Have Conservatives Gone Full Retard?


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He's right, 9/11 was an inside job, remember?

No way, W kept us safe.

Then he must be saying that with the criteria that the Pulse shooting was also "not" a successful terrorist attack.

9/11 was Mossad

Based Giuliani is right

Jews did 9/11 you bluepilled cuck

redpilled af

>implying 9/11 wasn't an inside job

Not joking, no meta irony or fucking whatever right now. Is there seriously something wrong with him? He was stuttering really bad and screwed up multiple times in his speech. Even if you don't like Giuliani you have to admit he's usually a much better speaker than that.

I didn't watch his part.

> All this deflection

You really thought this was going to go better for you this year, didn't you.

You could have volunteered and phonebanked for Kasich or Paul, but no, you all sat on your asses and jerked off to the hype train like it was fucking E3.

When John Roberts looks like he's about to commit suicide in January as he swears in that harpy, remember that she got elected only because people like you don't do shit besides posting here.

> but when the RNC finally dies the Libertarian Dream can finally take over!!!

That would be possible if the RNC only existed at the Presidential level, or if Libertarians showed any interest in non-Presidential races.

Wake the fuck up kid; it won't matter how badly Hilldog shits the bed her first 48 months in office any more than it did for Dubbles, until the RNC can control its bowel problem you are going to be the party of governors and congressmen.

Didn't this guy refuse advice back in 1993 to get new radio handsets because the old models couldn't communicate properly inside buildings or some crap and it turned out that they did fail miserably in 2001

He's getting old, mate.

>subtle naming of the Jew

I thought there's no such thing as "Radical Islamic Terror"? So he's right

Kek speaks!

Giulls confirmed for based

9/11 Rudy Giuliani "Was Told" That the First Tower Was Going to Collapse.


Then he lies about it.


Whoever told him the tower would collapse are the perpetrators.

>After the Patriot Act was passed...
Civil liberties are nice, but the Act did keep us safe, until Obama started being irresponsible.

Giuliani is a crossdresser controlled by his minder Jewdy Nathan and 11 09 2001 was 1000% Juifs.

The Jews did 9/11 though, so he is technically right.

Because 9/11 was an Israeli operation

I thought he meant we didnt have domestic islamic terrorists before Obama. The guys who comitted 9/11 were not US citizens correct?

The Jews did 911 to start the "war on terror" (war on Muslim countries needed by the Jews for Greater Israel) to begin the "Greater Israel" project which will ultimately be home base for the communist World Government NWO to rule planet earth.


Greater Israel - The Jewish Plan for the Middle East, The Oded Yinon Plan

NWO: Communism by the Backdoor Part 11
Complete Documentary

The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

Top Illuminati (Jew) Grand Wizard: “We Control Islam and We'll Use It to Destroy the West.” (WW3)

nigger logic dissemination

Funny how libshits love ignoring 9/11 when they claim terrorism isn't a threat to America. You know, when they start counting lives lost starting from September 12, 2001?

Don't even like Trump or this dago bastard.

L'anniversaire comes. Dump.

first videos music is cringe af

it's only 2 min

>until the RNC can control its bowel problem

like the DNC bowel problem is any different

Was 9/11 actually radical Islam tho? I thought it was more secular politics.

Yes. He also moved the office of emergency management down by the wtc after the bombing, too.

That event was tradecraft'd.

You are the autist taking meme magic seriously

Did he just pop the 911 red pill?

He is right. 911 was no islamic attack. Saudi / Mossad joint operation.

this is some 9/11 mindfuckery. Some will say he statement is a "dog whistle" for "Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steal Beams."

just losing. it's what they do best.

You can't read. Was Pulse before Obama?

Also yeah he's gone senile as fuck.

Didn't he tell that Saudi prince retard who twitches all the time to take the 25mil check he gave and stick it up his ass?