Your thoughts, Sup Forums?
Your thoughts, Sup Forums?
He peaked at Batman begins.
Why the fuck didn't any planes catch on fire, leak oil, or trail black smoke in air?
Was it just because it would be unsafe to have a practical fire/black smoke affect with real planes, I guess?
Kinda unrealistic, fires were not uncommon as the machine guns in these fighters were loaded with incendiary rounds.
white supremacist and over-hyped
trash flick for retards
>white supremacist
I thought it was just a meme, but when I saw it, there was a scene where all the Bristish soliders were swimming around in the ocean wearing black-face. How did Nolan get away with it?
Nolan crushes the competition again. There should be a face off between Neill Blomkamp and Chris Nolan to who is the current best.
People complained about the dialog being poorly mixed but I swear I heard a few british soldiers in the background saying "hilter has a point honestly", how did Nolan get that under the radar?
Nolan's best
Dunkirk > Interstellar > TDK > Memento > Batman Begins > The Prestige > Inception > TDKR
you're retarded
Why couldn't they just swim to Dover? They were always saying how close it was, like nigga, get a board and float.
They showed someone attempt to swim across.
Nolan continues to make almost experimental original blockbusters and iconic cinema experiences. It was great.
The Prestige is overrated as fuck; I saw it last month after hearing glowing recommendations for it here on Sup Forums like it was by far Nolan's best next to Memento. The Illusionist was a much better magician movie. I couldn't give a shit about either of the main characters in The Prestige because they were *both* evil, unlikable cunts - you had no one to root for. Shit was way too long and tried way too hard to look "smart" but really was up its own ass with exposition. Not to say it was a *bad* movie, but it's nowhere close to Nolan's best like Sup Forums memers would have you believe. And seeing Michael Caine acting like Alfred in a movie with edgy Christian Bale again one year after Batman Begins was really offputting. The ending twist was stupid, and all the romance shit was really ham-fisted too.
People went in expecting Saving Private Ryan, but ended up seeing The Thin Red Line
overrated by the many. it is a 7/10
>putting based Malick on same level as Nolan
Its possible to swim the channel but you need the proper training and depends on the weather
The Dark Knight > The Prestige > Interstellar > Inception > Momento > Dunkirk > Batman Begins > The Dark Knight Rises
Search your feelings - you know it to be true.
Another day another shilling
You have to hit the fuel to make those work
The Thin Red Line is one of Nolans biggest influences, it's all over the place in Dunkirk
Absolute kino film for men. It broke my heart to see so many teenage girls in the audience browsing their phones looking bored. I guess it's true what they say. Only men can appreciate a war kino as patrician as this.
I like how the whole point of the movie is that the english are traitorous bastards who backstabbed the french down to that french side character who they were ready to kill despite him savibg dozens of british soldiers.
Best sound design
Best plot progression
Best cinematography
Best visuals
Best soundtrack
Best character design
Contrarians are the only ones who dislikes this
>The Illusionist was a much better magician movie
You don't have to like The Prestige, but to prefer such a generic run of the mill flick like The Illusionist over The Prestige is as contrarian as it get's.
The execution of basically every single filmmaking element is better in The Prestige compared to that bland generic flick (with the exception of maybe cinematography, which again is just empty pretty pictures in The Illusionist which doesn’t serve the narrative at all)
Nolan clearly wasn't even trying to make anything like The Thin Red Line, he was trying to make The Wages of Fear in a war setting.
The Thin Red Line was shit.
It literally made me angry that people actually praised that shit as a good war movie when it was over.
I thought Dunkirk was pretty good in comparison. It was a proper war film - filled with fighting, desperation and dread. Not some pseudo intellectual garbage with retarded-sounding soldiers endlessly narrating their unrealistic thoughts like "What is war? Why do men kill each-otherr?" all while ""meaningful"" imagery is shoved in the viewer's face.
Terrence Malick fucking sucks.
I was honestly surprised by how good the film was, though I think it would have been helped by an extra dose of kino. I'm actually looking forward to an extended directors cut. Talking about personal feelings on the perspective of the film I am very torn. On the one hand it moved me with both horror and patriotism, but the ludicrousness of us sitting there red-eyed over events we would never see hit me hard also. We'd be too cowardly and too divided in purpose to do anything other than crumble.
>the illusionist was a much better movie
opinion immediately discarded
>filled with fighting
>literally never see german soldiers the whole movie