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Green party sux. Vote libertarian if you're going third party. Garry needs the support.
Stop, this is a good thing. It plays up to all the idiot greenies in Jefferson. The same people who shut down Humboldt 1 and 2 and had them be replaced by a fuckhuge gas plant (they then went on to complain about the oil trains that supply it. Thanks North Dakota).
She's going to get all the progressives in Washington, Oregon and Norcal voting for her. Enough to split the vote and open the door for Trump.
She needs it revoked
>kitchen knives are weapons waiting to be used as a stabbing weapo-
Oh wait that's actually england
Johnson is not a real libertarian.
>Gary "No Borders" Johnson
Fuck off.
Replace Nuclear power plants with "Merchants"
Stupid jew bitch
even the green party is a lobbyist puppet- in this case the renewable energy lobby
And they want us to believe their global warming """""""science"""""""
If the Green party is anything like in Canada. It is self destructive. There is some semblance of truth in their though, just a little.
>terrorists target nuclear energy facility
>bomb damages some vital component
>the energy plant is now a nuclear weapon
>green party
>anti-nuclear power
I don't understand. Nuclear power is green as fuck.
what is Sup Forums's opinion on nuclear power anyways?
I like the idea of it but I think it needs to generated in a fucking desert with ultra high voltage lines to connect it to the grid
I don't want that shit anywhere near my house in case something goes wrong
>what is chenobyl
oh really you stupid fuck
This. What she said is correct you dumb idiots
anyone mention china syndrome yet?
>Chernobyl was a nuclear explosion
Stick to your assault cultery, you can't handle real weapons.
What a stupid whore. This is just as bad as some of the stupid shit trump says but no one will care because "hurr leftists are pro science".
That kike wants to shut down power in accordance with agenda 21. They just use environmental stuff and other muh feelz to fool the goyim.
The more impoverished and wretched we are, the easier to control.
They can't crack open the containment facility in a PWR or any other design currently in use.
It's surrounded by a steel shell that won't budge unless they can figure out their way into the control terminal, then manage to manipulate the computers in the right way to change the core temperature. It's not going to happen.
green is literal nation destroying cancer. they are hardcore marxist pedophiles ready to wreck your country with absolut mental retardation. all the shit in germany going on is the greens fault. their toxic ideology oozes everywhere and needs to be fought at every step. they can wreck a nation with never going over 10% voters.
A vote for anti-nuclear is a vote for gas,coal and oil power
mind you I'm not surprised the green party is full of a bunch of tribalist luddites
Was seriously considering doing that until Weld opened his fucking mouth on guns. If you have have different views on guns that's OK, it's a free country and you're allowed to have a different opinion, but Weld doesn't know jack shit about guns and is willfully ignorant on the subject yet he wants to talk about banning "assault rifles".
Nuclear power plants are very secure.
wow I hate Nuclear power plants now!
chernobyl was a russian powerplant made out of cardboard and chewing gum operated by a trained bear who took salmon as payment
Gun grabbin Gary.
a nuclear reactor can never be turned into a nuclear bomb. they're not even remotely the same thing. the only similarities between the two is that they both contain the world nuclear and use fissile materials. that's like saying cars use aluminum so they're the same thing as beverage cans.
She's kind of right, nuclear power stations are just a front for making Tritium. The energy is a waste product of their main objective. Not even a conspiracy it's what they are used for. Energy is just a bonus.
Fucking retard.
Yeah, I don't understand.
Nuclear powerstations are safe as coal plants if not safer. It's not like we'll run out of space to store radioactive waste.
>But Muh chernobyl
Fuck off, built by communist russia, it was a meltdown waiting to happen
>But Much Fukushima
Fuck off, just don't build nuke plants on active fault lines
Isn't france 70% powered by nuclear power?
*bubble noises*
fuckin nuclear bro.... no can do... we gotta do solar or wind or somethin man..............
Fuck off, stop supporting that shill
the best they'd manage to pull off is a meltdown, none of that fissile material can actually go critical
Color me surprised
Why are environmentalists always such fucking Luddites?
>stein will get 30% of the vote in those states
holy shit the delusion
Good lord. She's either an imbecile or has no regard for policy driven by fact.
Liar or a fool; not good options.
It was a nuclear meltdown you fucktarded clit sniffer. Which caused nuclear destruction, lot's of destruction for years and years the effects are still present.
lol this bitch dumb as fuck
I read her name as "Dr. Shill stein"
Looks like its time to take a break from Sup Forums lmao.
But for real, what a fucking dumb jew.
>Everyone else but the reactors are to blame!
