Over 100 RAF aircraft participated in the Battle/Evacuation of Dunkirk

This movie makes it look like there were barely three. For a major Hollywood movie with a budget of $150 million, that's retarded.

Why the would Nolan DOWNPLAY the scale of the Dunkirk evacuation?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Underage faggots say Dunkirk is unrealistic
>Actual veteran praises the realism
Really makes ya think

Nolan is a sloppy director that has no ability to manage real scale and even small scale will be fucked up by his refusal to reshoot the large number of fuckups and inconsistencies which will persist in the most obvious ways even after editing.

because he only had like 4 planes and a few hundred extras.

Personally, I don't give a shit, I can suspend disbelief and it's more fun than five bagillion CGI planes fighting each other which we've seen a billion times. no thank you.

It's actually the underage faggots saying it's realistic. There were civies on the beach waiting to be evacuated with the soldiers and thousands of tons of equipment and munitions that needed to be abandoned.

>five bagillion CGI planes fighting each other
>not just having the real ones you could afford front and center and the CGI ones in the background
That's why you're not a director and Nolan shouldn't be either.


And he only shows 4000 on the beach even though there were 400000...proportionally he's ok.

Massive swarm air battles weren't a thing in WW2 until the Battle of Kursk on the Eastern Front in the West or the bombing campaign against Germany. In the Pacific they were much more common

At this stage air battles were carried out on a wide scale by small fighter groups

No wonder that beach looked so fucking empty.

Yeah groups. Not Tom Hardy taking on a a scattered Luftwaffe squadron solo.

You're honestly a retard. Do you think every last of the hundred planes were there at once? Dunkirk happened over the course of a few days, and especially with the depicted Spitfires having to cross the channel with their short interceptor tier ranges, they probably rotated. Also the participating aircraft don't have to be over the beach. A lot of Dunkirk soldiers complained about the RAF not being there, but in reality they were often intercepting German bombers way before they even reached the beach. Jesus Christ you're a retarded faggot who cares if there were three planes over Dunkirk in a scene.

This was my only real criticism of the movie. The beach just didn't look full enough. I mean fuck it's almost half a million people and it looked like maybe there was 10k people on the dock and maybe 5k on the beach.


Come on, you know if they were CGI'd in it would have made it look off, Nolan was trying his best of what he had, sorry he couldn't get 500,000 extras

>fight nazis so that your grandson is a half nigger mongrel

Bull fucking shit. Even 10 years ago crowd CGI was already plenty realistic.

>Still the biggest

Clearly the best character of the entire film. Only the old private yacht man comes close in coolness.

>wore a mask the entire film
>crashed a plane with a single survivor
>started a fire
>was caught, possibly as part of a plan

not usually a memer but I couldn't help but notice this as well

his wingmen got shot down? he should have gone home I agree

user.....I didn't even notice until now.

The film follows some particular characters and presents some particular events, but it does not claim to somehow capture the entire Dunkirk retreat. It deliberately limits its scope. How dumb do you have to be to think that the film is aiming to chronicle every single encounter in the entire 9 day retreat?

Is he Bane?

Cheapening the shots by saturating plane dog fights for NO reason

Please stop

Lol no, CGI crowds always looked off. Even now. CGI is best when used sparingly.

you'd think that with being an island fortress and all, they would have a lot more than 100 planes

>evacuation of dunkirk took over a week
>the aircraft scenes in the film took place over 1 hour

Get it?

Sup Forums containment pls

churchill was an anglo-supremacist, but the KGB did an absolute knockout job of infiltrating British academia which led to their eventual downfall

>k-KGB did it, it is the communist who want your children
>i mean, just look what russky did to your beautiful civilization, goy

They say the tommies hated the airforce because they never showed up when they were needed and barely saw them

The uk had most of them in reserve to protect german bombing on their mainland. They didn't have much hope in their expeditionary force coming back so the RAF was their ace in the hole

Needless to say Hitler really blew it by not turning the sea red with those chicken shit brits

it's actually quite sad

Any real reason as to why hitler didn't just carpet bomb the beach 24/7 or send in the tanks and wipe everyone out? Pretty big fucking mistake he didn't go all in imo.

I would've done it for free if I got to keep the uniform

he didnt want war with british.
he held off the attack on dunkirk while they were escaping (people still debate whether or not he held off the attack to let them run or their command was incompetent) the guy in charge of the hitler youth (forgot name sorry, but he was a high ranking nazi and knew hitler quite well) flew to england and jumped out and told them Germany did not want war, and now that he is there they have no reason not to negotiate peace, hitler also sent letters and shit to england saying he doesn't want to fight them.
he wanted to fight Poland because they were killing and abusing his people also MUH CLAY. and he wanted to cuck the french because the french cucked germany after WW1. he then fought USSR because well commies cant be trusted and it was gonna happen anyway. you can find speeches and shit of saying why he didnt want to fight england, and anything he did to them he does regretting it because he doesnt want to harm them at all

The german airforce could literally only reach the beach before having to fly back to refuel so it wasn't nesecary when they think they have the Brits in a bind.

