Hey there millenial...

>hey there millenial, you better be a good goy and flip dem burgers or starve because all the good jobs have gone to India and Mexico. Oh woops looks like I have to cut your salary again nothin personel kidd

Capitalism is just rebranded feudalism familia.

It's your own fault. Buying new phones and games you don't need. Going to the club. What'd you expect

Stop parroting FOX news mindlessly you moron. Smartphones and games have nothing to do with PhDs in fucking physics unable to find work and comitting suicide because Patel Sumarandrayian was cheaper and plants moving to Mexico. Factory workers in the past could support a nuclear family with the mother not working, a house, two cars and some money on the side for entertainment while today workers are reduced to serving fries 40hrs/week just to sustain their existence.

Grow up

Working in fields in the hot sun is alot harder than taking orders and flipping patties

>a fucking leaf

Quit whining and living in a past you never had.

This. Most people in the world have it so so much worse

this shit is more often funded by credit. the only reason americans seem rich is because they're all under water

Makes sense.

Slavery is natural. Equality is impossible.

i think the leafs have officially dethroned austria as top shitposters

not really, at least men in third world shitholes can still attract and fuck women.

Women in america want nothing to do with most millenial men unless they are part of the small minority that have a good job

># of arguments posted by these IDs: 0

I am becoming an alpha. hmm

>be me
>several brothers/sisters
>household grosses under 50k a year
>hold shit jobs since 14 years old
>go to college
>several jobs the entire time
>40k in loans + government grants
>6 figure salary after graduating

Feels pretty good man, maybe you should have considered not being a total fucking loser your entire life

living in a basement making minimum wage is the new middle class.

like said you just have to accept it

>let's not discuss important issues and your impending economic serfdom because someone, somewhere, has it much worse :))))

good goy

>indian """"education""""

wut job?

I made a thread earlier, but it was shadow pruned cuz fuck the mods. But essentially I fell for the STEM meme, joined an engineering union and they told me I had to take the first job that was offered to me. So they had me on for two big interviews, and the first one was for a real shitty job making less money and they offered it to me on the spot, I told him I had to think about it, while going on the 2nd interview today. So today comes around and I strong armed the employer into hiring me at a muchurch better job, making more with much better all around everything. He hires me because I told him if he didn't hire me on the spot I'd have to take another job. So I get a call from the first job , they are pissed, and now I'm black listed in the union , and fucked because of politics and bullshit. I'll never get another job outside of this new one , if I'm even allowed to take it. Fuck unions and fuck these rules. I just wanted a good job making good money man.

Only on Sup Forums.

Straya is still infinitely worse on Sup Forums

>implying elitism is bad
majority of people are too stupid to do anything worthwhile.

Well we aren't the rest of the world, we are America and this shit isn't acceptable

That isn't the STEM meme, it's the union meme.

>you just have to accept it

That's what the French aristocracy used to say. Then one day they found their necks on the cold steel of a guillotine.

You can't even get a job a 14 nowadays because you fucks literally put currupt regulatory in place to keep anyone from starting that early. Face it, you and your generation ruined America. I bet you never taught your child any real world skills either you fucking peice of shit.

Marx believed that feudalism was the best possible pre-modern state.

What's your beef with it? It has everything a pinko fuck would love: A strong, centralized government that has the power to put down the rich whenever it wants that focuses on defending the peasantry.

I fell for the much worse "major in whatever you find interesting and get experience in a real job doing real work" meme and it turned out as well as you'd expect

Sigh... fucking leafs.

>Stop parroting FOX news

Just die in a fire you sack of shit.

off to venezuela with you, retarded commie

>tfw 22 making 6 gazillions a year

Nice source faggot

why the hell would you join a union lol

>flipping patties
try dishwashing at cafes/weddings

Capitalism isn't feudalism, not in its entirety at least.

America is thought to be a capitalist and that may have been the case more than half a century ago, however America like many other countries is compromised.

Globalism is the force behind a legitimate feudal oligarchy, turning the entire world into a one national state ruled by mega conglomerates of countries-cum-corporations that own everything from retail to the '''public'''(private) services.

Where the feint veil of freedom is covering wage slavery which in turn leaves no other options than starvation. Fit the model and do not resist or suffer being kicked out of your tiny box because your tiny wage doesn't exist anymore. Your tiny meals become beyond tiny, non-existent and you die, providing a spot for someone else who desperately needs it.

This is the future if unchecked, call it tin foily whatever. But when the noose is slowly eased around the neck, the violent and swift jerk to tighten it and pull the lever is as quick as a blink.

Now you're in a modern feudalism, churning out your life force for entities that will not directly benefit you.

At least with traditional capitalism, you can work your way out of the bottom either quickly or slowly depending on your ingenuity, knowledge or luck.

