>be patriotic heros in the Secret Service >reveal Hillary Clinton has Parkinson's disease >flashes trigger seizures explaining lack of press conferences ;)
When #CrookedHillary withdraws her candidacy, the Democrat party won't want to simply close shop, therefore :| 1. Will Bernie, Kaine, or Biden replace #CrookedHillary on the Democrat ticket? :P 2. Will the Democrat party finally stop being racist?
Elijah Lee
I just got a bunch of Cards Against Humanity blank cards, what's some good MAGA-related things I can write on them?
William Hall
Adam Mitchell
Julian Wright
Post your Trumpfu
Matthew Clark
Happy 27th Birthday to me
Leo Nguyen
bump for based Sheriff Clarke.
Aaron Jones
Aaron Parker
>double dubs the clot thickens
Robert Jenkins
Hunter Sanchez
nice job
Elijah Butler
nth for poor health
Eli Morgan
What's the latest in Milwaukee? Has Boss Nigger called the tanks in yet?
Ian Perez
PA Maine Wisconsin Minnesota Connecticut Michigan Are all serious swing states this year. How low can the Democratic party go?
>Holding the Bible high, putting it down, and then lying.
>Being low energy.
>Having small hands but a big penis.
To name a few.
Henry Wilson
In case you're wondering, the fix is in for the presidential debates. Johnson will be included and Hillary will be positioned in the middle.
Lucas Cruz
I hope based nigger is safe from the ape hordes.
Justin King
Daniel White
Lincoln Stewart
So what is the real deal with Longroom? Why is it gone if it was such a joke?
Carson Ramirez
What time is based sheriff gonna be on hannity
Cameron Wood
Gabriel Robinson
>kek smiles on us
Luis Kelly
The horse with the sunglasses in the stable.
Anthony Martin
happy birthday canada from scotland
Joseph Roberts
To the utter retards last thread who were incompetently shilling LongRoom because the polls there were "unbiased," you are retards.
Providing a skew to try to "unskew" biased polls doesn't do shit. The data doesn't work like that.
For the user who thought LongRoom was DDoSed, no, that's not how it works, and no, the site has NOT been up since 2008. ICANN records are for domain name stats, use a web archiver and you'll not find anythign from the site until this year.
This will really be the people to decide the next president. >inb4 tinder
Blake Russell
Say it again Samuel L Hydavitch
Jeremiah Lee
This. With bad data, it's garbage in, garbage out regardless if you "unskew it".
Ayden Richardson
Jill is rogue. She is not part of the plan.
Henry Bailey
PLS GIVE TRADE DEAL POST BREXIT We need some of that that sweet, sweet foreign currency
Nolan Anderson
wtf i hate rudy now
Kevin Moore
I really sympathize with the Trump campaign. Yes, I really do. I love all his racist outbursts about niggers and spics, they really pluck my heartstrings. His sexist remarks ain't too shabby either - no one likes a bitch! Trump has got this in the bag, there's clearly enough of us racist sexist KKK-sympathizing pro-white HEROES out there to win him a landslide. I wouldn't worry about it at all. The only thing I worry about is that he's changing his tune... no longer is he the firebrand Nazi he was just a few months ago... is he being bought or something? I find it hard to believe... but anyway, us 14/88 Sup Forumsacks should stand by him 1000% - he deserves it! I'm kinda hoping his CLEAR and DIRECT ORDER to assassinate to Clinton comes to fruition, now THAT would be choice! Trump is the strongest candidate in the race, not only because he has the upper body strength needed to pin down and rape a bitch like Hillary, but because he has a strong mind. I sincerely advise all anons here to attend all Trump rallies, be loud, be brash... and throw out any ruckus-making BLM Soros-funded protestors! Yep, this is gonna be a cakewalk for Trump because there's so many Sup Forums-minded Fascists now in America. Put your numbers to good use, and drown out Hillary in the election! You redskulls sure deserve Trump's America, I tell you what!
Nolan Sullivan
Trump running an online survey about the trustworthiness of the MSM:
Guys, keep making actual discussion threads and not bump shill threads already
Ian Turner
So what's with the whole "Trump is a puppet of Russia" crap I've been seeing the past day. Seems like there's more of it than usual.
Are they just doing it to distract from the next inevitable email release?
Dylan Hughes
Milwaukee user here I'm genuinely scared desu The happenings are about 5km away from my place, or a 10 min drive straight down a road I may leave work early tomorrow, I plan on ubering both to and from work.
I have heard that they are targeting white people and pulling them out of cars and beating them.
Public lynching fucking when?
The only good thing about this is that it's red pilling my blue pill lib college friends on shit like black lives matter.
Now this war that will happen tomorrow is scaring the fuck out of me.
What do Sup Forums? Ask a milwaukee user anything I'll be monitoring for the next few
Christopher Baker
>MILWAUKEE any chance the chimpouts will be damaging enough to put wisconsin as a toss up state?
seems like white people have absolutely zero way to respond to this stuff without fearing for their safety, employment, or social status; and can only then respond in the voting booth where no one will know.
Adrian Perry
>umma grant nice bants negress
Charles Kelly
fuck lads, i can't wait for election day it seems so far away
Logan Anderson
Do you have a gun, and can you carry it?
Not familiar with Wisconsin's laws.
