Why did Sup Forums betray Rand Paul?
>Some idiot calls him a manlet
Why did Sup Forums betray Rand Paul?
Blindly following what's popular on Fox and cracking to peer pressure.
Sup Forums likes to believe they are rational, independent thinkers, but really they're the bernouts of conservatism.
He came up short.
Cucked manlet
Rand is not his father, he's not even a good cheap imitation. That's why people bailed. The man decided to drop any semblance of libertarian values to try and play the conservative game. This was the worst time ever to do that.
He's not as libertarian as Ron, but if you look at his beliefs compared to other Republicans and conservatives, he's still quite libertarian.
This purity test bullshit irritates me.
That's bullshit, the only libertarian thing he had going for him this election was audit the fed. Which while that's great, it's not good enough.
Plus libertarianism is bullshit because it fails to account for the idiocy of other nations.
He ran to the Establishment like Rubio and is no longer trusted. He is trying to rebuild his rep
He's the hero we deserve, but not the one we need right now.
I don't understand why trump supporters thought this was an argument when Trumps daughter was pumped with Jewish semen and he praised the fact
supports amnesty
Why did Ben Garrison betray him?
I can't honestly support a manlet
Its funny, Sup Forums can completely dismantle, inspect and critique every inch of Rand, Jeb, Carson etc with elegance, but struggle to appy this to Trump. Its almost like Sup Forums has self-personified Trump while struggling to self-reflect objectively from a third-person perspective, like is possible with other political figures.
Because it's funny. Failing any other motive, Sup Forums does whatever is funniest to do.
When did being 5'8 became manlet status?
173cm is literally the average male height in the US
You lanket supremacists are annoying
Why don't you realise "manlet" is a feminist made meme
agreed, A Manlet is an adult male who is 5'5" or below, or at least by American standards. some asians and some african and south american peoples are altogether shorter and the scale is changed for them
He's nothing like his father.
If Trump loses I think I may try to campaign for Paul in 2020
I'm 5'9 and rarely are other men shorter than me.
Well, I think Trump knew that Paul, being the tall glass of water he is, wouldn't lower himself to Trump's level. He just didn't think highly of Trump's antics. So Trump had to find a way to get up to his level. The highest form of battle is memetic warfare, so we got to work on belittling him. Didn't take long until people around here didn't think Paul was half the candidate his father was.
That's the long and the short of it.
There were candidates besides Rand and Donald. Rand's supporters tend to be into ideological purity, while Donald's are pragmatists. Rand's embrace of Israeli dominance of the US was a huge slap in the face to his supporters, who then went to other candidates. Donald's supporters just see him doing a business deal.
We dont deserve him.
No one betrayed him, he was smart enough to drop out early and secure his senate seat. There was no way populist Trump was going to lose to him. It's a shame we have to wait longer for the rEVOLution, but Trump isn't bad and Rand is more help in the Senate and not ruining his career by staying in.
I also want to point out that he hid his libertarian beliefs until the end. Instead of being open about them and standing out, he tried acting like the typical republican, until the end when he was failing. If he was himself the whole time, he would have done better.
does trump support amnesty?
does anyone other than trump not support it?
>That's the long and the short of it.
he doesn't have the nerve to force himself into a candidate worth supporting, only in a perfect government would he have the chance of being president
he wasn't the contempt vote. we're sending Trump to the elites for funzies.
If he was against zionism i wouldve stuck with him instead of Trump
He was just a trump that couldnt win though
Other way around.
He outed himself as both an establishment cuckservative and not having the balls to do what's going to be necessary to clean up the government.
He had his chance, he blew it.
Nothing wrong with amnesty you britcuck
1. The Paul family are a bunch of frauds who made millions of dollars selling snakeoil ebooks to paranoid low-income people
2. Libertarianism is a Jewish ideology promoted by Jews such as Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman.
3. The only reason libertarianism got a boost in the late 00's is because the Jews used the economic crisis as an excuse for the west to willingly give BILLIONS of dollars worth of tax dollars and publicly owned property to private corporations for nearly free. The libertarian Jews became very rich after the economic crisis and the general people ended up paying for it.
The only reason libertarianism is popular among young people is that they are easily manipulated.
>LOL, I'm SUCH a rebel! xD I know so much better than stupid adults :DDD I am a victim to the state! It is because of the GOBERMENT that I am a loser, not myself :DDD
Sup Forums was never libertarian
Sup Forums never had any principles
Sup Forums just likes memes and loves politicians who say stupid shit
hence why they like Trump
yep. breaking our laws means nothing. let's reward them.
He was a little bitch about having to go through a TSA checkpoint once when they didn't recognize him. Since then I can't not see him as a winy manlet. That said, I am a whiny bitch at those checkpoints so I got my precheck.