I just graduated last year you fucking retard, you can get a job at 14 in certain states with a work permit

Stop fucking a lazy fucking cuck

>let them eat cake

Woah dude really enlightened. This argument would've been a 10/10 but I'm gonna have to dock you for not using monopoly-man clip art.
Either way, checkmate re-THUG-licans!

Because I make brain surgeon dollars, get dope benefits for me and my family and I get to bust out taillights with baseball bats when we go on strike. Fuck off neet

You worked more time at 20 then many people when they are 30. And you will only be middle class your whole life.

So how do I get a job at one of those conglomerates? I wanna rule the world.

It's when capable people are forcibly held down that there is a problem

He just said that he has a 6 figure salary. Is that middle class to you?

Tripfags should hang. You attach a name to yourself because you think that you're a super genius that everybody will be amazed by, and then you don't even bother to fully read the posts you respond to.

And then the whole of France suffered under a tyrannical demagogue. Hooray?

then make the capable people the government
militant platonism

The center of EVERY argument like this is ALWAYS

>I'm poor and I don't want to be
Greedy fucking assholes. Don't pretend this isn't 100% about your insatiable greed. You make me sick.

We buy games and go to the club because we can't afford houses unlike your generation, faggot multicultural boomer. No generation before has ever amassed so much debt. You literally invented cuckoldry. boomers blame Millenials but we're not even old enough to hold political office.

>Is that middle class to you?
Of course it is. you think someone as political power because he has a 120k yearly salary? You are naive bro.

>You attach a name to yourself because you think that you're a super genius
Nah, i started tripfagging to troll people (the lefty/pol/ thing). Now i just do it out of habit. I post without the trip often bro, don't worry

>All these idiots ITT whiteknighting for big business

This is why the West is going to burn and why whites are going extinct. You hate your children and throw them out of your homes as soon as you can, you charge them obscene prices for a worthless education, and you willingly defend the global elites that ship all your jobs overseas, jack up the cost of living and wreck your economy. And then you scream "ENTITLEMENT" at anyone who speaks against it.

You work with warped and useless definitions. The upper class is only the upper class if it has political power? So a man can live in a mansion and spend all day on his yacht while being called "middle class" by you and you alone. Fuck off, you desperate moron.

Boomers are basically niggerkikes there's not much else to them.

Unless your born into the (right) family, very little unless you establish a significant national franchise that will want to be bought by one of the larger leading corps.

Even then it's unsure if you'll get any place even low on the oligarchy ladder. In this future it is just like the feudalistic ruling class.

> Peasants > Vassals > Dukes > Kings
Whereas now
> Workers > Managers > CEOs > Oligarchs

>Then one day they found their necks on the cold steel of a guillotine.
Modern males don't have the guts to die for a cause. Modern white males, I should say. It'll be your neck on a guillotine. 300 million guns in this country, and niggers rule it. Disagree with nigger...social pariah and racist. No job for you. Venture into the wrong section of a city...get murdered by niggers. Start your own company...Govt. says you have to hire niggers.

>At least with traditional capitalism, you can work your way out of the bottom either quickly or slowly depending on your ingenuity, knowledge or luck.

Indeed. The problem nowadays is that you can't do that since there are no jobs to begin with. 62 people own half the world wealth and we are left to fight for scraps, which are given to third worlders.

>implying it's capitalism when the result of outsourcing is a poorer job that inevitably requires a local senior to fix up
>implying it's capitalism when they already knew this, but providing opportunities to the developing world feels too good
This is not capitalism.
This is corporate socialism.
If it's shitty, it's the same story where a successful entity has been able to afford socialism and then began to pay the price. As all Marxism, instead of recognising the price paid they begin to shift responsibility to the old capitalist system that enabled that success in the first place.

This is a Marxist trick.

The most profitable mechanism is to develop goods and services close to the customers and save money on logistics and transportation or increase the quality of service by using the same culture as the customer. This is capitalism. This is effective capitalism. It is not cosmopolitanism.

It's probably other millenials burgerflippers in the delusion that _they_ are going 'make it' and become top dog

pic very relevant

Millenials are literally the Niggers of generations.

Lazy, refuse to work and never admit when they make bad decisions. Shits always someone elses fault.

The fucking Dindu Generation.

This is why I need Fascism.

>The upper class is only the upper class
The upper class are (put very simply) the ones that live by capital earnings and dividends
Middle class are workers who own a wage (to put simply).

>The upper class is only the upper class if it has political power?
You took this out of your ass, not my post

>So a man can live in a mansion and spend all day on his yacht while being called "middle class" by you and you alone.
check above

Which refers to the rest of my post explaining how globalism and both social Marxism and veiled political Stalinism are shaping the world into becoming one large forced labor camp.

The last part hasn't been implemented yet, at least not in the 'West'. You see what happens in these third world countries where international corporations are the only ones providing jobs, if you want that job you've got to adhere to their rules, let them drain you for all you are capable of and get pennies in return.

It's going to happen in our part of the world as the decades pass, the line of thinking to reject that won't exist.

