Only in America

Only in America would you find a fly swatter in the form of an assault shotgun.

Maybe it's time that we do some soul searching on this whole gun culture thing because it's a really bad look to the rest of the world.

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Its banned in Europe :^)

You're more than welcome to leave fuck nugget!

What fuckwit would want to shoot salt all over everything in their house?

My grandmother gave me one of these, it's fucking awesome.

Keeps out ghosts if you mix it with iron shavings nigga, read a damn book.

I have one. Great for keeping the walls smudge free.

>it's a really bad look to the rest of the world


Do you seriously think we give a fuck about what the rest of the world thinks of us?

Presumably your fellow countrymen.

> using nigger vernacular on a midwestern cowboy rodeo emporium

You have to go back

Nice proxy, leaf. Every real American knows that we don't give a flying fuck how the world thinks of us. They're all 2nd and 3rd world shit holes, so why should we?

It's a shame, now they have no chance against the turks.

Presumably this is something you take on like a camping trip or something, like a bug zapper or one of those tennis racket looking things.

Not something you use around the house.

That's awesome.

I used to use a penny gun to kill flies with spitballs, this sounds way easier.

>an assault shotgun.
>a salt shotgun
step it up faggot

This thing is sweet and works like a charm. Also fun to shoot drunk friends with.

Actually Im looking onto the legality of such a TOY in my local cuck state so that I can have fun 'hunting' things most people are fine gassing, with no remorse yay

>There are people who actually get butthurt over this

I got my dad one for Christmas, it's fun as hell.

We sit out on the porch, drink beer and shoot mosquitos and shit. Good times.

To address some comments, the amount of salt it shoots is very small, there's no issues using it inside.

Also great fun with the lads.

Get yourself a tequila and a lemon gun and you got yourself a party.

Underrated /thread

>the rest of the world.

This meme

>it's a really bad look to the rest of the world.

This is a built in feature of our gun culture, not a detriment.

This is awesome and you're a colossal faggot for thinking otherwise.

would be nice

>no splatter
>picking up salt is better id some how better

Been following this since day 1. Always wanted one, it's especially needed where I live there are plenty of flies and mosquitoes hanging in hard to reach or uneven surfaces. Too expensive to import from the US though, and not sold in yurop. No ass salt rifle for me.

>Not telling him he walked into the wrong saloon

City slicker detected


I want one.

Ive been ousted! You win this round Barnaby.

I actually want one now.

made in china

Dude I own one of these. It get salt fucking everywhere so you cant really use it inside. It is a good gag gift tho.

can you smack niggers with it?

JFC where can I buy this?

You can have the salt blessed by a priest to keep evil away.

I want one!