Do you browse reddit Sup Forums?

Do you browse reddit Sup Forums?

I do

Yep, like 8 years there and 12 years here.

I mostly go to reddit for more serious stuff and actual discussion

Sup Forums is for shitposting and acting retarded

Never used it. I wanted to get into r/incels a few months ago because r9k got ruined by chads infesting the board but reddit shut it down

>this board is literally an extension of reddit

The writing's been on the wall for a while now, friend

>Sup Forums admitting being non-white, gay and redditor
What the heck is happening

This, although I regularly shitpost on reddit too and boards like /trv/ are actually really informative.

Dude, everybody uses reddit. I've been on Sup Forums since 2010 and started browsing reddit in like 2015. If it makes you feel better, I learned about reddit from Sup Forums constantly whining about it.

No, I don't so fuck off and don't forget to suck a cock on your way out.

I want this weeb girl.

Reddit's pretty hard to shitpost on unless you're at a Sup Forums heavy traffic board.

I don't tho.

I unironically use reddit for serious discussion and shitpost here.

What is reddit?

Well it's not the same type of shitposting as I'd do here, just posting memes. I usually do it at the sub of a band that i'm fan of, which is a cosy small sub

for some games I play yeah. rarely post anything but it's a good resource aggregator.

something that might be blocked in your country

I try posting on Reddit but I keep getting banned because of my username.

Faggot. What you think I'm actually gonna stop posting or some shit? U funny as hell gettin all triggered cuz of where people like to shitpost. Got me fucked up.
Meh, to each his own. I like different things.

lel really? It must be bad then, I've seen a lot of usernames with stuff like faggot, kill jews etc in it

How are you able to post if captcha is blocked by the CPC?

Another 50cent party engaging area

A site with sub boards where people talk about different subjects. Kind of like this site except with leftist soyboy admins who ban you and shut down good boards and an account system and upvotes.