We need to live in a jobless state for much longer so that it poses severe generational effects, so when legitimised work camps spring up it will be seen as a positive rather than the negative reality.

You contradict yourself while grasping at straws. Go ahead and move those goal posts while pretending that you can't be bothered to scroll up and read your own words. Since you're clearly too incompetent to keep a stable position, I'll remind you of the first one that you presented:

At () you say that a man who makes $120,000+ a year is middle class. Why? Because he doesn't have political power. You call me naive for believing otherwise. You said nothing about capital earnings or dividends.

>make the people the government

Dictatorship of the proletariat right comrade?

Let's reset. I said that one that makes 6 figure yearly salary (120k like i put more specifically) is middle class because you implied he wasn't hereThen you said this
>You work with warped and useless definitions.
here wich is why i cleared up defenitions here> you say that a man who makes $120,000+ a year is middle class. Why?
Because he is a wage worker.

I used to work in the fields I didn't think it was a hard job just monotonous

I doubt it will come to labor camps. I have very low faith in humanity and am quite misanthropic but realize that people would rather die in an uprising than face a lifetime of slavery. Brexit has shown the common folk can see through media deception and government propaganda to make the right choice. I do believe we're in for a repeat of 1789 in the future as the standards of living go down and people get tougher.

As someone works in an aluminum factory the worst jobs I ever worked in my life were dish washing and retail.

I don't know how tough working the fields is but low-wage service labour is the utter bottom of the barrel when it comes to quality of life, the absolute worst shit ever. If you actually got paid some livable wage washing dishes and flipping burgers it would be different, but you get chump change for doing some of the shittiest, most thankless and insecure work in western society. Fuck all that shit, I sympathize with anyone working those jobs, it's borderline torture what you need to deal with on a daily basis.

I suppose that I'll be generous with you and allow you to escape the fact that you were trying to convince me that you never said that the upper class necessarily has political power. We all make mistakes, some more than others.

We can discount your views with simple thought: If a person is middle class if they're a wage worker, then would Bill Gates be middle class if he decided to start flipping burgers? While maintaining every other aspect of his business?

>that you never said that the upper class necessarily has political power.
not necessarily. But it was a lie if i said the political power and upper class don't go hand in hand

> then would Bill Gates be middle class if he decided to start flipping burgers?
No because he would be living with capital earnings from his company. Him burger flipping would be just a hobby

If he donated everything he has and his income was his wage, then yes, he would be lower class.

> If a person is middle class if they're a wage worker
Not exactly. Like i said, it is a way to put it simply. The border is hard to define (there are wage workers who earn substantial capital earnings and people who can barely afford a house that live with capital earnings)

At one time in my life I had sex for money and lived in a place where cameras were set up everywhere; the living room, the shower, over my bed. Working for minimum wage at a chain coffee shop a year later was the lowest I've ever felt.

Ugh. I hate that you're deliberately avoiding the point. Take literally any job that could support a person comfortably through wages and imagine that Bill Gates were working that job. Is that middle class? He still profits from everything else, but now he has a wage attached to him. If you deny that this makes him "middle class" then you deny your own given definition for "middle class". If you feel that the definition you gave me is lacking (which would be due only to your own ineptitude), then feel free to offer a revised one.


read this

>No because he would be living with capital earnings from his company. Him burger flipping would be just a hobby

> If you feel that the definition you gave me is lacking
I said very clearly it was lacking.

It was just to give you a gist of the definition. It was not intended to enter a dictionary.

read this

>If you feel that the definition you gave me is lacking (which would be due only to your own ineptitude), then feel free to offer a revised one.


Broadly this

a middle class of professional workers, small business owners, and low-level managers

Am I a coward for buying cheap land in the north and starting my own small farm?

2 dimensional thinking. Sad.

>security guard
>make more than these fucks while doing less
>get to shitpost nearly my entire shift

>security guard
Fucking rent a cop loser

No that sounds like a good idea.

As I told you before, that definition is lousy. How can one be a part of the middle class if they have enough money to live in luxury forever? What's "middle" about that? If a man with a salary of $120,000 works for 9 years, he's a millionaire. That money isn't subject to the jurisdiction of the man who paid it to him once it's in the bank. He's a millionaire by default, but you're calling him middle class because he still takes a salary? You're calling him middle class because he only stands to get richer? How absurd.

A person who belongs to the middle class earns enough to live comfortably but not enough to live luxuriously. Simple.

>guy has blue collar job
>proceeds to bash him for it

Worked it for a year, and wasn't a bad job. Working in a grocery store was much worse.

how is buying games or going to a club different from driving down to the super 8 with your best gal and then hitting up the malt shoppe for an egg cream skidoo?

You go instantly to
>f-fucking fox facist
Its clear you were sucked into a liberal meme that
>Worth to society

Oh yes because I remember hearing for the demand for physics phds like never.

None of these faggots want to be a sewer maintainance manager or something actually fucking useful