For those of you who don't know, Blaire White is an anti-feminist tranny youtuber who makes videos attacking SJWs...

For those of you who don't know, Blaire White is an anti-feminist tranny youtuber who makes videos attacking SJWs, feminists, BLM, etc.
So, Sup Forums, what are your opinions on her?

Other urls found in this thread:

> her

he still has a mental disability.

but people with mental disabilities can be smart in some ways

God Bless her, she's brilliant.

Hopefully they find a cure for dysphoria in his lifetime, that poor guy.

Anyone want to guess age of death? I'm guessing less than 34 from bullet consumption

wtf I love boipuccii now

He's OK, but I find it difficult to watch her videos knowing she's a man. Good thing I run them in the background.

already a thread about her faggot

Fuck off Blaire. You are an abomination pretending to be a women. Anyone who approves of your life choices deserves nothing less than a bullet to the back of the neck.


>for those of you who D'ONT KNOW

>what are your opinions.
you know, there is an art to shilling for clicks

Sounds like a fucking hero to me

This right here Sup Forums is a prime example of trying pass of degeneracy as something else. Don't fall for it.

OP is either a leftist shill or the Trannie in question looking for attention and views to feed their snowflake narcissism

And I present her rival tranny Julie rein Goldstein voice actor for web shit and gen zed. He and Blair Twitter war all day




Don't care about him. I am not going to scorn people who push against my enemies. I will look past minor character issues, but I will not consider a tranny or other mentally ill individual to be worth giving a shit about.

Nor will I adopt this stupid queen of Sup Forums crap.

We have the best trannies don't we?

i want to see their feminine peepees

He/she/it/whogivesasinglefuck is degenerate for being a tranny, but awesome for having the right ideas.
Overall, there are better people to listen to without having to deal with tranny bullshit, like our lord and savior Milo for example.

He's basicallly just like a black republican

I came here to post this

Who cares?

Trannies are only hot when they are young and full of make up. Once you see her in real life you can see the hidden beard and her smell is one of a man. This is a lure to feminize the west so they can keep divide and conquer with greater success over the years. Female = Passive = Submission = Easier to Conquer and manipulate.

Prove me wrong shills.

Nice trips

She's pretty based as far as trannies go.

It's especially delicious watching all the uglier trannies get mad at her for not being part of their cult.

I love how she points out female privilege
>lots of respect for her

>refers to herself as white in her videos
>looks like a chola

To be fair. It's usually the ugly ass old trannies like pic related that commit suicide.

Hot ones generally live a happy life in a nice relationship.

I'm pulling this out of my ass, but I'm guessing that's how it works.

I mean just compare the two. One is hot, young, and somewhat intelligent, probably makes loads of cash camwhoring and has no intention of mutilation.

The other is a failure as a man and a father who's into all of those fucked up fetishes, probably likes to get shit and pissed on. Abandoned his children, this guy is a fucking perverted nutcase.

Actually Blaire is an anti-SJW and makes great content desu.

it's an attention whore faggot that thinks it's a female you stupid faggot loving piece of shit

This. Also, it leads to moral decadence, the destroyed of masculinity (and in some sense, responsibility to traditional family), and a careless "YOLO" society.

It's all about divide and conquer. They want to weaken our families and our nations.

Degenerate. To the oven HE goes.

>my personal feels are more important than fighting against feminists rhetoric

Fuck off retards.

I'm not proud but I would fuck that boipucci :3

This guy is better looking than half the females I see outside, I'd let this faggot suck my dick desu

I don't have a tranny fetish, but if they're passable I have no problem making them choke on my dick and nutting down their throats like the mentally ill sluts they are just like I would with a real female.

status of vagina please. if they are really that convincing I would have to ask.

Hear, hea-... Oh wait it's a leaf, never mind.

Who the fuck gives a fuck whether someone has a mental disability or not? If one has a disability we should feel for him/her. And if he/she can live with it happy like the rest of us live with ourselves happy there is zero reason for any fuzz. The world of disabilities is complex and gray.

