Do you think governments have already made contact with extraterrestrial life?
Do you think governments have already made contact with extraterrestrial life?
That would be the perfect thing for them to finally enact their NWO plans.
That would be a liberals wet dream. It could disprove religion and instill a one world government all at the exact same moment.
uh yeah the tarksians are reptillian
No, they really have no reason to hide that from anyone. It doesn't make sense on any fucking level and anyone who thinks it does is an idiot.
>when you sort the catalog by creation date and realize how many failed threads leafposters try to make for (You)s.
You honestly didn't even define contact, and didn't offer links to USAF testimonies or the findings of Project Bluebook, both of which are easily available.
Highly unlikely but not outside the realm of impossible.
Hello, NSA
yeah kind of like xcom2
>disprove religion
Idk where you ignorant retards come up with this stuff. The Catholic Church has said they see no reason for aliens. Ot to exist, and would even baptize them if they asked.
I doubt it. But then again there is definitely Extraterrestrial life out there so we're bound to make contact with them sooner or later.
Our ex-Minister of Defense seems to think so:
No. While aliens probably exist, I don't think they have the super-advanced tech needed to come all the way here. They're probably around our level, at best.
Yes they are behind the veil in CERN's weapon of mass destruction. They have reported seeing entities. Aliens are most certainly inter-dimensional. That sort of thing is in the Bible.
No I am a fellow internet user like you.
ayy lmao
Just lmfao.
Like some extraterrestrial is going to want to be forcefully submerged under water by a species he's just discovered.
What makes anyone think they'd even find us worthy of existing and wouldn't completely annihilate us due to our incompetence as a species?
No. An advanced race wouldn't deal with that shit and would just land in the open.
>Xcom 2
Literally Sup Forums White Nationalist: the Game.
Complete with katanas and German qts
we'll have you hide in the basement and be fine
its much worse than that. they have free reign. speaking openly about their presence would validate what those who have been taken have been saying, even if they lied about their intentions. a conflict to justify the nwo would be suicide. we're on a farm. ignore the new agers with their space brothers shit.
In summary he says 4 species have been visiting us for thousands of years
Duh, Jews have been around for ages.
Implying Ayys aren't peaceful so they're useless to use as a "common enemy."
Govt has AYY Tech from Roswell and are hiding it to continue fossil fuel profit.
Lmao, they'd take one look at you and probably kill themselves.
I don't know, if they were capable of interstellar space travel, what would be the need of destroying us for earths resources? They would be able to create atoms with nuclear power from pure energy
the powers that be are literally aliens and alien-human hybrid paedos that feed on our life forces and worship satan/saturn
I've seen a couple UFOs here in north GA. One of them shot out a white beam. They were both bright blue. After the first sighting a white owl flew next to my car while looking inside directly at us. The experience was so weird that I would've thought I was hallucinating if my friends weren't with me. The way the owl flew sideways next to my car while I was driving 55 mph defied physics. Right after he flew away a second owl did the same thing a mile down the road..
>race is a social construct
Yea for sure mate I can dig it.
> 4 diffrent kinds of alien contacts
Are you off your meds user Lel XDDDD
Fuck this gay earth..
>implying they're OG ayys
>implying they aren't cray occult demon-tier manifestations misrepresented and obfuscated by the same intelligent, well-educated elite that inexplicably do autistic shit like worship owl effigies in the woods and mention occult shit in their private emails.
No, I think it is a psyop
Alien abductions are probably hallucinations induced by intel agents using drugs, voice to skull, radiofrequency tech, etc...
I do believe that the elites use black magic rituals and that this summons extradimensional beings or just opens up areas of the unconscious that have guided them to do the extremely evil things they do over centuries
US govt made a deal with Zeta Reticulans back in like the 60s my dudes. In exchange for technology, they can harvest human DNA. So those meme face Grey aliens with the eyes are Zetas. They don't really process emotion. Then there are the Draconian Reptilians(mostly malevolent, they are NWO guys), from Draco, the Pleiadians from the Pleiades, Arcturians, Andromedans, Yahyel, Essassani, etc etc, There are a ton. The good ones, which is most of them, are in an organization called the "Galactic Federation of Light".
They do not really talk with governments because they are corrupt.
I know a lot about this and I know it's far fetched but it's true. Aliens are real and most of them are just trying to "elevate the consciousness" of humans.
They do have a reason to hide it. Their obvious superiority undermines and challenges the government's authority, leading people to question why they obey human authority when a much greater one exists.
There's unironically something to this. It's telling af that /x/-tier motherfuckers like Crowley, autistic shit like clairvoyance, and psychics have been employed by, invested in, confided in, and trusted by governments for decades at a time before they get buried in bureaucracy.
There might not be anything there, sure, but between that and the odd obsession by a disproportionate amount of the elite in what is commonly-held to be delusional shit, there's questions that need to be answered.
Why do you think NASA cuts the iss feed whenever setting unexplained flies around and makes course corrections on screen
There's too much information out there for 100% of it to be bs. This many people putting their reputations on the line, all of them saying the same thing? There's more to all of this than we're being told.
This Video explains what we've been doing with alien tech and how it works; the guy in the video is the original area 51 whistleblower, seems pretty legit.
Sorry bro but greys are not life forms. They're biological vehicles that ET/ED beings upload their conciousness to and pilot around, like Avatar.
>land in the open
>advanced race
>be advanced, intelligent species
>find other species
>totally just reveal your existence to their entire species
Yeah. That's smart.....NOT. What kind of retard do you have to be to pretend there's ANY advantage to an entire species revealing itself to another entire species? Pretty retarded. There's no advantages. The best course of action would be to only reveal yourselves to the most elite and the highest rulers of that alien society, not all their peasants and low lives as well.
Because they only deal with the best and brightest and that's not any of us.
No. Although intelligent extraterrestrial life in all statistical liklihood exists, I don't think the UFO thing is ET. I think we are not alone on this planet. Back in the day they posed as gods and angels nowadays they want people to think they're aliens. They probably look just like we do. Although I don't think all of them so. Some sort of intelligent hominid sub-species that is not the same as ours. The jews might be distant cousins of theirs