So, uh, why do YOU hate Israel, user?
Israel thread
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Tel Aviv
לא חוכמה, אתה יודע את האמת
I don't.
I would actually really love to visit it.
jews & sand niggers
materialistics twats
Israel is the human body not a land you got it entirely wrong
I dont
It's bad for the Jews.
Zionism is to Jews what feminism is to women.
because they're a bunch of NAZIS!
I said HATE, leafie
I don't.
It's that non-existent Palestinian State that I hate.
no man, that's marxism
like literal marxism, feminism and post-zionist globalist anti-nationalism are always banded and supported together by the same people
Because it's full of Jews.
would you rather all those jews still lived in your town then?
almost seems like I've been blessed by Kek to boot
Should have conquered a bigger portion of the middle east, civilised it and eliminated all opposition. This would have been the peaceful solution.
Instead we have aan annoying arab-israeli conflict which makes everyone butthurt
I don't think israelis are really as butthurt as you might think
arabs are far more pronounced in that regard
If i go over there as a non religious person will alll the super rabbis spit on me and try to card skim my visa?
I want to visit
I don't hate you.
I hate that my country gives a shitload of our money to you though.
They still live in mine. You got Israel for a reason, take these cunts back.
Smoked weed with some isrealis I met the other day
Pretty chill dudes desu
They're kikes
Israel is a death trap for the Jews. They're accumulating more and more, making them easier to exterminate. You could nuke Israel and wipe out 50 percent of the global Jewish population tonight.
שלום. מה שלומך?
אני קר ורעב.
Why couldn't you guys invent your own nukes? You had to steal our bomb parts with spies?? why?
While I think their annoying, I do think it's cool how they fight off all these attacks from Muslims. It's like their backs are to the water, Moses ain't around to split the water so they have to shoot the motherfuckers with a tavor. Still, I'm tired of your tricks.
>So, uh, why do YOU hate Israel, user?
Israel is a racist state.
Israel was Hitler's end goal for that reason
The "defeat" at WWII was all planned so the next generations could just nuke a whole country full of kikes
I don't care about israel, one way or another its existence doesn't matter to me.
come home white man
Imagine, if you will, that aid was reversed, and every Israeli citizen gave $8,000 USD to US Citizens every year. Then the US Citizens would enjoy the support of Israel, for financing all kinds of expensive pursuits, while Israeli citizens my wonder why the fuck they are giving $8,000 of each of their own money every year to the USA which by all accounts is rich. Throw in that the USA thinks all other races/countries are below them and despite massive Israeli aid, doesn't give a shit what Israel thinks and is hostile to her leaders, and you might see why the average US citizen feels the way they do. I don't expect many Israelis would be capable of imagining the tables turned, it's too absurd to consider and would threaten their very reason for existence.
Daisuki dayo, senpai.
50% is nothing though because they make up the rules as they go along, it's Jewish law. What constitutes as a Jew one day doesn't the next because they meme their way along. It's not even like you can take out the head Jew and that solves everything because they could accumulate again from a single spore.
אין לי בית.
האם אתה מדבר עברית?
dude we didn't get any nuclear tech from you
We bought a reactor from France during the 50's
I don't. I love Israel, and am a noahide. Boom
למה אין לך בית ויש לך אינטרנט
No man, not at all. I like Israel.
But I got do admit, jews as an global historic influence are almost not talked openly. This I do not agree. I would love to visit Israel, one of the places I want to spend some years before I die.
ship them over, we need every jew we can get
Israel is cancer so yeah fuck them.
>dude we didn't get any nuclear tech from you
Declassified FBI and CIA Docs Confirm Israel Stole U.S. Uranium to Build Nukes in 1950's
הבית שלי מלא אנשים שחורים. אני עצוב
ill give you my opinion even tho im not a goy
people hate jews because its the perfect answer to everything.
it explains the europes immigration problem
it explains the oil prices
it explains the wars
it explains everything. why blame your mother and sister that voted for dindus and sandniggers and ruined your country than blame a bunch of jews on the internet, its much more convenient and gives you a feeling you did good by fighting subversion
oh, well then
sorry I guess?
You don't recognize Kosovo and you remove kebab so you are our friend.
I plan to be living there by the time I'm 35... Looking forward to it.