Eh. Mixed feelings. Watched her Rubin Report interview yesterday. She's okay. I'm still not about it, though. This is how the whole trans thing becomes normalized. Oh, look! Blair White is a trans libertarian who holds some different views! Wow. Guess transsexuals are normal people!

I don't think it should become normalized.

He sounds like a based faggot.

Also I'd grind to orgasm along his buttcrack while kissing his neck. No homo.

>So, Sup Forums, what are your opinions on him?

I think he does a great job being a hypocrite.



Real women have vaginas you mentally ill freak

Kill yourself

I wonder how many of you would call her a "he" in a real life situation, like if you ran into her and a group of people in a bar and started talking to them.

At least half of you are posers.

>If you don't want to commit social suicide and get ostracised by everyone that means that some deranged insane crossdressing dude is a woman

I'd fuck his faggot ass in a hearbeat, but my recognition of his existence would stop there. We should not be listening to mentally disturbed cross dressers for our facts and news, they are part of the perverted agent of marxism. Before anyone says I am as well, I merely have a very high libido, a product of high test and genetics. I will marry a white woman and father many children so don't get on my case.

>'d fuck his faggot ass in a hearbeat

Kill yourself faggot freak

Honestly one of the best looking trannies I've ever seen. Trannies are the ultimate degeneracy though so nah son, ain't cool with it.

If you wouldn't say it to their face you shouldn't pretend to be a badass on here.

I use she/her even though I think she has a mental illness because that's how I'd address her IRL

Ignore him. You wouldn't listen to a mentally ill person normally wouldn't you? I don't care if they're 'based' or ">she's passable", he is still mentally ill and needs to be locked away. Also all this >muh dick posting needs to stop, I thought niggers werent allowed on here.

Fuck off you Mediterranean subhuman trash, I can only imagine your sickly brown arms stamping away at your dollar store keyboard while you starve to death because the only thing you've eaten today are olives and inflated cash. I would fuck you to, right in the ass, like the little bitch you are, not a man at all. You wouldn't even fight back, I'd cream your subhuman ass and you would whimper like the conquered pile of refuse your nation is.

Didn't ancient Greeks literally invent faggotry?

Stop enabling those freaks then. You are part of the problem. Because of people like you young kids get mutilated and have their lives ruined. Tranny abomination acceptance literally kills. You are disgusting

>About 88% of children who have gender dysphoria do not hold those beliefs when they grow older.
>Only 12% of boys who believe they are transsexuals still believe so when they are older

Agree with on many issues.
Would cup feminine benis.

Jesus christ you're a fucking faggot

Where did I imply I support mutilating young kids?

Fuck off moron.

why does it matter? He's still mentally ill, shouldn't that send SOME sort of red flag?

Christ, what's happened to Sup Forums? First the faggot Milo and now this. I guess the liberal shills have really taken over.

Kill yourself mentally ill deranged faggot neckbeard Sup Forumstard

You are enabling tranny abominations and reinforcing their delusions by accepting their pronouns. That inevitably leads to young kids getting mutilated.

>Being this mad

Cry more, Oliver. I don't think you should be allowed to be this triggered, it should be a crime. You should be ashamed of yourself, you nasty queer. Hell, I bet you jizzed your designer jeans over the thought of me fucking Achilles over there in his ass, right?

Kek. I did sweetie.

Underage faggot Sup Forumstard you are cringy af kys

Thanks famalam

Be calm my friend, there is no need to be upset. You sensitivity and displays of emotional vulnerability are all projections of both your repressed homosexual nature and your rage at the failure of your nation. I do not judge you for this. I only want peace.

There's literally nothing wrong with dating qt traps.

You are a literal sodomite faggot and an abomination. You are not in a position to judge anyone you subhuman trash

Says the guy who was literally conquered by roaches for hundreds of years.

