To anyone considering emigrating to Brazil.
>>>>>> Don't
To anyone considering emigrating to Brazil.
>>>>>> Don't
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I keked
>Implying anyone wants to live in your crime ridden, disease infest, nigger paradise shit hole
Retarded nigger tier pasta
>mfw you get 100 b8 responses
please I'll live in the favelas and do the work no one wants to do
Feel them Tony Bombony based faggot ASMR little babies
peru is 100 times better than your bullshit country, if you can call it that, it's a failed banana republic
>moving INTO brazil
>poor as fuck
>more corrupt than america
>voilent mexi-niggers
Don't delude yourself. At least our corrupt governent is nice enough to secure us piles of consumeristic trash to keep us docile. you guys won't last much longer until you burn the whole place down over buses or something. Check em.
Brazil hasn't been here for 2 weeks now that the Olympics has turned into the 3rd world culster fuck everyone knew it would be.
Not even a major happening to entertain, just general niggerdom and shit all around.
What does your country think of this idea? Here in burger town they call us racist bigots. I wish MERICA still had balls.
>a Brazilian on Sup Forums knows who that faggot is
What a time to be alive
forgot the link
Not sure if bait or autism
Considering I'm on Sup Forums I'll go with autism
The people considering immigrating to your country have no access to the internet so, who are you even talking to?
What the fuck?
The only reason to anyone on Sup Forums not to come to Brazil is no matter how shit your country is, our is even worse. Unless you live in some kind of commie shithole like Venezuela or something like that.
>anyone considering emigrating to Brazil
You're joking right?
>OP's girlfriend came to America to study
>right now she's learning how to take a dick
fun fact: I fucked a Brazilian au pair three weeks ago
bump americans need to get the message
>To anyone considering emigrating to Brazil.
>emigrating to Brazil
Why would I want to move to Brazil when America is going to become Brazil in my life time?
Our women are almost like the american women, they are fucking degenerates that keep shitting disgusting babies
Because most of our country is empty, has no fkn people on it. And because we got 1000 towns with no crimes/murders while I don't think you have any.
>11. We are either protestant or non-religious, if you are not, you will never be hired or promoted.
What happened to catholicism ?
>willingly move to brazil
>not a shitpost
>australian proxy poster
>i can sense it
This has nothing to do with Sup Forums
>now that the Olympics has turned into the 3rd world culster fuck
in what way, exactly? Seems fine to me
But yes you are right it will happen.
In fact I should have elaborated that part better but it's better if you are protestant/masonic because catholics are usually poor good doer fags that got corrupted by francis cuckoldry, they used to be based.
>Our women are almost like the american women, they are fucking degenerates that keep shitting disgusting babies
Don't be so bitter and delusional. The women standing at our sides hold up half the sky, huebro.
Except the Brazilian girls; they're all on their knees.
No, your women are even more whorish and you don't even know it, probably because the only one who fucks your women is Jamal and Jarinu
Are you stealing an Olympians wifi now to post this shit?
Can I /shart/ in Brazil?
0. It's full of brazilians.
what about australia brazil bro?
Australians are fine, I would fight side by side with you to restore Britain's domination of America.
wew, thanks user, really dodged a bullet there.
Guess I'll be staying in Canada after all.
>To anyone considering emigrating to Canada, don't.
>anyone considering emigrating to Brazil.
you lost me, Pedro
immigrating to a country with open sewage running down their streets and full of filthy fucking brazillians. lol nope
t. aussie immigrant
If I wanted to go to a zoo I'd go to america instead, at least they have jobs.
I don't know where you got the idea that literally anyone wanted emigrate to your third world crime riddled shithole of a country
>We are either protestant or non-religious, if you are not, you will never be hired or promoted.
>The 2010 census indicates that under 65% of Brazilians consider themselves Catholic, down from 90% in 1970, leading Cardinal Cláudio Hummes to comment, "We wonder with anxiety: how long will Brazil remain a Catholic country?"[
Your shit does not add up.
That is our nazi government fooling you with propaganda. They gather a lot of thugs from other places to make it look like a shithole, we do not have crime here nor any spics.
Nobody goes to churches and most of the catholic churches are commie infected. Not even kidding.
yer its become a thing here who knows why
Because you're a damn apes probably
Yes probably because the 'apes', right we have 'apes' ok. That just a meme Ivan.
bump for americans to understand
Since when have monkeys been able to use Sup Forums??
Hello little monkey! Do you want a banana?
well my brother and friends have been helping the white flight in London, he's claiming for right there right now, it is so fucking fun
rights* I mean
>Because most of our country is empty, has no fkn people on it. And because we got 1000 towns with no crimes/murders while I don't think you have any.
>only 1000 towns with low crime rates
You seem to be under the very mistaken impression that anyone would want to move to Brazil.
>women holding anything besides chads dick
sounds like russia. you would be based if you didn't have so many niggers brazil.