Why is there a Die Hard origin movie being shopped around? He was just a regular cop

Why is there a Die Hard origin movie being shopped around? He was just a regular cop.

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They should cast a woman as Joanee McLane. It's time for a female action cop movie.

I Hate Niggers: Year One

>year one
Is McClane going to be a baby cop running over broken glass?
Or is it going to be Die Hard in Bible times?

This. Make John McClane a trans man in all the subsequent films.

We'll finally learn why he prefers dago tees over regular t-shirts.

Jesus Christ please no.


>ywn see Bruce Willis lampoon McClane in a movie like Last Action Hero or the Simpsons episode where Burns makes a movie about himself
>ywn see Bruce Willis with eyebrows or hair ever again

Yes! It's actually great to see some other open minded people on Sup Forums :D

Say no more

Here you go.

Wasnt Year One the name of a Die Hard comic that takes place in the seventies in NY?

>90 minutes of bruce willis wandering around lax smoking cigarettes and cursing because they lost his bags
looks like quinoa is back on the menu boys

>Rachel Maddow stung by killer bees

>A jaw with features

Idk if the plots changed since it was first announced years ago, but it was supposed to be a modern day Die Hard movie with Willis just with flashbacks to something in John's past (which would require a young McClane to be cast) that would somehow tie into the modern day storyline.

It was originally just a straight origin story with very little Willis involved, as they wanted to essentially reboot the franchise with someone younger. Willis of course shot that down and demanded he somehow still be the star of his own origin movie.

Only the first 4 Die Hard movies are canon.

Same director as the Total Recall remake.

The director has actually been posting updates from the screenplay on his IG, but only a handful of people follow him and I think they're all his IRL friends.


You heard me.

Why even make an Instagram if you're a man?

Fuck off kevin smith you fat faggot