How the fuck did I end up liking this douchebag?

how the fuck did I end up liking this douchebag?

Well he's really handsome.

Because brieene humbled him and help purge the lanistar cuntiness. It was a lot of fun to watch the character arch, he finally became a grounded relatable character. And you secretly wanted to see him smash that tall viking ass.

Then he got back to kings landing and cersei got her claws back into him. Then his kids starting dying off. He became a cunt again. His arch became full circle

His character completely 180'd probably 5 times since the show started.

The hottub scene with Brianne

I liked him ever since he BTFO Stark fucking shits season 1

Was Jamie ever unlikable though? In any other scene other than at the end of the premiere, that is.

because there are no men like him, only him

>It was a lot of fun to watch the character arch

>he became a cunt again

No he didn't. He's literally just on damage control now. What do you expect him to do? Surrender himself and all his family to be executed?

they nerfed the fuck out of him because he's a white male, but still pretty good

His arc hasn't mattered for a long time now. It's too bad because he was one the best characters until feminism took over and the show became Game of Fan fiction

his character fucking sucks now. all he's done so far is act as Cerssei's lap dog even though he disapproves of her.

if he doesn't end up shoving a sword in her back mad king-style before the end of the season imma be tilted

I just feel incredibly sorry for a fictional character having his hand chopped off.

The character arc is great and obviously it's why we like him, but still that scene is unsettling as fuck. Also I wish Jaime could have personally gotten revenge himself because of how satisfied that fuck was.

Because there isn't really anyone else left.

He's legitimately the best character in the books. Funny, likeable, and flawed. He has the most character development out of the entire cast.

He is charismatic as fuck.

He did kill his cousin in season 2.


People inherently like attractive people

Incest is the best
Put your sister to the test

You give it time. Cap this post if you like, he's going to kill cersei if quasimodo doesn't do it first.