Bland Paul needs to improve in the winning department
>while Donald's are pragmatists
There's nothing pragmatic about supporting the most likely candidate to give Hillary the presidency.
Guys, he fought for liberty
>implication arrows
You dumb spic, what you do is 'inb4' then you follow up with an 'inb4 OP can't inb4'
of course there is, they vote overwhelmingly for teh dumbocraps, and it encourages others to come. it also screws over thoese who have done it the legal way, or who are on waiting lists. the illegals skip the line, why?
please do tell me why you think it's a good idea
surely you aren't in favor of dispossessing the Whites and making them a diminishing minority in their own countries until they eventually disappear? wouldn't that be geNOcide? how can anyone be in favor of that?
Cuz Sup Forums got a hard on for the wall. Cant really blame them.
>1. The Paul family are a bunch of frauds who made millions of dollars selling snakeoil ebooks to paranoid low-income people
>2. Libertarianism is a Jewish ideology promoted by Jews such as Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman.
Both of them said from early on that they were not religious. Consider Barry Goldwater.
>3. The only reason libertarianism got a boost in the late 00's is because the Jews used the economic crisis as an excuse for the west to willingly give BILLIONS of dollars worth of tax dollars and publicly owned property to private corporations for nearly free. The libertarian Jews became very rich after the economic crisis and the general people ended up paying for it.
That was over a decade ago, I've never ever seen anyone use this as an excuse.
>The only reason libertarianism is popular among young people is that they are easily manipulated.
It isn't popular among young people, and again that's unsubstantiated opinion
kill yourself
And that's a wrap!
>Libertarianism is a Jewish ideology promoted by Jews such as Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman.
these days it is, but I believe the jews infiltrated it and subverted it, just like they did with the churches, who were almost 100% anti-semitic in the early 1900s, and are now almost 100% zionist
america was libertardian from 1776 to 1933, the freeest people in the world
niggers mouth off nonsensical shit to anyone about anything
Trump's support of Israel is conditional on a "good deal". We know this. Israel knows this. And ((they)) know what they have now isn't anywhere near a "good deal" for the US. And Trump is someone who has demonstrated that he cannot be trusted to stand with the party line. No amount of handlers, bribes/donations, backroom deals, or pressure from loyal party members can guarantee that he does what ((they)) demand. This scares the fuck out of ((them)) and it shows. Which is why AIPAC and other Jewish shill groups are working overtime through both Dem and GOP agents to sabotage his campaign.
Trump and Rand would crush, if Rand would stop hating
What could Zionists possibly benefit from Libertarianism?
so instead you support hillary? or is it eco-gommie(((stein))) or open-boarders/pro-TTIP (((johnson)))?
His memes weren't powerful enough. Trump is destroying and remaking the GOP. Rand isn't strong enough on his own.
dumbass comment given all anti-establishment desire this season, the other candidates get buried like Romney, who the media savaged too
>said from early on that they were not religious
jew is a race, the religion is judaism
not that there can't be some based jews, just don't trust anything they say unless you can verify it
He was too weak.
He was and is also strongly for civil liberties which is kinda the big key
>Which is why AIPAC and other Jewish shill groups are working overtime through both Dem and GOP agents to sabotage his campaign.
if anything, this constant media hatred is redpilling a lot of people. what kind of mad republican endorses the opposing candidate? it's absolutely insane, kek. clearly not very republican. the emperor has no clothes
>rand paul
>pro tpp
There's your betray.
>people unironically shitting on him because "he's not his father", or "he's a manlet"
>"Trump will be a good president"
In the very first republican debate trump called him out to his face in front of millions of people and he shit his mouth and took it .
Trump is a goof ( better than Hillary ) but at least he has a back bone .
Yes but I'd consider every shortfall of the jews and zionists to be their religious devotion.
Rand and Friedman gained nothing but book deals and fame, they didn't get a wink from some sort of zionist overlord for furthering the libertarian cause, that's hogwash.
Because nationalism>libertarianism.
Because a good segment of Sup Forums, including myself, only supported Ron Paul to break the Neocon stranglehold on the GOP, and to at least get proper foreign policy and deal with the Federal Reserve.
Now that we have an actual, proper, nationalist running on a Buchananist platform, we have no need for lesser-of-two-evils libertarians.
Also, Rand's not his father. Compromising and moderation was fine, he did it on the wrong issues.
It's weird how so many famous people are child size.
The Pauls are never going to be relevant. Give it up. We need candidates like Pat Buchannan and Trump who push for nationalist policies, not open border liberals who like low taxes.
>Lowering the bar for minorities
That's called the bigotry of soft expectations. I require all men to be 6'+
I would have still voted for him but him attacking trump really backfired. He was going where we wanted politically he just never really had the traction
Rand wasn't open border, but I agree we need a Buchannan, a intellectual who is much harder to make a fool of.
