>1,242 days until Avatar 2
1,242 days until Avatar 2
why did it take him so long to make a sequel?
How do we know when it's coming out
Still not far enough away.
You won't keep this up, you can't
It makes me sad people like such a boring, generic film that is Avatar.
What the hell was Avatar 1?
When I saw Avatar in theaters, I started loudly slurping my drink during the sex scene and my mom told me to be quiet.
it's gonna flop hard. James Cameron is finished.
Not sure why I laughed as hard as I did at this.
>This is what butthurt babies actually believe
Cry fucking MORE!
>underestimating Sup Forums's autism
how fucking new are you?
>5 pages
Autism is a powerful thing
>2776 days since Avatar 1
7 years, 7 months, 7 days, precisely.
>Eleven years between the first film and a yearly sequel trilogy
Shouldn't they just reboot it?
>107,308,800 MORE SECONDS TO GO
Who even likes Sam Worthington enough to go through with this?
because he's an artist and is better than you
You have NO idea...
forgot the first movie existed if I'm honest
>Jim waits 64 years to release Avatar 2 so he can claim that record as well