But I also feel bad for all the Palestine population for being treated like garbage and shit. Not to mention the African immigrants being treated like shit too. Not even the nazis were so bad to other kin like what I saw on youtube, damn.
But I would just shut my trap mouth, and watch the beautiful historic country, and remember that the almighty Jesus went himself.
מולדת, לא בית. סליחה
Arabs are treated way too nicely for what they are
למה אתה יודע עברית
They blood test you to make sure you're Jewish. Not any old goy is allowed to live there.
>sorry I guess?
You have a lot to apologize for, kike.
Israel Won't Stop Spying on the U.S.
NSA Shares Raw Intelligence Including Americans' Data with Israel
Day of Infamy: The Attack on the U.S.S. Liberty
Israel Accused of Selling U.S. Secrets to China
No man, you cannot believe that your people are persecuted for the entire recorded human history just because they are LOSERS and wants to blame someone.
Come on, being a real nigga from the jungle now. You know this makes no sense.
Why would the world conspire to chase you in every century and in every corner of the world? Just because it's easy to blame the jews?
There is more to that. I came to believe that the Talmud was a cultural force that made the Jew to see himself as superior than the native populations were he resided.
I believe the Talmud and maybe the culture of hatred for the goyim is what got the jew in trouble. But I need to read far more before getting substantial in my beliefs.
I don't hate the jews tho.
Israel is a powerful and influential country, you guys got it good, and you know it!
I wish right-wing national jews would just exterminate the vermin and set an example already.
יומכם מגיע יהודים.
Well, sucks to be "any old goy".
It's best to get a degree in science, and convert if you are goy..
I don't and on a side note i hate krauts because they're fucking degenerate.
I don't hate Israel, but I do hate some Jews who happen to be fucking up most of westernized civilization.
?יש לך אקדח
well, I must admit I'm sorry about the liberty, that seriously was a fucking dumbass error
but spying is something that you do on us all the time, hell you even employ diplomats directly to do it, not just security agents
אני לומדת עברית עם דואולינגו
Did the mother and sister arrive at that belief system on their own, or were they bombarded with that messaging in school and media, to the militant exclusion of other views?
I wonder how many Israeli posters are qt Jewess's?
>but spying is something that you do on us all the time, hell you even employ diplomats directly to do it, not just security agents
Admitted Spy Shows Up for Oscars - and Wins
Boston Bombing will Boost U.S. Support for Israel, Says Netanyahu Aide
Eighty-Five Year Old Israeli Spy Spared Prison for Sending Israel Secrets
FBI Says Israel a Major Player in Industrial Espionage
Netanyahu Says 9/11 Terror Attacks Good for Israel
U.S. Secrets 'Used to Buy Freedom for Soviet Jews'
Snowden Asserts that NSA and Israel Collaborated to Launch Cyber Attacks on Iran's Uranium Facilities
Snowden Confirms NSA Created Stuxnet with Israeli Aid
Two Secretive Israeli Companies Reportedly Bugged the U.S. Telecommunications Grid for the NSA
Israeli Historian – "Most European Capitals are Targets for Our Air Force"
Samson Option: Israel's Plan to Prevent Mass Destruction Attacks
>Why would the world conspire to chase you in every century and in every corner of the world?
well it might be true. but i also know that hilter coined terms like "communist jew" or "cultiral marxism" and printed thousands of propoganda pages around the world.
so yes, in some places jew are at fault. but hitler propaganda is now considered a thing in alt right circles with their mspaint infographics that they found on geocities style website
לא, אני תשע עשרה. האמא והאבא שלי יש אקדחים.
I don't. Live and let live. Israel is not doing anything, jews who are against Israel.
Not all jews are my enemy, but all my enemies are jews.
Nice Hitler dubs.
I don't hate Israel, but I'm also Jewish so maybe that has something to do with it. Wish we'd stop sending you money, but you guys are great at removing kebab- which I respect.
From what I've seen on this board most people here don't have much of a problem with Israeli Jews, and some even like you guys.
It's the fucking faggot American Jews like myself that are the problem.
אל תתעסקו עם המוסד
חתיכת הומו
why are you in every single israel related thread.
and better yet, why are in africa wasting your time defending jews online.
if israel means to you so much then bring your ass over here
Just so you know, this previous dude is not me. There are two za posters in the thread.
