Is it me or nigs cant act? Name one decent nigger actor.
Is it me or nigs cant act? Name one decent nigger actor
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Samuel el Jackson
The black guy from the oj trial series is pretty good
Crucify yourself
>The black guy from the oj trial series is pretty good
>not watching the superior documentary version
Sidney Poitier, you dumb cuck
Morgan Freeman, but only younger Morgan Freeman, like in Shawshank,
Cuba Gooding Jr?
Also The only answer.
Maybe add Morgan Freeman as well.
Shouting profusely does not equal acting.
Charlize Theron
John Boyega
Bill Clinton
Michael B. Jordan is decent outside of that horrific fantastic 4 movie.
>Jay-Z is a jest, stankees and >nets fan
How has he not an heroed again?
I'm assuming he's referring to the guy who played Chris Darden, Sterling K. Brown, who is an exceptional actor. Cuba was worthless as OJ
Black rappers do a decent job acting straight.
Sidney Poitier , I mean he was basically just doing what all good black actors do which is portray black protagonists as angry but competent.
Danny Glover
Lol this
Tupac was the greatest method actor of all time
Don Cheadle is alright
or that other nig I always get confused for Don Cheadle, Chjetwle whatever the fuck his name is
Idris Elba
Michael B. Jordan
Keith David and Laurence fishburne
>You will never be BLACKED by Michael B Jordan
Why even live?
Quentin Tarantino
unironically this