Tanks were also expensive to keep fuelling. Basically Blitzkrieg worked far better than they expected.

He may have been concerned about British destroyers.

Because the tanks were already overstretched and far from re supply, pushing them further into a mass of troops risked losing them all. Plus France was still in the game with a massive army, and stopping to resupply before turning inland to deal with them was more important than dealing with a small expeditionary force that was already retreating.

And Hitler wanted to make peace with Britain after making France surrender, and killing the entire exped force would make that harder to get

no, his navy cuked them during this period
correct about air force, fuel wasn't a problem at this stage since they had captured and overrun so much in so little time that yes they had used a lot to get there but they had also gained a lot and still had plenty of fuel to use, since as you said they didn't expect to do it that easily and fast, so they had fuel ready to keep them going for months
basically this, only reason they didn't attack is either they liked the british or their command was retarded (second isn't likely based on how much they accomplished by this point in the war)

>tfw British population is only 3% nigger
Projecting your life Californian amerifat?

>They say the tommies hated the airforce because they never showed up when they were needed and barely saw them
>and barely saw them
this is pretty much the actual reason why there is the myth that the RAF "neglected" Dunkirk. Most of the fights in the air didn't take place directly over the beach so all the soldiers on the beach got to really see was unintercepted Germans attacking them.
The Luftwaffe and RAF both suffered three digit losses in the battle of Dunkirk, the myth that the RAF was absent or neglecting the battle is just complete bullshit.

Too bad ribbentrop was fucking loser who was bullied by the brits so he ruined peace as much as he could

some actual reasons:

The Luftwaffe had considerably less planes in range of Dunkirk than one would assume, especially of the dive bombers many were operating at the edge of their operational range because a lot of squadrons were still operating from airfields in or near Germany. A lot of the command structure, even at lower echelons was also still on or near German soil.

While the Luftwaffe was assigned the specific task of bombing Dunkirk they didn't do so with all they had, because they were also still supposed to support the ground troops fighting in France, and over the course of the battle of Dunkirk a lot of the planes that could've been used there were used (and needed) further south.

I think it had more to do with the risk that the British were trying to lure their entire panzer division so they can send in their destroyers to wreck them without support from the Luftwaffe

Do they acknowledge in the movie that Hitler let them go just to change the public and political opinion on Germany at that time

like others already said there were more pros and cons to this decision but this definitely appears to be the main factor.

Do they portray this in the movie at all? I would imagine the English soldiers were quite surprised as well when the tanks suddenly stopped a few kilometres in front of their position

From both positions this was a really interesting scenario but I expect the movie only to be Brit propaganda porn

It's actually realistically neutral. You don't even see German until the end.

did not mention hitler at all. mentioned ''germans'', and the reason the germans stopped is because the french were holding them off. was fairly even and neutral and not all ''le ebil nazis, god save the queen'', which was nice

Once baneposting, always baneposting.

The film isn't about WW2 politics, its just about a bunch of lads who need to get from point A to B

Hardy's plane was only in the air for one hour. Do you think all those 100 RAF planes were out there at the same time? The evacuation took over a week.

You fags are idiots and need to learn something about second war history before you open you faggot mouths and complain. Most early war fighters did not even have the range to fly that far (for both sides). The scenes in the film only show a fraction of the scale. Some men had already been evacuated after the beginning of the film. Also spitfires were very very limited. Most the aircraft involved would have been hurricanes. The RAF had plenty of aircraft flying all over the channel during the operation.

I've seen documentaries on Dunkirk and the general feeling among the men was that the RAF had left them.
The reason for this was that they were fighting much further inland where the Germans actually were and the guys on the beach couldn't see it.
Preventing the bombers getting through was thought to be a better option than trying to fight them while they were in bomb range

>The scenes in the film only show a fraction of the scale.
What a stupid fucking copout but I expect no less from Nolan fanboy apologists.

The closest you get is an officer hypothesizing that the tanks have stopped because it would be easier to bomb them than to risk losing tanks. It's all constrained to the perspectives of people with limited intel.

I feel like all these retard losers looking for "holes" in Nolan movies are the biggest fucking retards ever

Shut the fuck up, you're not intelligent

>the movie literally shows 1 hour of the flight
>hurr, why couldn't we see all the RAF planes that ever showed up
If you're okay with watching a 180+ hour long movie, sure.

Fuck off autist, you're the type of brainless nigger that wants "Dunkirk: The Battle of Three Armies" with white noise CGI conflicts and a pointless romance subplot with a African soldier and a British nurse.

Why didn't all of the British soldiers fire their Lee Enfields at the incoming stukas? Surely 1000 men firing their rifles at once would be the equivalent to an anti-air battery.