To bad, because I am judging you for being so emotional, like a liberal. Weaker men like you must be culled through the process of feminization, either you embrace full masculinity and all it's virtues, or you retreat to the opposite spectrum and become a tranny, so that you may not bare children, but you may please more powerful men like me while you are young and retain youthful vitality and features. I am a warrior for the Aryan people and you will be my rectal receptacle.

does she still have her boiclitty?

Kill yourself mentally ill faggot neckbeard weirdo

Im trans and a christian. By saying that trans people are inheirently sinful you push a lot of them away and they turn to degeneracy. You can be trans and not be a degenerate, but right now the only people that advocate for that are opposed to all trans people on principle.


Real women have vaginas you deranged faggot freak. Go back to tumblr

he's fucking ugly

He's mentally ill, OP. He should be institutionalized and /or gassed immediately.

What's wrong greekbro? :^)

>Im trans and a christian

Mutilating yourself is not Christian.

How can you be a Christian and be a tranny? That's like being a Muslim feminist

Go back to Sup Forums freak.

Sure, if you're a faggot

It's a transsexual. Enough said.

My god, Sup Forums can be degenerate sometimes.

But what about the actual badasses on here?

I might not call black people niggers IRL (because canadian blacks usually aren't niggers) but a >her is a >her no matter what they act like.

As for the trans bit - meh don't care. Doesn't pass as well as she thinks she does but whatever makes Blaire happy.

Politically she's on point and clued in. Some decent points, though she does trade on the "trans" credentials a bit heavily.



I didn't "mutilate" myself, I take medicine to help with a mental condition. I wouldn't be able to live if I didn't do so. I believe God did this for a reason, if I were born normal I would be radically different in every way. Being trans has shaped my life, I'm not going to ignore it and try and push it down. God gave me this in a time where I can get drugs to help me, if he didn't want me to take them he would have let me know by now and he probably wouldn't have provided them when I was in need.

Blaire White is fucking funny. And, S/he isn't that bad looking in terms of feminine features. I'm pretty sure it still has a penis, but I like what I see in all of it's videos. I would probably date her, but only if nobody else knew it was a trap.

>Zelda in the background

Into the fucking trash it goes, attention whore poser girl gamer shits, I wouldn't even use her face to wipe my ass with

Most trannies are anti feminism because feminists despise trannies for not being real women.

Look up Joelle Ruby Ryan trolling.

>I use she/her even though I think she has a mental illness because that's how I'd address her IRL

>if he/she can live with it happy

"People shouldn't get help for their mental disabilities if they're happily deluded". Next you'll be saying that people shouldn't be mocked for living as "otherkin" if they're happy.

Cool with me. She can do whatever she wants as long as it doesn't affect me.

'she' probably has better vidya taste than you

Fuck off back to Sup Forums Nintencuck manchild nu-male

"""she"""" fucked Sam Hyde and posted the email correspondence on Sup Forums.

Fucking hilarious.

nvm that's not her. It was another tranny.

She's using her status as a tranny with opposite views of every other tranny on earth to become famous just like Milo is a fag boi with opposite views of every other fag to become famous. I like Milo a lot though, her not as much. And Milo had a big job before this (Breitbart tech editor) But I appreciate what both are doing because hopefully they are bringing votes to Trumps side. I know Milo is.

I honestly don't give a fuck about what lgbt does as long as they don't convert others.

People that are usually the most triggered by this stuff tend to be homos themselves. Just look at the Catholic Church

>I didn't "mutilate" myself

So transsexuals chopping their dicks off isn't mutilation?

>I take medicine to help with a mental condition.

Your mental condition is literally you wanting to take this "medicine"

>God gave me this in a time where I can get drugs to help me, if he didn't want me to take them he would have let me know by now and he probably wouldn't have provided them when I was in need.

Just because it's there doesn't mean you have to use it, there are plenty of degenerate things that exist that God wants you to stay away from.

my opinon on trannies
i will call them "her" or "him" if they look like a guy/girl, whatever they want to be

if they put no effort into what gender they want to look like then fuck it im calling them what gender they were born as

To not OP