Justin Wood
your shitposts are getting stranger and stranger, tuomas
Juan Cook
time travel...im slightly drunk
John White
He was clearly talking about post 9/11
people in the media need to be killed
Dylan Lewis
Threadly reminder that weinercheese is a subtle shill. Acts like he fits in, but then snipes at posts like CTR if they credibly shit on Hillary.
Colton Phillips
Of course you can still support trump! The more the merrier! We won't turn our backs on our California allies!
Here are the transcripts from Trump's speech today
Elijah Rogers
>Even Breitbart has Trump behind
Its over, isnt it?
Justin Mitchell
he meant post 9/11
he's right too, although we lucked out of some of them like the failed Times square bombing and the planned Fort Dix attack
Adam Rivera
Ryder Gray
>insidious conspiracy
Holy shit Dobbs isn't pulling a single punch.
I need to read up on this Twin Falls shit on Breitbart.
Jose Ross
>this war that will happen tomorrow Explain. I haven't been following this.
Aaron Harris
Isn't WI based gun-wise? Shoot the apes. It's self-defense. Or did Milwaukee fuck shit up with gun laws?
Henry Thomas
We can't let the radical leftists like Soros manipulate our black brothers and sisters, rob them of the American system of liberty and enterprise, and set the world on fire.
Operation Outreach
Blake Cook
>tfw finally filled out the survey
David Long
I can get concealed carry and we're a pretty gun good state but I do not have one
You bet your ass I'm going shopping soon
Grayson Fisher
>posting edited Garrisons shameful desu
Kevin Bell
Do these people think we should just knock down the border and allow every Mexican in because of their shitty lives there? Fuck Americans and homeless Veterans. No, we need to help Mexico!
Juan Stewart
it's all leading questions but i answered it >questions arent wrong
William Flores
We're about unifying the people and the party!
Tyler Lewis
The sooner the better.
Shit, I'd give a hell of a lot to have your rights, time to start exercising them.
Tyler Flores
Ian Perez
>Now watch this sweet ass car crash
Ethan Reyes
This could be the big Wake up call Wisconsin needed.
Camden Smith
>What do Sup Forums? Be careful. Stay away from the niggers.
Ryder Wright
I'm just telling you what's coming. Do with it what you will.
The plan is to ask questions in a way that Johnson and Hillary both look acceptable and Trump looks like a crazy person. Johnson and Hillary will team up to attack Trump. The idea is that Johnson will emerge as the "reasonable man's choice" after the debate to siphon votes from Trump. Johnson is in on the plan and has been since the beginning. He's playing his role well. They're all on the same side.
Aaron Anderson
Jaxson Stewart
Oh shit whaddup
Ryan Wood
Referring to the trump rally taking place downtown at 2 tomorrow I feel like this will be a very polarizing event considering the state of affairs here. I could see a huge debacle downtown tomorrow of niggers The happenings aren't too far from downtown plenty of nigs are already over there too
Carson Rodriguez
Leftists like Chuck Todd are selling our the press in exchange for the opportunity to incite our black brothers and sisters in violence, when our American system is great because just change is enabled THROUGH the system.
Those same scum are burning with sick perverse hatred inside eager for law abiding citizens to defend themselves with arms. They like nothing more than using black lives as their tires to burn up in pursuit of world conquest. (total fags)
Ryan Rogers
I filled it out, but a few of those questions aren't as easy as a simple yes or no
Kayden Bell
Squad leaders to your station. Trump +4% is too minimal a lead.
Just fucking stop. Didn't work with Brexit and it sure as hell won't work with Trump.
Hunter Price
> >Do these people think we should just knock down the border and allow every Mexican in Yes. Every South American too. As many as possible, its votes *and* money for them.
Carter Bailey
This one looks low key enough to be real. But it does everything but outright name the jew. Even has the rat as cnn. Is this real or a better and more subtle edit? I never know anymore if it says Ben on it.
Bentley Stewart
Asher Davis
obvious timing if they have something that they can replace it with quickly.
it's replacement will have the very best starting material available for the next decade.
even if they aren't replacing it and just put on a rerun of southpark, the 1-2 decent jokes the show might've had per night can be used by the daily show instead which is also tanking.
Ayden Diaz
>I filled it out, but a few of those questions aren't as easy as a simple yes or no
I didn't make the survey, so I can't really say. I got it in email earlier, and now Breitbart is running a story about it.
Just thought /tg/ should know about it.
Isaiah Thompson
>pointing out to me to make sure that I saw he called me a shill
Okay....? What, are you retarded?
Dylan Johnson
Yeah but the area I'm living by is a college campus and has strict weapon penalties despite being in a shit area. I could probably get away with it but it'd be a pain in the ass.
Jaxson Brown
Oh shit, Dobbs has that comfy businessman that introduced Trump at the RNC (before Ivanka) on.
Levi Lopez
But its Breitbart m8
Joshua Richardson
Evan Collins
That's literally exactly what they're doing.
It's their only defense. The truth is so damning it destroys Hillary, ergo they have to pretend the message is tainted.
They're all literal traitors for defending that traitor and probably deserve to be hanged at Leavenworth.
Isaac Diaz
>Trump is in a happy place
Ayden Brown
what the hell does "presidential" even mean? Because the more I see it, the more it comes across as being a buzzword