Shut the fuck up chink bitch.
>a nuclear meltdown is "detonated"
Except not. They don't have the right fuel in them to go BOOM.
The absolute worst that can happen, assuming everything that can go wrong does, is something like Chernobyl where it releases a lot of radioactive material. However that's extremely unlikely as Chernobyl was as a result of an unholy mix of communist administration, being a prototype undergoing testing and having a crippling design flaw.
It's an anti-humanist agenda. They view humanity as the enemy of nature and life.
you're right, mass immigration is far more dangerous
Fucking kek
LOL keep thinking that fags, but there is lax security anywhere you can find humans in the middle of nowhere working with nuclear materials.
there is an entire class of radiological agents just sitting outside hospitals only secured by padlocks, a sleeping guy, or nothing.
Nothing goes wrong unless you're retarded communists or unlucky nips.
The soviets brought it upon themselves because their backup procedures never worked appropriately and they willingly let core temperature rise until the reactor went critical. Their containment sphere wasn't set up right and they fucked themselves.
Even so, only ~60 died due to Chernobyl. The majority of those were first responders that knew exactly what they were getting into, but had a job to do in order to protect the citizens of Pripyat.
Our shitty PWR's have failsafes that ensure these things can't happen.
This is a test reactor at a college that's being shut down under emergency circumstances. Nothing bad has happened. We do this regularly.
>Shut the fuck up chink bitch.
Come on pops or mohammed, that's not even an argument.
Niggers are weapons if mass distruction, nuclear power plants are minor liabilities
It blew up, yes, but didn't go nuclear. The radiation was a result of the fire throwing tons of radioactive ash from the exposed core onto the surrounding area.
Then what? Sit around in the building while the emergency measures take over and shut down the reactor so there is no meltdown and get buttfucked by the facility's security, police, SWAT teams, and National Guard units in the area?
Stupid plan. They should just go to a natural gas field and blow it to hell.
What's a more environmentally friendly form of providing power to a similarly sized area?
>The absolute worst that can happen
>something like Chernobyl where it releases a lot of radioactive material
no fucking shit, that's devastating!
>radiological agents just sitting outside hospitals
which is totally related
>They can't crack open the containment facility in a PWR or any other design currently in use.
You just have to stop the water source to prevent cooling and then cause a meltdown.
Clean coal is a fucking myth.
And I'm a greenie and I don't hate nuclear, I just don't know much about it.
As far as I know it's not too ghg intensive and is a viable option provided it follows regulations
No borders are OK if there aren't welfare cheques
no gibs, no reason to move
>Butter knives
gas the ecotards
nuclear war now
>being afraid of nuclear power
keep sucking that oily coal dick retards
unless ISIL develops the ability to launch a fully-functioning nuclear warhead from a plane over american urban/commercial airspace, most likely nuclear-based weapons they devise will essentially be a radioactive biological weapon or a "dirty bomb"
Those style reactors were only made in the Soviet Union for a few years. We've come quite a ways since then.
>open borders are ok
Fuck off. Why should we have to compete with poor spics for jobs?
So I guess we need to support this tard then. Unoffically and small enough to not turn the election in her favor of course.
>>terrorists target nuclear energy facility
The only terrorists that have ever damaged a nuclear facility in history are green protesters that shot at one with an anti tank rocket in Germany.
>It was a nuclear meltdown you fucktarded clit sniffer. Which caused nuclear destruction, lot's of destruction for years and years the effects are still present.
That reactor complex remained in operation till the 90s making carbon free electricity on the undamaged 3 other reactors.
The actual damage done was mostly compounded by the USSR being full retard and not actually reacting to it till Sweden asked Moscow if one of their reactors was on fire when they detected trace radiation at a Swedish reactor carried by the wind.
As for the accident, it was a fissile, which is to say a chain reaction that failed to become a bomb because reactors don't work that way, but it was a nuclear driven explosion, and a massive steam explosion at the same time.
However in total the WHO has put the death toll at around 50 people, including the fire department that all more or less died, and every premature death that was caused by radiation rather than poverty after the fall of the USSR.
The worst nuclear accident in history killed fewer people than a Muslim with a truck.
This sounds a lot like a private issue with healthcare providers then. They should be providing the security necessary.
Even if they stole that minute amount of material, how would they not get fucked by moving it around with them? They can't contain it. They don't have the casks necessary to transport it. They'll just get ass cancer and die. It's a perfect system. Then we can chuck their irradiated bodies down the nigger hole and be done with it.
wtf I hate the green party now
coal is a lot cleaner than it used to be, however natural gas packs more power, burns cleaner, and is almost as abundant.
nuclear blows them all away though
>Shithole with no gibs and you get your head cut off for walking down a street
>Place with no gibs but you can walk to the store and keep all your limbs, plus there's more white bitches to rape and you can band with others to take over neighborhoods and become the oppressors you always wanted to be
Stop supporting this faggot who wants open borders and take muh guns aways.
