Is he right about nowadays movies?

Is he in the wrong?

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You know how you know Gavin is right about something? The haters and losers he offended are so quick to get their feelings hurt and try to discredit what he's saying. He isn't perfect but he's usually spot on irt pop culture which is why it made him a multimillionaire.

He has a hipster beard and glasses. I'm not gonna listen to this dick head.

case in point

i agree, Pol correct is cancer

same goes to Pol Incorrect

both sides goes extreme and becomes cancer

I think McInnes is a liar and a propagandist and all things considered among the people responsoble for the downfall of western civilization.

Oh it's that faggot who says really stupid shit about videogames. That faggot who like that platinum haired faggot has no real convictions.

Keep at it and you could be President some day

He doesn't believe half the shit he says. He has to look down and rub his face in shame when he is talking to another person rather than screaming into a camera.

>"Our movies"
Who's? They're certainly not my movies, nor his. Why doesn't he spend some of his money into making movies that are actually his, so he can say whatever the fuck he wants to instead of expecting someone else to do it for him? He certainly has enough money and contacts to try it.
Reminds me of a group of people that goes by an acronym which I don't want to mention.

Is there a bigger attention whore than Gavin? I've heard him on a few podcasts, all he does is say nigger every five words and defend retarded viewpoints to be edgy

Haha you shills tried convincing us the "Washington monument wuz built by slaves" scene was just a Sup Forums meme. Have you no shame?

Isnt he the guy that said batman vs superman was good? You trust him

>all he does is say nigger every five words and defend retarded viewpoints to be edgy

He's absolutely right. The problem has finally gotten to the point where it's effecting ticket sales.

All politics aside, he's an annoying faggot

Gavin is 95% right on things.

if I want 100% right, I'll go to Dave Smith or Michael Malice

but Gavin is more entertaining that the people who are more correct. so there's that

This is a guy that also shoved a buttplug up his ass on camera

Reminder that he works for Ezra Levant, a Zionist Jew who shills (((Trump))) and cries about Trudeau all day

He's butt hurt about being butt hurt.

It's like Sony baited his ilk by making MJ multicultural and he's still upset.

this post adds nothing

Whats the age limit on numales?


>Is there a bigger attention whore than Gavin?
He shoved a buttplug up his ass on camera for clicks. He's the definition of an attention whore.

>gavin Mcproudboi
hes usually wrong in the right way

did he really trigger Sup Forums this hard over saying video games are for kids? I'm a left-libertarian and even i know they're a waste of time

pls keep these reddit commentators off Sup Forums. they make meaningless videos for shekels. they have no allegiance to anyone.

Last I checked NYC was highly multicultural.

hey leftypol

He also works for Anthony Cumia, a greasy acne-scarred vampire that has sex with children and men.

t. opieandanthony redditor

Libcucks will be triggered in this thread

Oh looks like I'm late

proud boy shit is reddit as fuck

He's just complaining there are black people in Spiderman and then rants about some SJW clickbait headlines.

>le blaq ppl don't listen to classical meme man
McInnit is faggot and a half. Grain of salt boys.

t. Didn't watch the video


I did. Do you want to counter those points or just list some more websites?

The guy is a huge faggot and makes nothing but clickbaity garbage videos.

His video about the Ghostbusters reboot was pure trash where he complained the whole time that the women in the movie were either upstaging men or that the women behaved like men. He didn't complain about the shit effects. didn't complain about the shit acting. didn't complain about the horrible humor. Guy's a fucking joke, hell he looks like an SNL character.

Make real points to counter sweetie. 8 years.

>Sup Forums dickriding the right wing equivalent of a SJW

Why am I not surprised.

BvS was really good

>cries about Jews all day evryday
>It's cool af when Trump does it

I will never understand this.

as a comedy sure.

I think the irony's lost on him, desu.


Everyone itt is making fun of him though.

anyone replying to e-celeb threads without a SAGE needs to neck themselves

>everyone who cares about things is an sjw

8 years libcuck.

I agree with him but fucking lol this is such an old issue. Must be running out of ideas. The title of the video is straight from 2010 like wtf

>right wing SJW
get a new meme

Proud Boys are some of the gayest shit I've ever seen.

>like wtf
this post is straight from reddit like wtf

Basically his argument is this.
>I'm not a racist, therefore Americans aren't racist
>Why does this movie keep accusing me of being a racist? I'm insulted.

