She becomes President. What's your next move?
She becomes President. What's your next move?
To eastern Europe where I will make just enough teaching English to enjoy a sprinkling of hookers while I drink myself into an early, peaceful grave
Work towards attaining a leftist """"utopia"""".
If they want it, fucking fine. They can have it so they can see how shit it actually is and hopefully come to their senses.
surrendering to her
Your country is already cuck'd. Why move after she's elected?
Get comfy for constant happenings.
Embracing my Queen.
Address her as President Bitch Cunton
You're going to be fighting tooth and nail for a peach pit if Hillary has her way. America will be the next Venezuela. Thankfully, we will still control Congress and I plan on volunteering to ensure that happens.
Because if Trump won, there was still a chance we would annex Canada
die :)
Keep a list on what she does bad and post it online and get conservatives to bang me.
>America will be the next Venezuela
That's the plan! Redpill some of these faggots through giving them what they want, exactly how they see it
The same as my last move. Shitpost.
If you give them what they want, a socialistic dictatorship, there will never be a chance to erase it in our lifetimes aside from bloody revolution. Remember that socialist "intellectuals" were still defending the Soviet Union until the Fall of the Wall.
Make Americans on Sup Forums aware that they now rank below India on the official betacuck league table.
Move to the U.S.
Just a question, which state has the best little girls?
Grow a beard and learn Arabic.
I activate and begin my wet work.
Because Eastern Europe is less cuck'd than Canada, dummy.
Wake up, and realize that Trump is making America great again.
Move to Canada or Poland
>Liberals claim to be peaceful
>Liberals claim to be compassionate
>Liberals claim to be against war
>Liberals claim to support Islam
And yet the person they support is a psychopathic killer
All according to keikaku*
this if you can't beat them join them.
[Translators note: keikaku means plan]
honestly, sell everything i own in US and move to my 2 acre village in ghana
I'm a second amendment person, so I'm ready
just stop
you're embarrassing yourself
Stay comfy as we become Europe 2.0 and finger fuck all my guns on a nightly basis, knowing if that stupid cunt tries something I'd have to power to rise up.
Keep me head down, say what needs to be said, and continue living my life.
Also, avoid Sup Forums for the 5 months following the election.
Buy a gun and take Wing Chun Do training.
Seriously. Once she's in, it's open season on the likes of me. There's really no other realistic outcome to the current path.
If nothing happens, great. If it does, I intend to respond violently.
Move to Hong Kong.
Personally, I'll be fine. I just feel for the thousands and perhaps millions of Americans whose lives won't improve or be made even worse under her rule.
Also I'm sick of this "white males are directly what's wrong with society" shit that's been growing for the past 2 years.
Bring it, kangaroo fag. I'll show you my arsenal.
Enjoy the AIDS.
does the phrase 'the revolution will not be televised' find its root in the vietnam war i.e. public opinion of the atrocities of war resulted in the usa demanding it become uninvolved.
similar to the second gulf war.
UK, Poland, Japan, Hungary... or somewhere else that won't be overrun by shitskins or that is probably going to start throwing out the ones they already have.
Laugh at Sup Forums
I support the abolition of the 1st, 2nd, and 10th Amendments as hard as possible.
Also I shitpost.
Come up with a plan.
I'll always have this as a reminder of how good things could've been
Rape a white man's wife in front of him
Explain this CTR shills:
71233Oh wait you can't!
Check my flag and my dubs.
Well, whether she will achieve anything depends on whether dems can retake house or senate. Even so, I doubt she'll do much that affects me.
Other things equal, I'll be on Sup Forums pissing off as many people as I can. Probably pretending to hold beliefs that I don't hold. Or making fun of 3rd world countries like Canada and Abostralia.
Fap. Hard.
Shitpost calling all Americans cucks.
Turbo-NEET. I'm not supporting anyone under her, be it a nigger, Muslim, or otherwise.
>second amendment double dubs...
The 2nd amendment gods have smiled upon you.
Plan a trip to DC.
Heading to the my motherland Great Britain.
Shit post about how trump was a horrible candidate and its all his fault we lost. Just like what I did when R Money lost.
look at this bitch this is the real truth
Buy a rifle, and immediately get in to a boating accident.
Be glad i'm not american
Wait for 2020.
