Write a movie plot and rate the one above yours.
>comedy about a privileged liberal in the 60's getting drafted into Vietnam. Possible title: Holiday in Cambodia
Write a movie plot and rate the one above yours
>Tom Hanks pissing simulator
It features 4 unedited hours of Tom Hank struggling to squeeze out a piss, and every 10 seconds the sound clip of "Im woody Howdy Howdy Howdy!" plays. Im predicted a net profit of 900 million.
Your plot is 3/10, go back to wikihow
the whole world is black people, a black couple gives birth to a white baby drama ensues until a mob comes to the house to destroy the demon seed. oooo lordy bad times for baby jose
A superintelligent AI that controls all of the world's society (one-world govt) develops the need to fuck and subtly influences society to sexually pleasure its degenerate cyberfetishes
Why is the baby white though, and why it it named jose if it's white
well thats the mystery of the movie aint it?
you didn't rate the ones above you
Oh sorry for disobeying the sacred rules and asking a question (showing interest in his idea and possibly provoking discussion) rather than giving a numerical rating you fucking cocksucker
the one above me sounds like 10/10 kino for the masses im baby jose the motion picture.
overreacting a bit there dontcha think?
I adapt the ww2 section of 2666, and explicitly deal with the well endowed romanian
so you're saying you don't think?
supervillain origin story about a reality warping parasite
This isn't an idea.
Something tells me Tom Hanks woukd say yes to that idea,
A rocket scientist working on Reagan's “Star Wars” program finds himself blackmailed after a sexual encounter with his new neighbor – a mysterious woman with an interest in missile technology.
Sci fi
A rogue planet has entered the solar system and has thrown the planets into weird orbits. Earth is now farther out than mars and has become cold and is getting colder as its orbit grows over the years.
Various companies are devising ways to perserve human existence. One such company created a t1000 style bio mechanical "body" that can house a human mind and allow it to live in the post apocalyptic future. The process takes many years. Selected individuals are placed into pods and launched into space to orbit until the process is completed and then they will land back on earth and begin their life anew. Our protagonist (a robotics engineer) is lucky and is offered a chance to take part in this initiative. She has recently screwed up the one positive relationship in her life (that of a bright young girl whom she mentored named Emma) and feels as though she has little else to live for. She has always felt the grass is greener on the other side.
Distraught, she accepts the offer and is placed in a pod.
Many years later she lands and the earth is ravaged by meteors brought in by the rogue planet and is colder still. She wanders the land in search of the others from the initiative but for many weeks she remains alone.
One day, she comes across a humanoid robot scavanging for parts and energy, to her amazement this robot bears the striking resemblance of the girl she knew in her past life long ago but older. How can this be? The robot cannot recall events prior to 100 years ago and so cannot tell of her origins. This robot can tell the year, however. Somehow the transformation took much longer than expected - some 300 years and still there is no evidence of the others having ever landed.
The two wander the wasteland and their growing distain for one another is matched only by their loneliness. The protagonist's new body can act as a power generator and thus Emma needs her for free energy and she needs Emma for companionship....
Witches vs Aliens set in a tiny village in Mexico
adam sandler getting beaten up for a solid 2 hours featuring all the people who's careers were ruined by happy madison
3+ hour historical epic about Pancho Villa in the style of Lawrence of Arabia. Starts as a spaghetti western and ends as a political drama
Does it have boobs in it?
Unsimulated anal penetration
Sounds flaccid 3/10
A film about a lucky farmer and his special steed. A common work horse at a Kentucky farm is born with Gorilla genitalia. He's the most famous horse in the county and attracts a lot of attention. His legend catches the desire of a foreign animal collector. The farmer denies but continues to be hassled with escalating force. The farmer knows the horse doesn't belong with any man. He will die trying to bring him home.
>Silverback Stallion
My review
This sounds like something the farrely brothers would be ashamed they made
Will there be seethrough battle monsters in this movie?
Dumb and dumber tier no?
Kingpin tier (sounds pretty funny desu user, low and high comedy)
>A common work horse at a Kentucky farm is born with Gorilla genitalia
So the horse has a 3 inch dick?
It'd be more interesting for a small animal to have a horse-sized dick
What if instead it was just a living penis.
Vikka (our protagonist) struggles to find meaning to her new existence and the mechanical shadow of Emma only serves as a painful reminder of what she threw away long ago
((this is where I lose the details of the plot, but I still have general ideas in mind))
They meet the others. THey are tall, large white humanoids with featureless faces whose skin appears to be made of alabaster. They have been looking for Vikka. They inform her that they all landed between 70 to 150 years after being launched into space. The first who landed is the leader, He says that after some years he began to have memories. He learned that their bio mechanical shells are not a human invention but are actually remains of beings that crashed on earth in a ship that originated from the rogue planet.
They each had rolls to play on the ship and Vikka's roll was that of the pilot. He tells her that as they age in Earth's atmosphere their bodies begin to harden and turn white, they cannot live here. They managed to keep Vikka in hypersleep in orbit while they searched the earth for their crashed ship. If Vikka had landed earlier and the atmosphere had hardened her body she would not be able to pilot the ship and they'd all die there. They need her to pilot them back home now that they have found the ship.
Plot twist!
As Vikka goes along with these being's plans she discoveres that their ship is not really a ship at all, it is a teraformer. If she activates it it will destroy what life is left on the earth (I should mention there are still many many humans who have survived and are doing pretty well) Including Robo-Emma.
Now she is faced with a dilemma, damned if she does damned if she doesn't.
