Why do black people seem to reluctant to vote for Trump? How can Trump win the African-American vote?
Why do black people seem to reluctant to vote for Trump? How can Trump win the African-American vote?
Thankfully they'll all be too busy doing crimes to go and vote.
I saw a based looking black dude walking around my high school with a Trump shirt on.
>13% of the population is nignogs
>a fraction of that percent will even vote
If it ain't black, they're taking their vote back
These stupid fucking morons don't even realize they're first on the chopping block in terms of the negative effects of immigration and outsourcing
It's a lost cause
Maybe half of all niggers are of voting age. And of those, half are in prison or felons so they can't vote. And the tiny fraction that is left over is too niggerly lazy to go to the polls.
blacks vote at the same rate as whites do
recommend you go back and finish high school
it might have to do with trump being a racist and a reactionary grampy who probably can't ejaculate anymore because his wife looks like Steve Tyler
He really can't. He just has to rely on them not going out to vote.
I wonder why 2008 and 2012 saw sharp jumps
Ahahahahahahha summed up nicely friend
>Trump: I'll get jobs for you
>Hillary: I'll give you more welfare
not hard to see why senpai
>sharp jumps
Holy fuck, you're retarded. It had been going up at a consistent rate. It's right there. How... What the fuck... Are you brain damaged?
Never heard of Gibs?
it's not solely attributable to the fact that barack obama was the first black nominee for president
if you look and see, blacks actually voted at a higher rate in 2012 than they did in 2008- but it's not like obama got blacker
in general, black voter participation has improved due to better information in the community, and better community organization
I would never vote for a racist white mother fucker, I would fuck Trump's bitch and daughter though
Promise them free shit. I mean, we can all agree that this is the end of this country right?
bill clinton is a hero to niggers. they used to call HIM the first black president. probably because he gets away with so many crimes. so as far they're concerned billary 2.0 is where it's at. trump has no chance with them, and neither would anyone else. they are firmly in the bag for hillary.
He can't and there's no point in trying.
They think he's racist
Nothing will change their mind. If he panders, he'll be ripped apart
>Muh Hot Sauce
And this is it folks
Trump will get the working black vote
all 1% of it according to the poll
>How can Trump win the African-American vote?
Promise that single moms on welfare with children, will not lose benefits if they marry and have a man in the house.
One side benefit is black teens will have a man in the house to provide more stability. We can always hope.
For all the talk about blacks and 'creativity' and 'individuality' they are incredibly self-policing about what 'they' should like and how to enjoy it.
Blacks call each other out for not being a 'true' black. They use insults like Uncle Tom and House Nigger for anyone that doesn't follow the trends.
They further suffer a generally lower IQ and also will trust usually trust the word of blacks over an 'outsider', so they are horribly prone to misinformation.
I live near Section 8 housing and listening to the blacks on the street corner talk politics as I walk to work is very strange. They say bizarre shit like "We gotta get dat Clinton or Trump gonna take away the EBT." They only "know" these things because another black told them.
Trump could never win the black vote. The entire has made the black community even more closed and allows them to live in an ecosystem of misinfo and shuck-and-jive BLM types that further keep them in the Democratic stupor.
Generally, you'll find that blacks think of wealth as a zero sum game and that white people need to give up wealth in order for them to gain, a la that wonderful Milwaukee video interview making the rounds.
Don't forget all those phones and cash and free shit. Fucking democrats have to literally pay people to turn up to ANYTHING.
>"why can't the right wing candidate win black votes"
>"haha nigs will be too busy stealing to vote!11!"
consider that you may be part of the problem
*internet, not entire
trump said something that sounded mean about brown people (illegal mexicans) and then the media said trump was racist. then black people hated trump
Fun fact. People who currently have a felon are prohibited from voting while they are serving their jail time / parole time. So half of these dindus won't even be able to vote.
Will never work. Black women very much value black men for dating/relationships but black men are in short supply and feel zero need to settle if they have any real value in the SMV scale.
Niggers think their future resides in their pocket at that specific moment. They can not think past whether they have money or drugs or pussy in their hands. Goddamnit I despise them.
He's offered their community nothing, other than "DURR MORE LAW ENFORCEMENT", which comes across as antagonistic than anything else.
What reasons do they have to vote for him?
>2008 election
Judging by the fact that they would not even vote for Bernie, those faggots are beyond hope.
Invade nigger homes, make them vote for Trump like in the old days.
Do they really teach voter turnout rates at American high school?
wtf America?
oh ya and black people think they are being mistreated by police
Yea, Fuck law and order and the successful communities it creates. Here's another handout, Nigger. Try not to smoke it all in one place.
>having teeth
deutscheland uber alles
Great response. Get into that housing and correct the record on Trump, explain to them what Barkley said about always voting Dem and remaining poor. If they incentivize Repubs, Repubs will move to keep their vote.
But alas I know you can't because you're an outsider to them.
>If they incentivize Repubs, Repubs will move to keep their vote.
God you are stupid
He can't. Niggers gunna nig.
actually after reading the comments, i agree.
Nobody wanted Romney. He lost because so many republicans stayed home.
> Why do Americans seem reluctant to cut calories.
- Habit
- Marketing
- Self righteousness masking simple gratification (But bacons good for me!!)
Toying with ones basic psychology, like appeals to ego and ethnic narcissism (If Clinton wins we will be the focus of attention, a couple of people already in decent positions to do so out of the 30,000,000 of us will be in positions of respect! Everyone is going to get a platinum album and/or be a hipster in a penthouse studio!)
Do you really think those rioting in Milwaukee are going to be the ones getting on that team of programmers for the new battlefield game? ...nope. Sure helps to stroke the ego though.
And the Dems have sold it that Trump getting in will be an ego hit while Clinton will be the reverse.
Trump is the embodiment of a slick car salesman. But your whole democracy is a con-job abusing psychological tricks And African Americans like fatties and anorexics and people with small dicks and people who are single and lonely are "vulnerable" (easy marks)
I think the turnout will be drastically different than anything we have ever seen. I think blacks will be lower that 2008 and white turnout will skyrocket.
Well, at least you know how many you'll save when the day of the rope comes.
It's fruitless to try. I'm a lawyer now, but worked with ghetto blacks at a hotel, they had some intellectual curiosity about world events but were shockingly ill informed.
To them, white people make the world go 'round, but also are supervillains. It's a very bitter resentment and a begrudging respect at the same time.
When we talked about slavery, they were absolutely floored that it was a worldwide practice and were it not for the fact I was 'in' with them, they would not have believed that blacks had any part of the slave trade. It wasn't what they had been taught and very difficult to reconcile.
Most people will resign themselves to the beautiful lie rather than the ugly truth, and blacks are, in my opinion, the most vulnerable to this.
Repubs have been courting diversity for a good bit (hence Trump being an angry voter response to that), but if they got a black vote sniff, they'd at least do a little more in the courting department
White turnout was also going up at a consistent rate before Obama.
New York?
Well, think about it. Most of them can't read so all information is passed on by word of mouth, and just about everything being repeated by the media and in songs by major (((industry))) owned artists regarding Trump is all lies. But it gets repeated over and over and then the confirmation bias settles down into a massively thick, unreasonable block of dindu.
If blacks are only 13% of the population, the you remove minors, those in prison and felons who can't vote, how much is left? It has to be like 5% of the population at best, right?