Series/franchise created by men, for men

>series/franchise created by men, for men
>becomes popular with men
>women are like "haha look at those nerds"
>becomes popular with women's boyfriends and chads male normies
>women take interest
>demand the series/franchise change itself to become more feminist and cater to feminists, thereby ruining it

How many countless times has this happened?

Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 someone posts that ms paint image of the kids playing cards and the woman joins and then ruins it.

Post it pl0x I want to see it

Can't think of a single one. GoT has always been sort of a faggy soap opera if that was what you were thinking of.

Welcome to the rise and fall of nations.

Dr. Who, dipshit




Seems like that show is equally popular with both girls and boys.