Her disolving relationship with Robo-Emma climaxes when Vikka destroys her in a fit of frustration, cracking open Emma's head to reveal a very real human brain inside. It was the real Emma all along and yet again Vikka has spoiled her potential for happiness.
u tell me
Well im thinking it moves around by pissing
I've been told black people can have white children due to recessive genes or something like that
movie is about a height-challenged person who wants to become an astronaut
What if it was an allegory for how men are controlled by their genitals unlike rational yet sensitive women
3/2 i don't really know how the story concludes, It's still kindof a mess but overall I want it to be an interesting character study where Vikka constantly fucks things up for herself even though she is given so many opportunities to have everything she needs in life all because she's never happy with what she has, and then we have Emma who is trying to figure out who she is because she has emotions and whatnot and doesn't fit in with other machines because of that, but also she's an outcast from human civilization because she's a fucking robot (which means she's walking resources) Vikka and her are outcasts that can't reconcile their differences with eachother even though they need eachother and at the end Vikka has to decide whether to once again change everything (teraform the earth) in hopes the grass is greener after that, or finally come to terms with the fact that she has everything she needs right where she is and fuck those weird aliens.
If you read all this, thanks, I tried to keep it short, let me know what you think I hope to make an illustrated book one day. Sorry if it's shit.
No theres vaginas aswell, they also get around by pissing.
>grower not a shower of the animal kingdom
Yea I didnt really think it through, just a stupid ramble
Drama about the life and happenings of Chris Chan
2/10 too lazy to actually read it but I'm sure its really really good. Points for effort though, I think you deserve a pat on the head.
So does anything happen or do they just piss?
Thanks man :)
They mostly just piss, sometimes they fuck but yea its pretty much all pissing
An uppity flannel-wearing faggot wakes up from a late-night bender to find the small hipster town he lives in decimated by a large group of militant rednecks hell-bent on fucking over the city. Inadvertently, the faggot becomes the leader of a mounting resistance against the rednecks, using any weapons at their disposal to drive them back.
In essence, Right Wing vs. Left Wing politics taken to their utmost extreme.
Someone rate this please, I need validation.
>Straight edge upper middle class kid goes to lower income high school after his parents move to another city
>Meets some "bad apples" in his classes and befriends them
>Becomes disillusioned with normal life, starts getting into parties and dabbling with minor drugs
>Eventually starts doing harder drugs, starts thieving with his friends
>Joins a small-time gang with his friends, drug deals and grand theft and shit
>Knocks some slag up at a party
>She decides to go straight edge to raise the kid
>He wants nothing to do with her
>Drops out of high school
>Parents disown him
>Continues his gang life
>Drug deal goes wrong some months later
>Shootout ensues
>All his friends get killed, he takes a few shots and narrowly escapes
>Stays in a hotel in a different city while he tries to figure out what to do with his life and to recover from his injuries
>Finds ex's name in phonebook
>Calls her up
>Asks her to move to another state and start a new life with him
>She reluctantly agrees
>They move in together, he tries to be the best father he can be for his kid
>Gets his GED and a full time job
>Cuts off contact with everyone he knew before except his family, leaves his life of crime behind
>Drives home from work one night, thinking about how happy he is with how everything turned out
>Stops at a red light, comtemplates how he's going to propose to his gf soon and cracks a smile
>Light turns green, crosses the intersection
>Suddenly a drunk driver t-bones his car, killing him instantly
>Final scene is his brains leaking out of his head onto the shattered windshield and dashboard with the sound of sirens in the distance, drunk driver stumbles away in the background and screen goes black
>main character opens door
>everybody does the....
>well you know the rest
boom boom shaka laka boom boom
Expound a bit. It's intriguing.
This except antifa takes over the town and a right winger leads a resistance to kick them out.
I feel like this needs something. I'm not sure what, though.
I'm reluctant to say it'd be better if he came home and his family was killed in a botched robbery, his life being ruined much like he ruined lives in the past, but that seems to go against what seem to be aiming for.
It was obviously a deliberate choice to have him be killed in a freak accident despite all the other scenerios that could have ended the story that a viewer might predict, but regardless, I'm not sure what you have here is quite enough. Like if you changed the ending the story might work, or if you added something into the mix to make his death more ironic maybe that would do it. I'm not sure.
A prison is taken over by demonic terrors. A man serving life in prison is trapped in his cell, kept safe behind bars but having to survive trapped inside his cell with no hope of escape; his jailors seemingly dead.
Every night he is tormented by awful noises and terrors that stalk the halls outside his cell, and can only keep his sanity by speaking to a mysterious voice through a crack in the wall of his cell, belonging to a next door occupant who has also survived.
Or a genetic rarity. Like a horse that bred with another horse and that horse gave birth to a gorilla kek
Maybe it might work better as a tv show, like a darker Breaking Bad of sorts? Really I just want some work of fiction that drives home the point that no matter how hard you try to do things right, you can still get completely fucked over by something entirely out of your control
guy seeks the man who raped his mother that resulted in his birth. something in the vein of oldboy
5/10, could be interesting is the character is torn between hating and respecting his father. Does it include a twist ending?
Here's my idea:
Every 100 years, Dracula rises from his grave. And every 100 years, a man descended from a line of vampire killers must stop him.
Not all men from that line are vampire killers. The ones born in the middle of the century are wimps whose sole purpose is to extend the family line until it's time to defeat Dracula again.
But this time, Dracula has figured out how to revive sooner than expected. Now a total wimp has only 5 years to quit his womanizing, put together a team, and train to defeat his greatest enemy.