Then an emergency shut down happens, the reactor goes cold, and everything is safe. Fukushima was a fluke. A bad fluke, yes, but not one happening either here, in the UK, France, or in other reactors in Japan.
It still isn't how it works.
>only made in the Soviet Union for a few years
>The average age of U.S. commercial reactors is about 35 years. The oldest operating reactors are Oyster Creek in New Jersey, and Nine Mile Point 1 in New York. Both reactors entered commercial service on December 1, 1969. The last newly built reactor to enter service was Tennessee's Watts Bar 1 in 1996. In 2007, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) voted to complete construction of Watts Bar 2. The TVA estimates that commercial operation of Watts Bar 2 could begin in 2016.
reminder that shes anti-vax
>unlucky nips
It had nothing to do with luck. They straight up ignored safety protocols and dumped reaction inducing material directly into the tanks.
I literally do not care about your thoughts and opinions. Here in the my country we have vast amounts of open spaces (deserts) to facilitate nuclear power plants plus the ability to contain their potential apostrophes
>Our shitty PWR's have failsafes that ensure these things can't happen.
Actually the computer control system protected the plant until it ran out of control rods that had not been locked out by the operators.
If they had not manually locked out the control rods no accident would have happened, as the control system was reacting perfectly to the situation.
That said they also could have avoided most of the damage if they had built a containment vessel, like every western PWR has.
Yes, but like I said, that has next to no chance of happening again - even if a terrorist was to try. Chernobyl was build wrong and then run without any of the safety procedures that allowed it's design flaw to cause an uncontrollable reaction and catastrophic failure.
Normally a nuclear plant's worst effects are batter than say a coal fired one. If a coal plant's boiler explodes it will level everything for miles around.
Take Fukushima for example. That had everything go wrong for it, and now it's mostly forgotten about.
hurts my brain
Except the Chernobyl style reactor was never made outside of the US.
Don't mind him, he can't help that he's Australian must shitpost wherever he goes.
>nuclear reactor
slow and controlled fission to gradually heat water which is turned into steam which is then used to generate electricity
>nuclear weapon
extremely complex set of stages which start by using explosives in a spherical layout to implode a hollow sphere of uranium/plutonium filled with tritium gas into a supercritical state. this sets off a fission chain reaction with exponential growth and releases giant amounts of energy all at once. the x-rays of this fission primary are reflected into a special foam which heats and compresses a secondary fusion cell which holds a specific isotope of hydrogen. this cell contains a fissionable plutonium sparkplug in the middle which also undergoes fission thus heating up the secondary from the middle so that it can undergo fusion. all of this is surrounded by a uranium-238 tamper (natural uranium a.k.a depleted uranium) which can only undergo fission when hit by fast neutrons (which are released by fission of the primary).
they're two completely different things
It was a nuclear meltdown but there was no "nuclear destruction" like pic related as I'm sure you're imagining.
The reactor melted down and vaporized the coolant water very quickly. It was a steam explosion that took some nuclear material with it.
In a modern power plant this will absolutely, 100% positively, NEVER happen.
Once again for clarity:
In a modern power plant this will absolutely, 100% positively, NEVER happen.
Isn't there a direct correlation between countries with nuclear power and the development of nuclear weapons? I know correlation does not always equal causation and I'm not really anti-nuclear power but unilateral the world won't truly be a safe place to live until we have unilateral nuclear disarnment.
>Shut them down
Meme magic is real
what is chernobyl
liberal logic
Japs rebuild their cities & nation out of pride,
Niggers take over to destroy civilization
coal ash is actually more radioactive than nuclear waste
I believe in global warming, and I place blame 100% squarely on environmentalists, especially environmentalists in various governments, for it. Nuclear power, if it had blossomed like it should have, would have curbed and reversed global warming. Instead, we get these stupid ass environmentalists that fucked it up and made shit a million times worse like they always do.
They're doing the same shit with fracking, and mark my words we're all going to pay for it if they get their way. It's ironic how successful they are at ruining the thing they love so much.
At least there's one smart person here. Fukushima says what's up too. Not saying you should vote Jill Stein like a retard, but nuclear power plants are just as retarded.
Does US have any nuclear plants on the west coast, because the next big earthquake will seriously fuck those up.