The first debate he should of called out Trump MORE. Instead of a candidate with detailed solutions we have a retard who uses catch phrases to talk about how he is going to fix the country.
The only reason there are so many Trump "supporters" here is because no one wants Hilary. Same reason Sup Forums liked Romney and now don't give two shits about him
Furthermore, kek didn't choose rand to be his prophet, rand had no chance. If rand had somehow gotten the nom I would be literally voting clinton just to spite him and any of the retards who picked his sellout faux-lolbergtarian ass.
Cry about it more, niggers.
It's a new york/jersey thing/italian thing. I was dealing with a ny stock broker on the phone and I wasn't going along with his investment pitch and he tried to intimidate-impress me by saying how rich he was, car, house, boat, clothes, jewelry.. It's very jr high-esk to me but apparently the north east are that way into adult hood.
He endorsed trump, what more do you want
the jews/zionists don't benefit when a member of their tribe makes the tribe look not quite so evil?
>The first debate he should of called out Trump MORE. Instead of a candidate with detailed solutions we have a retard who uses catch phrases to talk about how he is going to fix the country.
So literally every candidate, then.
>Rand wasn't open border
he favored amnesty though
which would hand the dumbocraps another 30-45million voters, and ensure the reps never win again
people don't realize that if trump could thrash these guys, the entire media would have thrown them away long ago
It's sad how Sup Forums refuses to accept they fell for Trumps sensationalist trite
They're saying, 'hey fuck everything, vote this meme guy' and when he starts making headwind powered by this memery they say 'holy fuck we've done it we fucking knew it the whole time fuck yes'
Paul might have had a chance if he didn't drop out at the very first primary. Trump lost the first primary too, but he didn't quit.
Most of the Trumpcucks on here are just invaders from Reddit.
Hopefully they will all fuck off or kill themselves once Trump loses.
True Sup Forumsacks support Rand.
How does libertarianism make Zionism look less evil?
It's literally less government involvement, and freedom of choice among corporations
You're clinging to the straws here
>sensationalist trite
Trump has held the same views for 40 years.
Just because the parties change doesn't mean your core principles have.
I would have been a democrat 15 years ago too. with my exact same views.
Were not ready for rand paul. We have to sand blast off the gunk before we can put on a new coat of paint.
Trump is the sand blaster
I see what you did there
Who the fuck are you to care or judge nigger? You don't even have any guns. FUCK OFF AMERICA'S FULL
I'm not a democrat, but I believe Sup Forums made the wrong choice based on novelty
Nevertheless, he's there now. And I'd prefer him over anyother democrat and some few other Republicans.
>True Sup Forumsacks support Rand
No, they don't, you dumb nigger.
we didn't betray him we simply knew he didn't stand a chance so we chose the lesser evil.
If we thought for even a second he had a chance we would've backed him all the way.
Trump is literally just a snake oil salesman
He sold them "the wall" idea and now they're stuck with the most un-electible candidate in the last 130 years.
Go prep the emu, faggot.
more memes, is that all you idiots are capable of?
the irony of spastics like you ruing the future of western civilization, lmao
Interesting thought . I like it .
I suppose we just have to be cautious he doesn't damage the undercoat .
because it shows(or appears to show) that not all jews are down with the cabal
if some jews aren't evil, then we suddenly go from ALL jews are evil, to an unknown % of jews are evil. itcould well be a smokescreen
How new are you...?
Memes are literally the thing Sup Forums does best on this entire fucking planet.
I don't think we made the wrong choice
every day I become more and more confident we made the right choice. People are saying "oh, all he has to do is sit back" no, that's the republican losing strategy. That hasn't worked. Why won't they get over that?
Many 'cosnervatives' don't support him, but in all honesty, if it's a principle for them to conserve nothing and lose the country, then who would be a conservative?
I think we made the right choice for the sole reason that any other candidate would have been 360 no scoped by the media. But Trump early on made it clear that you can't trust them, and they are doing his work for him now (aside form the fact that he just did 4 campaign events only yesterday)
As far as him being a plant goes, impossible. If he were a plant, he would have already stopped doing anything, then he would have stepped down.
Also, if he were a plant, why would he need to lose anyway? If he were a plant he could win and just do what Hillary would have done.
and theres something you haven't realized
>there's something inherently American about Trump. The fact that he may not be the most kosher, he may not speak the most steady, he may not say the exact correct thing. We took a chance on him. But we took a chance on a plucky rebel, knowing it was our last chance. A long shot, but the only shot we had
That's the psychology here.
The border fence is already a thing, its just underfunded and under-built despite being part of the budget.
Normies are really fucking stupid they need simple ideas to grasp with their little minds. Salesmen get elected. Principled people who talk too cautiously don't get elected.
>itcould well be a smokescreen
yes you could literally apply either that logic or the very opposite to anybody who isn't avidly anti-semitic
give up, it's old and boring.