>that feel of being alienated from your friends on social media.
Bentley Gomez
So something occurred to me. Why is the zambambo samurai using fencing techniques with a sword designed to cut shit?
Carson Gray
Why did you crop out her enormous boobs? That's the best part of One Piece.
Isaiah Bennett
Could it be?
Gavin Young
>using social media
Kevin Roberts
Angel Baker
Leo Hill
Bump for Bulma butt
Landon Sanchez
Nathaniel Sanchez
Joshua Taylor
Why do people like the fox girl so much?
Noah Torres
Sebastian Harris
Posting best straw hat
Jack Flores
>having friends
Ryder Wood
Ree. T.Ree
Oliver Nguyen
Because your dad touches you at night.
Nathan Myers
I'm probably not going to be able to post them all during this commercial break as it just ended.
Thomas Morris
which Holofag are you
Luke James
>instagram >married life changing people.
Carter Ramirez
Carter Campbell
Luke Edwards
Everyyone knows Nami is the best Straw Hat.
Yes, I'm baiting the Nami shitposter
Cooper Gomez
Not taking this bait tonight because I am sober this time.
Your worst nightmare.
William Evans
>Frankys running animation
Adam Martinez
Hunter Harris
Someone set that bag of bones up with some calcium ASAP.
Aaron Bailey
Samuel Cruz
Oooh baby.
Brandon Taylor
Oh Holobros, you and your spicey wolves.
Have you seen Spice & Wolf? It's very much a character piece, and her and the other main character are pretty interesting.
Daniel Ward
>logic >one piece
Ryan Jones
Elijah Thomas
>having a social life
Josiah Scott
Kayden Robinson
>earthquake >on a boat
Zoro, sometimes your attempts to sound cool fall flat...
Tyler Ross
Brook's gotta learn that part of being in a crew is never having to do any of your fighting alone
Cooper Clark
She's good with money
Chase Walker
Alright, time for Zoro's most poorly animated fight.
Robert Perez
Julian Anderson
samurais and dragons go together...right?
Aaron Green
Luis Baker
Wyatt Baker
i know it's you Pantybro you fuck.
Gabriel Davis
Tyler Walker
>I;m gonna kick your ass Can Hank Hill defeat Luffy?
Noah Torres
Michael Robinson
Fun fact: the body Brook's shadow is inhabiting is a character from Oda's previous manga.
James Kelly
>Moria just chilling There's something about that that just amuses me.
Brandon Cook
For the challenge?
Nathaniel Peterson
>tfw you will never marry Nami
Camden Myers
Nicholas Nguyen
type the sound moria makes when laughing
Carson Hall
She is the best.
Ian Phillips
Did someone say ONE PIECE?
Elijah Jenkins
Sebastian Smith
This is my favorite gif in the whole wide world.
Charles Rivera
Is that right?, i don't remeber this fight.
Benjamin Wright
black haired zoro?
Dominic White
It's not bait you retarded drunk
Carter Nelson
Geez, maybe it has something to do with a fencing shadow in him?
Ian Martin
so does that mean that protag had a bad end
Joseph Adams
>faster faster faster faster faster
Brayden Reyes
Kayden Nguyen
>Why is the zambambo samurai using fencing techniques with a sword designed to cut shit? Because he's using Brook's techniques. Because he has Brook's shadow.
Joseph Green
Matthew Mitchell
That IS his laugh.
Jaxon Smith
God bless you Japan.
Charles Ross
Seriously, why is Absalom a half human half beast? Also his hat looks like the marines.
Christopher Ramirez
did you miss me?
Jace Ortiz
Jacob Jackson
How does anyone watch 900 episodes of One Piece? I might watch since I found out my clown pirate is still around but I'll have to watch from the beginning to get a real grasp. Is it all filler?
Samuel Scott
Oars killed all the Lords of Cinder in one fucking go.
Ryan Howard
Nathaniel Morris
James Johnson
Hogback enhanced his body with various animal parts to give him superhuman toughness and strength.
Isaac Hughes
Yeah, it's pretty bad. Unfortnately, this is where Toei decided to cut major corners for this arc.
Matthew Ramirez
William Thomas
The animal mouth is a transplant, we saw his human mouth on a jaguar months ago.
Thomas Barnes
Objectively wrong.
Camden Jenkins
Which One Piece character has the best laugh?
Kevin Mitchell
Isaac Ramirez
There's no need to fight. After all, both girls are equally terrible
Henry Hernandez
honestly? a little bit.
Panty still a shit
Grayson Lopez
Hogback replaced his body parts in order to boost his strength.
Cooper Lewis
How does anyone watch nearly 970 episodes of Pokemon? Well the OS was somewhat crap and Unova was terrible.
Julian Cook
Robert Wilson
She's a wolf you faggot, not a fox.
Easton Murphy
I just want to shove a carrot down her throat. Then make her guzzle it down with some carrot juice.
Gabriel King
I only just started watching tonight. What the hell is up with DBZ Kai's theme tonight?
Elijah Miller
Everyone dies eventually user.
Matthew Lee
I know they want to make Oars out to be really strong, but unless he salted the Zombie Generals, they should just get right back up.
Bentley Sanchez
>watching OP It's faster to read the manga since it doesn't drag less then 1 chapter per episode.