Why did he want orange slices?
Why did he want orange slices?
Everyone in the theater erupted into laughter and applause when he said that. It was kind of weird for me because the movie was my first MCU experience.
Orange slice provide a quick energy boost and are often used in team sports for kids.
Marvel capekino always has on point quips to break the tension of action and make the movie more enjoyable
>shakey-cam MTV editing
For the delicious taste
they are like sensu beans, everyone knows this
>Ameriquips thought this was a universal thing
china has orange chicken, there's some faggot in eurohistory named Prince Orange I know that
everyone knows what oranges are faggot
for me it's the mcchicken, the best after sport snack
>William I, Prince of Orange
>William the Silent
>William the Taciturn
>a faggot
watch it!
It's not about people knowing what is orange, for non merican him asking for orange slices was random out of nowhere wtf. Same as if he would ask for, idk, french fries.
IIRC, vitamin c increases the power of ants
Imagine eating a fucking watery, sugary slice of a fucking orange with your dirt covered hands during a soccer game break and then have dirt covered sticky hands after
What the FUCK is wrong with americans?
We used to eat oranges during footy training cause it apparently gets your e-numbers to extrapolate at a rapid rate. Idk the science behind it but performance was for sure went when.
grabbing something by the peel doesn't sound that hard
oh no not watery things after strenuous activity...
I played soccer for years. Nobody ever ate orange slices. Must be a liberal gated community thing.
Orange slices help with lightheadedness. He said last time he went 'giant' he passed out. He must have had a giant headache, so he quipped about orange slices because Marlel.
Since when?
>calling the Father of the Fatherland a faggot
You best fucking check yourself cunt
Fruit is good for a come down. Maybe being giant man is like taking molly.
Sometimes I watch jap shows and they have these lemon + honey snacks during sports episodes
Jesus that was a horrible scene, I hope someone can post the webm with subtitles because the entire fucking thing was:
>*deadly superhumans shoot at eachother, beat the shit out of eachother*
>"HEY, we're still FRIENDS RIGHT?"
>"YUP, sorry to have to do this buddy!"
>*destroys millions of dollars of airport shit*
And then, the EPIC marvel quip as the character walks away!!
Bravo Disney!
It was universally enjoyed by non Autistic puss babies. You need to know more than memes to move about and understand the world.
well you call it kino in BSG, so why not here?
When you sport and soccer you run and sweat. Sweat is basically sodium and water but when you drink just regular distilled water your percentage of sodium in the blood goes down as pure water is added in and you become hyponatremic.
Gatorade is lemon lime flavored water with salt and potassium so that when you drink it instead of water you avoid depleting salt and exacerbating the problem.
Instead of paying for Gatorade some coaches found it was cheaper to slice up oranges and have the kids suck out the juice and thus replenish potassium and sodium to go with the water.
I'm not sure why he asks for them, but presumably its a nostalgia reference that millenial people love.
>made my own little personal survey after the movie came out. Just for fun
>asked irl (no going on the net to look it up) many people if they knew what it meant
>out of 46 people, no one knew
Maybe it's a cali thing? In NY no one I asked knew what it meant
You don't know what fun is, do you?
I have never called BSG kino, I don't know what BSG is. Pic related is kino, not muh political thriller
>eaten oranges all my life
>never once felt energized or replenished or anything like that
I'm convinced this is a real life version of a troll story
>old piece of shit means it's good
>all these ameritards not having orange slices at saturday sports
Oh wait I think I figured out the problem
It's solely an American thing though. Refering to your all - american (white) soccer mom that brings orange slices in a bag that you all eat after baseball practise as kids.
No one in my cinema got the reference since it's not a thing at all here.
Why do you make this thread everytime you get btfo DCuck? lmao
Ausfag here. Got orange slices.
One of my mates from New Zealand did too.
Could be a Rugby/Football thing exclusively
I'm Australian and we'd do it at every drinks and innings break in cricket or in the quarter breaks in footy
>never seen or even heard of battlestar galactica
>think you know enough to comment on what is and isn't kino
I played union with a french guy who did it too when he was a kid
William is a heathen usurper. James Stuart was the rightful heir.
la prise d'orange owns
should have stayed a republic if I'm honest
no its not
salt helps you from being dehydrated in short term
gatorade is just water sugar and salt
pure water is best for hydration in long term
Since...oranges and youth league sports teams became a common thing in America?
I grew up eating orange slices during baseball or football games. Really not that different from a gatorade
Imagine not being a germophobic pussy
>The amount of mental gymnastics amerifats have to perform to avoid drinking water
For the sole purpose of annoying the piss out of you
>he thinks Battlestar Galactica is kino
You poor poor thing