He basically had one act

He basically had one act.

Alex Jones is funnier and has a less cancerous fanbase

its hard to come up with new material when you're dead you stupid fucking asshole

He had about three. At least of the ones that were filmed.
The funny one from the late '80s with "Sane Man".
The preachy, political one from the early '90s with "Revelations".
And the arcing-back-toward-funny act he did right before his death in '93-94.

It's a shame Revelations is the only one anybody sees. It's dogshit.

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Rename your shit user

is there anything more cringe than talking about old dead meme comedians

He did the same material on sane man, relentless, and revelations.

Hicks criticized capitalism but I assumed would work for cash, correct? His edgy antics appealed to me at 19 years old, but I see how annoying he is now.

I wish I was dead Bill Hicks.