>peaceful grave
>liver disease and/or cancer
laugh because our PM won't be the biggest cuck world leader anymore
Hillary is a literal fucking cuck, a LITERAL KEK, it is going to be hilarious. The worst president in the history of your nation is going to take power soon, it will be historical.
immediately buy an assault rifle and hunker down for the next four years.
Anyone else expecting attacks by American people if Hillary wins? For example, I think some people may flip out and attack BLM protests.
Based leafbro
It would be fine. If Trump loses to hillary then clearly things just aren't bad enough. So we'll wait another 8 years and we'll see how tightly people can cling to their delusions of serious, and obvious, issues.
Yeah, I am sure you are going to be glad you are not american when Hillary starts WW3 and attacks China because the establishment thinks they are getting too powerful.
call her a carpetbagger and laugh
sure id rather have trump but shes less of cuck then obama.
so probably nothing, just keep living my meaningless life.
Grab some popcorn and beer and wait for all the delicious happenings.
>select all images with popcorn
I'll plead the 2nd.
Hope you don't like to swim, fly, or work out because you're just a rank amateur compared to the people the clintons have on call
We have nukes. We have friends with russia. We have lithium, oil, and manufacturing.
The us has niggers. Swarms of niggers.
>anywhere near Chavez or Maduro
wew lad
>elected a GOP congress and house
>Road block her every step of the way
>Just like GOP now with Obama, no really
This is what some people seriously believe
Remember that many of the dissidents and rebels in the Soviet bloc were also socialists.
You also have Jews. They follow the gold.
This country will be dead when it elects her. If a majority of my fellow citizens would be willing to vote for someone so transparently corrupt and morally bankrupt, then that's the day our country is beyond redemption. It would also essentially be the end of the US as we know it. I would essentially lose all hope for this country. Maybe I'd emigrate and find some place not completely ruined if I could find a job and a future there. Maybe I'd stay and watch the country dive further into its collapse like Rome in 476. Either way, I'd be pretty despaired for what used to be the greatest country on Earth.
avoid all urban centers with extremely large dindu populations. the white guilt and black entitlement and black crime rate is going to go thru the roof and police agencies across the country are going to get their nuts clipped. might consider a move to my based ancestral home of hungary at some point. fuck this gay life if that bitch wins....
There aren't many Han jews. And the CPC doesn't care much for dogmatic religions such as judaism.
>running away rather than fighting
you whitebois are super cucks. I'll keep your women company while your off hiding.
Stop posting on Sup Forums because American flags will get meme'd on like India or Canada. drift around Europe for a while then come back to USA and kill enemies of the cause before suicide by cop
There are Jews in HK though, all that finance on the Island there's gotta be at least a few hundreds or thousands. However the Party is in control of China and won't let int'l Jews subvert China, at least the Mainland.
America will become as cucked as Europe.
>Jan. 21, 2017
>Clinton is sworn in after landslide win
>Republican party crumbles to infighting
>First act as President, pardons Donald J. Trump for Trump U fraud crimes
>Trump reveals himself as Hillary plant
>Hands over list of donors
>Clinton mobilizes National Guard
>Rounds up every alt-rightist in the country
>Deports them to Russia
>Clinton and Trump watch the ship depart from the windows of Air Force One
>Clink glasses of scotch together
>Made America Great Again
this. Trump is the only thing giving me hope and a reason to go on.
Declare war to america and form an alliance with the russian overlords
>pardons a civil suit
Nigga, you retarded?
It doesn't fucking matter
Do you idiots ever glance at history, there is an inexorable path that cultures take and the minutiae of political vagueries are never anything but a footnote
Come here to gloat and shitpost endlessly because the mods are dead.
Spam e i h g t ch*n with the JUST meme and all kinds of stuff making fun of their retarded devotion to their meme candidate until they permaban me.
Go about my life because I'm in California and I'm locked into leftist mismanagement either way.
>Putin is killed in a coup instrumented by Hillary's CIA chief
>Merkel and Trudeau agree to bring the EU and Canada together with the US and Mexico to form the Western Liberal Union
>Britain bows to the will of the Union and joins in return for mercy
>Nigel Farage and Geert Wilders are executed as traitors
>Australia finally falls to the Emu Army
>without Putin Russia collapses into feuding ethnostates
The World is made Great Finally