next season of Riverdale is coming up. how hyped are you for it, Sup Forums?
I still don't know what the show is about. Betty is cute though I guess.
>Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio
>53.3% black population
You think she's been culturally enriched yet?
giv britney gf
why is this whole family so fucking crazy?
From what I heard, it's going in a darker direction. It should be doing the exact opposite.
>From what I heard, it's going in a darker direction.
Great, more forced diversity.
>only ugly girls
teenage angst is what sells these days user
well memed
>more Betty going full blown white supremacist
How is that a bad thing?
Hyped for more sexy time, story can go fuck itself.
the dad was in scary movie, the rich asshole kid
got some bad news for you bro
I assume that in your perfect world girls have a penis?
Post more of that chunky mexican slut.
Do you guys think they'll hire her for Brittany Murphy biopic?
>muh dead waifu
Do you think you can be even more of a pathetic obsessive loser?
>not mexican_bate.png
is she a jew?
her last name is reinhart, it doesn't get more german than that
yeah its not like Jews try to change their name before becoming actors
>arm tattoo
no thank you, I don't like prostitutes
No, she's Christian.
filthy mexican whore!
Why would they ever make a Brittany Murphy biopic?
she's said somewhere that she has German ancestry
the arrow is some kind of mental health recovery symbol since she's overcome depression
sister cast as her cousin when?
What tattoo do you get when you're still depressed? Asking for a friend.
>more Cooper incest shenanigans
Yes please.
a prolapsed anus, usually placed in your forehead
>What tattoo do you get when you're still depressed? Asking for a friend.
Rope around your neck
you don't, the tattoo is a reward and a permanent reminder to not go down that spiral again
That's actually meaningful for a tattoo, rarely see that nowadays
>blonde 22yo and gorgeous
america pls
Superior waifu coming through...
>Kristen Schaal in blackface.jpg
Depression can be genetically predisposed, you don't have to be an uggo to get it.
shut up faggot
Top Aryan
She's probably mixed.
provide me with cute black gf please
now this is a meme i can get behind
Have any of you ever read Lili's poetry? It's pretty endearingly bad - she has a few couplets on her Tumblr. It reads like she's a fan of William Carlos Williams, but can't resist being a teenager.
Samefag cringe kys
She looks hideous
I always end up crying at these local cafés.
What once was beautiful, is now a somber day.
i'm sure she lived in the suburbs.
i couldn't imagine living in a city with that many blacks though. i hate inner city blacks so much that i actually spent time researching cities and states with the lowest percentage of black people so that i can hopefully move there one day.
sorry my cat ran over my keyboard and fucked up the reply number.
i was replying to this:
she thankfully stopped posting it because the autistic tumblr shippers interpreted way too much into her "poetry"
Better than my poetry
>I tried to fart
>Poop came out
>user, 2016
>Cole got cucked
To kek
>It reads like she's a fan of William Carlos Williams, but can't resist being a teenager.
She's 20, the second youngest in the cast right after KJ Apa.
Already? That's gotta be some kind of record
>she left with that guy
twinks btfo eternally
waid a minude...
retard frog is already an outdated maymay, get with the times gramps
It was some fan taking pics with her, the fan started rubbing her back and Cole waved the bouncer to get rid off the guy.
Fucking meme art user is the best
and then cole and reinhart fought, so lili left with her new man
There's a video of Cole and Lili kissing afterwards, cuck.
This show feels so weird if you've read the comics. Jughead's dad being a biker gang-member is the most jarring change.
kissing goodbye
>former shut-in with problems with anxiety and depression
Cleveland is a shithole but I honestly doubt it
She looks like Brittany Murphy.
Is it possible to fall in love with an actress?
Incest. Lots and lots of incest
Sarah Gadon is still the superior Aryan
>ywn rub her skin infront of Cole
Are you asking this rhetorically? Have you ever been on Sup Forums? Falling in love with actresses is kind of our thing.
Not since 2011
Because they are a really white family in a tv show produced by jews.
>reading Archie's comics
What are you? A 12 years old girl in the 80s?
>he didn't read archie comics as a kid
One question:
Why is everybody friends with Cheryl? One day, she's the queen toxic bitch, next she's the bestest friend you could ever have.
Fuck Alice and Mr Cooper.
>Muh Polly
>Muh hate for Jason
>Muh blood feud with the Blossom family over a suspected murder from over a hundred years ago that entitles us to syrup money and makes us hate a family who weren't even born when it allegedly happened.
You ended up successful, anyway, what's the deal? Jesus, I thought I could hold grudges.
I think the writers confuse "doing a bad thing and then doing a good thing" with being a well rounded character
>Why is everybody friends with Cheryl? One day, she's the queen toxic bitch, next she's the bestest friend you could ever have.
Her and Ronnie are frenemeies. Betty is just a nice person and cares for the well being of others just look how she called Cheryl right away to leave her house when they found out who killed Jason.
>tfw you have a dream of Lili gf and then you wake up and you'll never get it back
you need to get into lucid dreaming, you can live out pretty much all your fantasies through that
How can I do that?
I already do that tho
Why the fuck would anyone want someone other than Cole he's a 10/10 qt3:14 great personality too