I'm sick of the whole forced diversity thing too, but I don't take it as a personal accusation.
The fact that he does makes me think that he is in fact a racist.

It's right wing buzzfeed tier whining. SJWs complain about movies being too white, and Sup Forumshicks complain about movies being too diverse. Get outta your echo chambers, ya morons.


God I fucking hate this contrarian hipster faggot

the movie producers are going out of their way to "diversify" their casts to the point where they bend facts
do people really think pretending that racism never existed will solve racism?
We have to know it was there, we have to know it happened and it was terrible and humans are capable of such horrible shit
Sweeping shit under the rug with these diversity gimmicks won't solve anything

>our movies

What did he mean by this?

Americans, 8 years.

Does that apply to Homecoming though? Queens is like 25 percent white.

>Stop making fiction fictional!

No he is not.


Gayvin McDees is too much of a Canadian bitch to be a racist.

>whines about video games while using them to milk instagram likes
>says he doesn't ever read fiction
>our movies

stop giving this suspender-wearing, curly mustached conservative SJW attention

post the pic. you know the one.

>what is content farming

None of the shit he says applies to Homecoming at all.

It's not just popular films, it's in music, it's on television, it's in grade schools. I can't even read an academic history book without half of it being devoted to the lives of women and poor people, at the expense of pertinent history.

>still jumping at the most miniscule accusation (see: joke) about racism 4 years after the trend has died
>not just a born-again sjw

Whites will never understand how deeply they are hated, and how sweet their screams will be when they're finally scalped in public square.

>taking this seriously
>not googling the phrase which comprised half of the post you just replied to
fucking marks

I do understand it and I'm honestly pretty sympathetic to your hatred for us. Would you let me live if I helped you?

Reminder that Gavin is a literal cuck and his wife literally refuses to speak to him anymore.



If he was going to make a point I think it would have been better made with a different movie, honestly. I guess that's why he had to make that specific comment at the very beginning to defend it.

>strawmans at the very beginning

Eh. I get why people are into this, but his presentation isn't for me.

He did make a movie and it sucked even without all the PC bullshit.

I don't know where leftists got it in their head that a man who has a Jewish daughter would be beloved by actual anti-Semites.

BvS was very good for reasons I imagine went entirely over his head.

Considering his position on women it's not shocking no woman would want to be in a relationship with him.

Spics getting deported under Trump as I type this, and niggers can't increase pop from murders and abortions. 8 years.

Not that guy but if you really cared you would have helped us get rid of whites a long time ago. Am I wrong?

BvS is a great film but it also has a liberal leaning that most critics, probably including Gavin here, were too dumb to see.

McInnes has been with more women than everyone in this thread combined

Having a middle-aged manchild like Gavin McInnes have control over what you do with your dick is the highest plane of cuckoldry.

one night stands or casual sex really doesn't compare with being in a committed relationship.

Libcucks have no counter points but ad homs. That's why Trump is president for the next 8 years.

>citation needed

Your women won't even have sex with you though.

By 2100 your kind will be gone from the earth and good riddance.

don't you guys get tired of seeing the same/predictable type of content/hearing your own opinions repeated back to you

You think this guy lacks pussy?

shut up faggot, my favorite word is faggot and I overuse the word faggot because that's what oldfags do, if you don't like it your a faggot lol. I've been here since the beginning i'm not from reddit faggot, i like video games and trump has stupid hair and he's a faggot and i'm not underage.

He's successful at that too. He's been married for longer than most guys with his wealth living in New York, and he has three kids with the same women.

>citation needed

faggot faggot faggot lol. Autism.

a woman who he is no longer even on speaking terms with

They live together and she got upset during the campaign because she supported Hillary. If you were married you'd know that couples fight fairly often

Holy shit what a fuckin moron. *Describes a movie only by pointing out what characters are black* I DONT CARE THAT THEYRE BLACK I CARE THAT YOU THINK I CARE I HAVE DONE NOTHING TO MAKE YOU THINK I CARE THAT THEY ARE BLACK WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT

goes to show literally fucking anyone can run a youtube channel

He's never wrong

He goes on to describe why Spiderman is PC aside from its black cast

He goes on to describe why even a movie with all white people is PROOF that PC is RUINING America because ... article??

It's political correctness gone mad!