Finns had agriculture at least 7000 years ago

>finns had agriculture at least 7000 years ago
>finns built permanent housing in 9000 bc

you can't make this shit up

sources in finnish:

Other urls found in this thread:
xn--80adaabjf0azyfbf5a.xn--p1ai/index.php/kartiny/tripole?catid=0&id=11äbä theme.mp3

why does that matter?

chinks began domesticating rice 6k years ago

american natives domesticated corn at least 8k years ago

nordchimps still didnt even have a real civilization until they stole it from rome


That changes pretty much the whole concept of not having any organized culture or sophisticated society in northern Europe as they were thought to be basically nomads and hunter gatherers by that time and much longer.


Yeah, but I think people don't understand the importance of these findings.

I'm half Finnish half anglo. Never been prouder of my meme half than right now.

Finno-Korean hyper war confirmed real?

>4000 year period of permanent housing but no agriculture



Finns didn't do that. Black Finns did. That's common sense.


If Finns ever had any control over their lives then why did they remain in Finland?

Fishing and hunting. Also, it's the earliest finding until now, so maybe there can be even earlier in the future?

what do the welsh have to do with this?


Finns were doing a lot more than simple agriculture 7000 years ago.

About fishing: The oldest fishing net in the world was also found in Finland:


wtf I..hate the finns?

>finns caught up to beavers 11,000 years ago

It's An Arch. It was built before Troy (on 3000 years...). Herodotus in his history, noted Hyperborea - the country, hidden behind the North wind. Russian - Aryans. We the representatives of the most ancient culture on earth. Where is your God now?

desu it should be fucking embarrassing
y'all have had houses for 11000 years and hardly managed anything
You have a huge head start and did nothing with it

There were no humans in "7000 BC". That pic is probably from like 1000-1300AD.

That's nice.



In these paintings the author talked about Slavs and Russians. Finns are not Russians, they are Tatars. kek.

>y'all have had houses for 11000 years and hardly managed anything

>he doesn't know about the finno-korean hyperwar

You're thinking like a progressive. Civilizations go in cycles, not in a straight line. Accomplishment facilitates degeneracy.


Russians are ethnic Finns though. Where's your Ukko Ylijumala now?

>earliest ever found skeleton in england was finnic

Oh lol. Russian originated from the Hindus. The Finns never used the symbol of the sun. It was used only by the Hindus, the Tibetans, the Slavs and the Germans.


Slavs in Russia originate from the Carpatians, whom came into modern Russia (formed by Finnic Rus') in the 1100's.

Possibly (possibly!) Finns are distant relatives of the Slavs, who fled to the North...

maybe you come from germans then?

>sources in finnish:
don't you guys also have people saying that ural-altaic isn't a meme and sumers were ural-altaic peoples?

How does it feel when even Putin is genetically a finn?

The Slavs were the ancestors, no one knows their names. These ancestors came from the Carpathian mountains they came or from India, or from the Caucasus.

Oh lol

Don't know about the altaic claim, but there are world renown linguistics who insist that finnish and sumerian are related.

where did it all go so wrong

But where then came the Germans?

That graph is faked.


I hope so, friend. How are you feeling?

Putin has Vepsian roots. Putin's parents were originally from Tver, near the village of Pominovon. Region is also known as the Tver Karelians residence.

Also VI Lenin, and Vyacheslav Molotov had Mordva roots.

The Germans are Africans? May be India?

Controversial, of course.

>permanent housing in 9000 bc
>agriculture in ~5000 bc
What? Did they just hunt animals around their settlements for 4000 years?

What's this about a hyperwar?

Maybe they fought with the Tatars?



Fuck that's good to hear.
I've been thinking- after reading about the ancient nip skull found in America- about if caucasoids are evolved from nips. If they made it to the Americas they may have made it to Europe. Might explain genetic predisposition to anime(?)



It's kinda funny, because I can clearly remember reading an pdf about Korean DNA and there is supposedly an island with mostly Finnic people living as far as in there. Bit I can't find it anymore, since I bought a new komputah.