I only post when people are speaking Hebrew
Same. Although I wish you guys used the Burning Bush as your flag instead. What were you thinking? Oh well. Its prophecy that you will eventually call for the return of the Messiah. You're fast on the way to becoming Christian.
I don't have to explain to you that long before Hitler, anti semitism was very real and deadly too, because you surely know that better than me, man.
You forgot the worst after USS Liberty, David Greenglass giving nuclear secrets to the URSS
Duolingo. It's a language app thingy
How hard is Hebrew to learn? I'd love to learn it.
I don't, the only thing I hate about Israel is that there are still jews outside of it
I am there for many months of the year at a time.
There are many of us.
>why are you in every single israel related thread.
That yid is using megaphone to alert him to any thread on Sup Forums that discusses Israel, the Jews or the Holocaust.
Megaphone Desktop Tool
Israel from the bible was a lie. It was a war zone. Now a war zone restored. If you look at history. Real history. lets says russia has a thing for nucleic acid. The hebrews were 12 groups of people tried by 12 judges. They however never fully accepted Pontius Pilate as their twelve judge. Because he fought the jews with the same mockery in the court. Thats the legendary 13th tribe. It was not a religion. If you ask a person today what was a jew. Theyd say they are keepers of the temple. If you go just 20 years back a jew was those who judged jesus, the temple. However they did not accept this because they had to be in good terms with Rome. Because rome worshipped stone (crystal, plaster, metal) and water (ice). They couldnt break through. And rome was very lenient with social laws. You could do anything you want just give caeser what was of his.
Now as for the history of what a modern jew was. The jews started off as a guild alongside the catholic churches. Where people started to learn about the ancient mysteries and the dead language. An appendage. Instead people started using the old testament reasoning. And started performing rites not pertaining to the catholic way. Most early jewish families especially during the 1100s-1500s found refuge in this guild because they were mixed. They did not satisfy the blood indoctrination for their corresponding kingdoms because of their travels. As they often mixed with the enemies of their state. And found refuge amongst arabs, berbers and turks because they were taught the culture of those regions at their education facility. Today they say judaism forbade animal sacrifices. Judaism was the religion of animal sacrifices. Now if i see animal sacrifices id say thats an authentic jew. Israel should not exist because its the mockery of religious belief itself. Even in the catholic and orthodox relgion they sacrifice a dove or some other animal depending on the rite.
So why exactly has literally every single European (and American now that I think about it) nation suffered a terrorist attack but Israel, in the epicenter of mudslum land hasn't suffered a single one? Care explaining that to me Sheckleberg?
Its an apartheid state
i don't care if anti-semitism is real or not. the more you are occupied in hating jews the more you are ruining it for simple people and also wasting oxygen with finger pointing on malaysian fisherman imageboard.
the probelm with all of those conspiracy theories is that they try their hardest to contain the entire jewish race into one big ball of wax and have every single jew take responsibility for world affairs.
this is why i don't take anti-Semites seriously
>You forgot the worst after USS Liberty, David Greenglass giving nuclear secrets to the URSS
Yeah....2000 character limit. Only so much treachery per post.
Not that dude, but it's definitely harder then romantic or germanic languages, but not nearly as hard as Japanese. That said, I'm not fluent but I could probably survive if I was stranded in Israel
Israel has had far more than the West, dumbass. Stabbings and rammings are like a daily occurrence
if i can prove i'm semitic, can i get israeli citizenship ? it's more on the sephardic side...
Oh dear....
Are you an oleh hadash?
Why haven't you gotten your free Israel trip yet? 10 days, flight paid for, hotel paid for, food paid for. Only requirement is you have to be a Jew.
I don't. Israel's nice, especially telaviv. Fine nightlife. Lots of smart people. Good clean fun.
>Stabbings and rammings
>somehow equivalent to a terrorist attack
Mostly cause of what jews here do. Not the most fair this I know but whatching you fucks take in immigrants after what is happening to Europe it would make me happy.
Second is jews are whiny as fuck the word anti-swmetism comes out so fast it's worthless.
Third is more of an annoyance but if you are going to absorb Palestine just do it. Like pulling off a bandaid. The little bit at a time shit is just pissing people off and turning the general public against you.
Well that gives me encouragement then. I need to learn it anyway.
Also all the spying the selling of our shit that one time you sank our ship. Honestly we should bomb you a lititle bit it's fair to those who died.