I imagine IRL they wouldve dug fox holes and shit and would have started shooting at the sky.
I wouldve dug a decent fox hole and loaded it with Anti tank shit and got a buddy there with me. fuck just sitting there waiting to die, id either hide and be ready to go out, or go join the french dudes holding back the enemy

Dunkirk had almost no CGI, hundreds if not thousands of extras at once, real planes, real ships, no shitty unnecessary CGI..

No sloppiness at all.

So shut the fuck up

What the fuck are you on about, try scrubbing a russian dialect to be english you total nonce

This! Hitler was getting ready for russia- he's not gonna throw his tanks away

Imagine hearing this


Would you be able to fire straight with that coming to you?

why didn't the brits just 360 noscope the german planes

yes because operations are always in massive 100 plane formations

Would you mate? So brave

In the movie at least one of them tried

the supreme logo is a nice touch

Have u seen any other war film than dumbkirk Nolanfag? You over whelm the enemy. Battle over Britain showed like hundreds of planes in the sky at a time. Why can't you admit nolans ant-technology bullshit made him make an unrealistic and boring film where nothing happens.

would just sit there ready to die?
or would you try to dig a little hole to hide in to make yourself feel more safe? id dig the hole.


Britbongs prefer to stay in queues.

>or go join the french dudes holding back the enemy
And when shit got real you'd be looking to your buddies on the side of you as they're waving white handkerchiefs.
Then the Brits would have to scuttle your entire navy as you handed it over to the Nazis and gave them each a blow job

There's a ton of CG by DNeg.. It's just well done because Nolan knows how to implement it well.

Especially after a fucking week. Nolan made it look like they all stood there in the same clean uniforms day after day waiting for boats while they were being dive bombed.

>It deliberately limits its scope.
How convenient that it's done in a way that also makes it look like there were only a couple thousand soldiers on an empty beach that stretches for less than a mile. You fucking faggot.

they wouldnt go back for one man, especially if there were dozens dead and you just ran off, people would think youre dead and leave you.
this, unless thats what its like, but im sure out of half a million there would have been cunts digging in hiding.


Showing there were a lot of other planes there even just once would be "cheapening the shots"? Are you really this stupid?

Yeah, Nolan should have used more CG characters on the beach.

Of course some kid on Sup Forums gets hung up on the amount of fucking extras in a film instead of enjoying a great piece of filmmaking.

They were also taking cover/shelter under and around the fuckload of vehicles they had to leave behind, everything from tanks to cars and motorcycles. Which we didn't get to see, obviously.

>it's all about the art, MAN!
>historical events don't have to be depicted with any authenticity or accuracy, MAN!
>that would just fuck with the filmmaker's vision, MAN!

you literally saw nobody trying to make the situation better, other than when a bomber came they kinda broke the lines on the beach. other than that they just sat there like bitches

There's plenty of documentaries about Dunkirk faggot.

Fighting isn't British nature, see Singapore or Malaya where they surrendered to a smaller force of Japs

Holy kek nolanfags are hilarious.

>we can fly to the moon
lmao, opinion discarded

How would you fit a weeks worth of events into a 2 hour movie since we're the brainlets and you seem to be a genius.

Yeah according to Nolan, they just stood in single file for a week and didn't have to leave anything behind even though the event is recorded it as one of the biggest material dumps in history and took the Brits years to recoup those losses.

>show only a few thousand soldiers on the entire beach
>show only one plane engaging in any extensive dogfighting
>waste all your budget on sinking ships
>don't even try to depict the passage of time
>make it look like it happened over the course of an afternoon and into the next evening tops
>fuck up the order and chronology so much that it's an incoherent mess and still doesn't look like it took place over more than a day

no it shows them leving some stuff behind.
I know its hard to show hundreds of tanks and vehicles and other shit getting left behind because budget and all that old stuff is expensive/ hard to find. but they had like 20 tanks and built that makeshift jetty, they couldve re used a few of them and made a few shelters and shown people waiting around in cover instead of sitting on the beach in huge groups

he didn't want it to look like a hectic mish mash of sporadic firing and carnage.

I just remember them standing around. If there were any munitions/vehicles, there must have been so few that I didn't even notice.

it showed ammo and supplies laid out after the squad got slaughtered at the start and the guy first got to the beach. then at the end when they made the jetty out of like 10 jeeps. only fault in the movie was the beach didn't seem so dangerous, the town seemed like a warzone, but the beach seemed a lot safer than the town. if they couldnt afford more planes and shit at least show half the brits accepting death and just sitting there waiting to die and show the other half hiding and trying to dig holes to survive in.

>when he took his mask off he looked very painful
>he do it for you

By the time Collins ditched, Farrier knew he didn't have enough fuel to make it back.


This. They showed hundreds of dudes on the beach, but almost nothing from the city. no sounds of fighting, no scenes of fighting after the opening. It made it seem like literally the entire BFE was waiting on the beach, with no one holding a perimeter, despite the Germans being like two blocks away (or later, just beyond the sand berm by the beached trawler).

Nobody cares about this boring, gay Britcuck shit.