Should American Muslims buy guns to protect themselves?
The word of God is the only protection they need.
That bitch has shitty trigger discipline, she's gonna blow that pretty little nose off
No they should pray for Allah to stop my bullets
Allah will protect them no need for guns desu
If you believe skydaddy tells you what he wants you to do you should never be allowed to own a gun.
*sips tea*
Allah is a false God. Muslims will burn in eternal hellfire.
We should add another question to the NICS form that says "check here if you are a muslim" so we can blame the FBI more completely.
I know that looks like tea to you, Mr. Huehue, but that's actually just your tapwater.
Of course. Why shouldn't they? Americanized Muslims are far better than those in Europe because they've largely assimilated to our culture over a generation or two. The fesh off the boat Muslims in Europe are still backwards as fuck and refuse to integrate.
Who tf takes an edgy gun selfie with a loaded gun
women with guns are hot. i don't even know what this thread is about.
muh dick
>No trigger discipline
Yes, and they should carry them exactly like that, preferrably in areas where one is likely to be startled
Your fucking whacko government is probably giving them guns already.
If you're an American, you have the right to bear arms. So yes.
Too many people. That's how babies get shot.
There's no mag in the pistol if you look closely
>muslims in america pretending to be scared that they'll be treated the same as non-muslims in muslim countries
No, they are a part of the religion of peace. Allah is all they need.
Pick one
American mudslimes should buy guns to kill themselves.
Every American should have a gun. It's when they try to take your guns away they that bad people are left with guns and they just make everyone of a certain group look bad.
I could make an easy response about Flint, but I'm not 15 anymore XD
Sure, if they feel they're in danger. But they should only fire them if their lives are at risk.
Why would they need guns? They're the religion of peace.
>muslims get armed
>message comes from somewhere that they need to start jihad
>the people of the country get btfo
This. If you can't use a gun like a human being, you don't deserve to own one.
I have not noticed any Arab-American tensions in my parts, officer
Always treat it like there's one in the pipe, even if you know there isn't.
All guns are loaded
They should just give every American a handgun for free when they reach legal age, and we should be trained on how to use guns throughout our entire upbringing.
How badass of a country would we be if we embraced gun ownership to that extent.
Every weapon is loaded always
Hell to the fuck no they shouldn't. They would easily turn them on us the first chance they get.
>Muslims in America have assimilated
Your level of autism is staggering
Dubs demand I respond. Protect themselves from what?
Joke's on you, Flint was last year's meme city. I live in Milwaukee, though, if you need more up-to-date easy ammunition for your Taurus brand comeback cannon. :^)
>Don't disrespect us or we'll kill you
Kinda why people don't fucking want them around.
And you don't know what autism means.
I don't know about you, she's fucking hot.
10/10 would wife up
American muslims should gas themselves
Fucking liberals no nothing about gun safety.
Naw, people with 11th century beliefs should be limited to 11th century weapons.
Does that mean we can also relegate the Jews to only having weaponry from before their "common era?" Two birds with one stone, you know?
I'd shoot her in the face with my gun, if you know what I mean.
What if we put all Muslims on the arbitrary terrorist watch list so they couldn't buy a gun. Liberals would explode out of confusion over what to get triggered about more.
Always remember.
If you take guns away from the good Muslims then only the bad Muslims will have guns.
Muslims shouldn't be considered citizens of any western country, and as such shouldn't have any of their rights, let alone the right to own guns.
Sorry nu-male, but that's the first rule of gun safety
Sir, I like the way you think.
Yes. However, leaving Islam would provide a much more substantial improvement of their survival odds.
they should buy tickets to protect themselves
Protect them from who?
Christian extremists' most heinous crimes are holding signs that say repent.
Yes, so they can shoot themselves with it.
I fucking would, inshallah
>those hairlines
NRA pls go
Does she hate her nose that much?
fight fire with hellfire, akmed
>Tfw no based American husbando to teach me how to shoot a gun properly desu
Why even...
She pwned herself and didn't even realize it. Maybe that bullet did some damage after all.
>Who tf takes an edgy gun selfie with a loaded gun
Looks like there is no mag in it, so unless there's one in the chamber it's not loaded.
This is terrible gun safety since all guns should be treated like they're loaded.
However, I'm fairly confident this gun is unloaded.
Christians and Muslims worship the same God you dumb fuck
They should buy a one way ticket out of the US.
Muslims should not be in America, or anywhere else in Western Civilization.
Really? Then how come they get 72 virgins for suicide and I get damned to hell for it?
>72 virgins
No where in the Qur'an does it say this.
They should be allowed if they fucking neuter their faith. Christianity had some zany shit in it back in the day too. The only difference is that Christians got their shit together and stopped believing in the crazy parts so that everyone could live in peace, or at least anyone that either wanted to or wasn't near anyone that didn't want to.
Well, don't tell me that. Tell the people giving your religion a bad name.
I sure would hate to be one of the decent ordinary compatible and Westernized Muslims I know and work with living in the US who aren't causing any apparent trouble.
>people who espouse proper firearm safety are now all NRA
Time to join the NRA I suppose, they sound real cool.
muslams aren't Americans like all of us.
I think you meant "should terrorists...."
And no. The book of mahammad is good enough for these monkeys.
Yes to do the world a favor and shoot themselves.
>What is trigger discipline
>all of us
USA USA USA!!! God bless America. We are killing it at the Zika 2016 Games.
Well you see I want all Americans to be armed, but I don't want Muslims to be Americans
I know who that girl is, she's a hardcore Erdogan supporter. I wish I was the coup soldier who got to be tortured by her
There is no such thing as a muslim american.
Any self respecting gun shop owner would refuse to sell to Muslims especially Florida. Hell we shouldn't even sell them trucks after Nice.
You have clearly never visited America.
Rights to arms shall not be infringed.
Do you let wild animals inhabit your home? Do you think they should be allowed to enter? Of course not they will fuck everything up, just apply that same logic to the sorry sacks of shit those people are.
Clip* fixed that for you.