Alt-Land-Is, as the germanics told the greeks.


So you might aswell stop.

Is this Lord of the Rings?

some beautiful countryside in that film desu.

Personally, I try to rely on proven research. I trust the works of A. Sklyarov. He studies the buildings of antiquity. In his opinion, the pyramids and Ollantaytambo was built not by men. He believes that they were built by aliens. Why? The answer is simple - there left structure, but no tools, no factories, no roads. Nothing! This suggests that the aliens came to earth and lived on it. They were bored and they decided to create people - the first peopl were Aryans.

Tolkien read Kalevala (Epic of the Finns) and created Elves and their language based on them.

Interesting. Will check them out later, thanks.

I always thought that Mordvinians - are distant relatives of Tatars.

Not him, but no.

Was this before Sumer in Mesopotamia?

The first Runo:

I am driven by my longing,
And my understanding urges,
That I should commence my singing,
And begin my recitation,
I will sing the people's legends,
And the ballads of the nation.
To my mouth the words are flowing,
And the words are gently falling,
Quickly as my tongue can shape them,
And between my teeth emerging.

Dearest friend, and much-loved brother,
Best beloved of all companions,
Come and let us sing together,
Let us now begin our converse,
Since at length we meet together,
From two widely sundered regions,
Rarely can we meet together,
Rarely one can meet the other,
In these dismal Northern regions,
In the dreary land of Pohja.

Let us clasp our hands together,
Let us interlock our fingers;
Let us sing a cheerful measure,
Let us use our best endeavors,
While our dear ones hearken to us,
And our loved ones are instructed,
While the young are standing round us,
Of the rising generation,
Let them learn the words of magic,
And recall our songs and legends,
Of the belt of Väinämöinen,
Of the forge of Ilmarinen,
And of Kaukomieli's sword-point,
And of Joukahainen's crossbow:
Of the utmost bounds of Pohja,
And of Kalevala's wide heathlands.


Maybe you listen to Aria?


I will now, here's something for You:

Ok =)


So Finns had civilization before fuckin Sumerians?

Was meant for

the eastern Baltic was one of the last places in Europe to adopt agriculture simply because it was so rich in game and seafood.

>the first

Maybe the Sumerians - it is the Aryans? If we were a developed civilization, and was friends with aliens, we could fly in the Sumer....

Maybe the Jotun were tall blue eyed blondes told by Scandinavians long before we influenced the middle-east.

* after, not before

According to A. Sklyarov very long time ago (when there was Arkaim) people communicate not only in its region but also traded with the Middle East.
Maybe (maybe) the Aryans inhabited the large territory from Finland to Iran, and from Serbia to China.

>the fins were most likely space people and all your people are known for is degeneracy and hamburgers
fucking kill me

It's possible

Aryans were "our" "slaves" according to linguistics.

You're atleast part Finn too bro.


Let the latter will be furious jump
Have the power to leap
Death and glory, die old wolf
Tearing up the cry, (breaking the cry of the clouds!)

I went to sleep, good luck. =)

Good night, have a deep sleep.äbä theme.mp3

Älä vitussa. Semmosta WE WUZZIA täällä että huh huh.

So are russians finally going to give us back our ancestral lands that we had for thousands of years ie. the areas from east of finland and the tribal lands of finno-ugrics?


Why would they? That's not how the world works. Empires and civilizations come and go. We should be glad we even exist.

Must go way further to east.

Rightfull clay that should be returned to us.


Löytäisipä tuon kirjan joku päivä kirpparilta 2e hintaan.

Original ancient Fenno-Egyptian names:
Äijäkupittaa = Egypt
Venesija = Venezuela
Pukinhamina = Buckingham
Parisaaret = Paris

Daniel Juslenius knew that Finns were one of the lost tribes of Israel.

They annihilated it and should be kept to them, because it's their land now. We COULD annihilate it back, but I like things the way they are. Even Karelia is questionable. There are too many Slavs living in there, but there are also many Finnic relics in there.