Long Room is being DDOS'd by CTR

You read it here first. It's been days since anyone could access the website due to overwhelming artificial traffic. Someone out there doesn't want Americans to see the real poll numbers.

Other urls found in this thread:


>the real poll numbers

If this is so laughable your people wouldn't be trying to shield the public from it.


Any tech guys that can determine the sources of the attack? Is there a way for an outsider to stop this?

Has the site owner released any info about what's going on?

This site is a farce. It's creators do not exist. It is at best an attempt at gaining ad revenue and at worst a disinformation factory

Thank you for correcting the record.

Thanks for correcting the record.

Any way we can reverse this? Perhaps someone from Sup Forums can help us?

It's been down for about a week from DDOS. Only further confirmation that polls are skewed as fuck and longroom had it right.

Bump to prevent sliding.

Checked for truthiness (and bumpage).

Our goal is to demoralize right wing voters, so of course we want to them see the skewed polls where Drumpf is losing hard

nothing we can do about it without the site owners access and hosting a service such as Cloudflare to protect the site from such attacks.

All I know is this, CNN has dropped in ratings because of non-stop Trump bashing, from first to third, they better pray it works out for them.


The site is probably hosted from some guy's PC and all the traffic from Sup Forums melted his NIC, and he spent all of his discretionary income on beer, so he hasn't fixed it yet.


Do we know who is the site owner? Perhaps we can find out and contact them?

They looked to be a small news site so probably can't really defend themselves, its sad though that they take down even the most unknown sites because they actually have it right. I guess when discrediting fails its all you can do


TRUMP GOES THERE! Attacks Hillary Clinton on Her Questionable Health


Mother of Lucky 7's, checked!

Kek confirms the truth when it's spoken.

Unskewed Polls!

user, it's not a DDOS.

It was literally one guy, who made up a "team" of fake people, and purposefully began adding bias to real polls, and calling it "unbiasing."

He tried to hide his identity, but the media figured out who he was and started calling him for interviews, and he got spooked and pulled the plug.

Fuck off shill.

Who is the site owner? Is there a way we can fucking find out?

>$0.02 has been deposited into your account. Thank you for helping Make America Great Again™

200 a month is a small price to pay for 99.9% up time of your website.

Defend this CTR.


Calling me a shill doesn't change the truth.

Here's the "team" go ahead and try to contact them. They don't exist.

Fred Waid

The site was down due to too much traffic. The domain was still up and running.

Kek has smiled upon you.

I wished Trump paid people to shill. I bet the salaries would be yuge.

>t. Shill

As soon as you explain this, plus all of the other people who were against Trump and suddenly died.

Nobody can find out (google search) I am thinking it could be what is on about but would be much easier if we had names and social medias to reach out to so this is a lost cause.

A bit of a stretch.

How big of a stretch in logic are you shill going to take? You are exposing yourself now like the idiots that you are.


Could "the artificially high traffic" just be various radio, blog, and TV pundits referencing it and linking it? Dude may have never bad for enough bandwith.

Explain this Trump shill.

Cause of death is known. No death was a (((suicide)))

Explain this list faggot.

You are loosing this fight badly. Come on now. Suck daddy Soro's dick for money money so you can come up with a better comeback you fucking bitch.


This isn't a new tactic. As mentioned in the article you can do this with all the presidents.



Well, look at the size of his crowds, compared to Hillary's.

Wait, so the baby that messed with Bernie died, but what happened to the baby Trump signed? Was it kill or did it quadruple in value or what?

HAHHAHAHAH Look at you pathetic shills. Look at how desperate you look.

You have lost this fight yet you squirm like the rats that you are. I hope you all suffer a similar death to the people that Clinton has killed. You deserve no mercy. NO MERCY.

SIDS isn't a thing.

It's called parental negligence. The parents fucked up and the kid died.

We call it sids to make them feel better.

t. Obgyn

Wtf I'm voting for pasta now!

Wait, so which side are you shilling for? I can never keep these threads straight.

Personally I like Ike.

I don't think CTR hires commie weebs.

Is copying the only thing you guys at CTR know how to do?

I wish Trump paid me to shill. He could have a YUGE international shilling division made up of sellout beaners if he paid us pennies per post.

This shouldn't surprise anyone. This site theburningplatform.com/ used to go down, or was sooooo slow.
The site was moved to a better server and runs better now. They said the attacks came from gov agencies.


Why would you be a sellout? The entire world is going to be worse off if Clinton gets in and starts WWIII

I get it, you're like reverse psychology guy or something. Wink wink.

A special place in hell awaits all of you CTR shills.

Yes, but most beaners don't know that. They think Trump is the devil because he wants a wall to keep illegals out. But you know, it'd be easier if he set up shilling shops in third world countries. It'd only be for the duration of his campaign and presidency terms, but it'd be great.

weird, Trump doesn't like comedians?

>Wait, so which side are you shilling for? I can never keep these threads straight.


KEK wills a trump presidency

WTF I hate services now!

>TFW first time praising KEK

Vote burgerfriends. Don't let the reptilians win.


Nah, I remember not long after it went down, there was a message that it had used up its bandwidth allowance. It was probably just a dipshit buying a cheap shared hosting plan, setting up a fake site and then spamming it on internet forums filled with rubes for ad views.

>entire world is going to be worse off if Clinton gets in and starts WWIII
Clinton gets in, starts WWIII, we all die.
Trump gets in, builds shit, cuts taxes, we live.

But if you nuke your enemies, they win. Presumably they develop super powers like the hulk or something, I don't know, I'm not a politician. But they win.

>I'm not a politician. But they win.
I'm a little suspicious.

Wow can't believe trump had those people killed

Never saw ads on it.

Romney stopped campaigning a week before the election and paid for it.

You got me, it's me Justin. It's true about the hulk like powers too. They've got a whole hulk colony at Area 51. But I've aleady said too mu

Its creators don't exist? So what, it is self aware AI or something? You're an idiot.

Where were the ads then?

They were on a server I stored in a closet next to my bathroom. Sadly the servers were lost in a burrito related flood. Funny story.

wew lad


Have YOU ever been polled?

It's all bullshit.
Look at who is PHYSICALLY there are rally's.

Thank you kek for blessed 7's

Excellent digits. Kek wills it.