Remember that one time a US president ordered the national guard to open fire on a bunch of college students?
Remember that one time a US president ordered the national guard to open fire on a bunch of college students?
Which one was this?
Movement after hippies shot
[ ]Not ended
Best executive decision ever made.
wish it happened every day
What are the chances God Emperor Trump does this?
Hopefully a 100% chance.
gave us the great song OHIO
and gave us a great band in DEVO
best decision
your police does this to regular people every day
Nothing of value was lost
Seth Rich?
I used to think that was a tragedy.
Now I'm like, fuckers probably deserved that shit.
naw, the dumb niggers shot a random kid who was like 14 and wasnt protesting
Your point?
>Remember that one time a US president ordered the national guard to open fire on a bunch of college students?
It was Governor Rhodes who sent the National Guard to the college. Nixon played no role in it.
If only our modern commie youth were treated the same.
>Sandra Scheuer and William Knox Schroeder, had been walking from one class to the next at the time of their deaths
yes they deserved it
Maybe I've been on Sup Forums too long, but that photo screams false flag.
It looks way too staged.
>implying that the liberal faggots didn't deserve it
I had the displeasure of speaking with a cuck that was there, his constant whining about it made me want to stomp on his throat.
lol you fucking idiot
does it bother you that you don't believe in the right of due process and trial by jury anymore, or are you an unrepentant fascist now?
Yeah and i'm not sad a bunch of commies died
wtf i hate Nixon now
Tfw I went to Kent state for three years.
Tfw I lived in the building RIGHT NEXT to where it happened.
Tfw I met several dumb niggers who had never heard of the shootings.
Tfw I hate posting from my phone.
Are you claiming he told them to fire upon them?
There is nothing wrong with fascism against leftism.
To college kids? No chance.
To BLM? Well...
>Detroit in 2017
This guy has it right:
I don't consider anything that happens to be leftists to be a problem. Louisiana floods? Happened in libshit New Orleans so I don't give a fuck. Global warming raising sea levels? As long as it drowns Seattle and SF it can't come fast enough.
He is celebrating that guy on the grounds victory.