forget the Convenant and disobey to God, they are timeless.
>Some prophecies describe the past
that's not a prophecy